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ApacheConf 4.1


ApacheConf 4.1

ApacheConf is the best shell (GUI) for configuring Apache web servers. ApacheConf represents all the information in the httpd.conf file in structured view. All of the server's directives are grouped by category (Global parameters, Main server's parameters, Directories, Virtual hosts, etc) and all these groups are represented as a tree. In this way, you can see the entire structure of the server at once and you can easily manage all of the server's directives as well as the directories and virtual hosts. ApacheConf is a complete Apache web server configuration GUI.

ApacheConf предназначена для конфигурации сервера Apache. ApacheConf представляет файл настройки httpd.conf в структурированном виде.
Теперь для настройки Apache не нужно править руками скучный файл httpd.conf. Для домашних экспериментов подойдет.

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