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Tools/Utilities Atomineer Pro for Visual Studio - All Here


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Atomineer Pro for Visual Studio
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Atomineer is an unrivaled extension for XML Documentation in the Visual Studio environment. If you are a .NET developer, you should definitely refer to the .NET Framework documentation, MSDN. Have you noticed that msdn is formed under a regular and regular format? List of methods? parameters? The names of the methods, classes and ... All links are automatically linked to each other. When you search for the name of a method in msdn, all its overloads are displayed. This structure arranges the result of the correct document code by XML Documentation. When you start the slash character at the beginning of a class or method three times (ie ///), a special form of comment is created that can enter the name of the method, the parameters of the input and output, the type of parameters, the exits, and so on.

If you have the opportunity to do all this, carefully and in accordance with Microsoft's instructions. You can later document your documents with msdn tools and share them with others. But since filling in these fields is time consuming, there are a number of different applications, such as Ghost Doc and Atomineer, that we are here to introduce an efficient Atomineer tool. This extension provides many features that minimize the amount of your comment.

The program cleverly understands your codes and completes the comments in accordance with those different parts. At the moment, you can see the final output of the document, which is very useful in learning as well as in determining the optimal output. Knowledge programming is based on order and principles, even in the writing of comments, we can also observe some points such as observing distances, indentations, and so on. We have some nice comments that do not show the code as a slut. The app's comments are very orderly and you're just filling out the necessary parts. It helps in naming, formatting, and coding standards, and dramatically increases the speed of docking, especially if you are coding the document and you are sensitive to principles and rules!

Atomineer Features:
  • Create xml documentation with different formats of Doxign, Keith, Java, and other popular templates
  • Static code analysis and change of code sections
  • Automating the bulk of the code comment process
  • Increasing legibility of comments with regular and beautiful templates
  • Ability to build comments on all the files of a project
  • Compatible with all the dotted languages in Visual Studio
  • Compatible with different versions of Visual Studio VS 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015
  • Copy to clipboard without breaking templates to copy to other programs like Word
  • And …
required system
  • VS 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015