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Cisco CCNP Certification Library (4 Book Box Set)



Cisco Press CCNP Self Study Certification Library Third Edition

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Review and practice for the CCNP exams with official Cisco Certification Guides Coverage of all four CCNP exams enables you to identify and fill your knowledge gaps before the exam date.
CCNP Routing Exam Certification Guide coverage includes: managing scalable network growth, IP addressing, IP routing, OSPF, EIGRP, implementing and tuning BGP, and controlling routing updates. CCNP Switching Exam Certification Guide coverage includes: campus network design, switch connectivity, defining common workgroups, trucking with ATM LANE, interVLAN routing, multilayer switching, HSRP, multicast networks, controlling access, and troubleshooting campus networks. CCNP Remote Access Exam Certification Guide coverage includes: assembling and cabling WAN components, configuring asynchronous connections with modems, configuring PPP and controlling network access, using ISDN and DDR, configuring Cisco 700 series routers, establishing X.25 connections, managing Frame Relay connections and network performance, scaling IP address with NAT and access control with AAA, and a VPN overview. CCNP Support Exam Certification Guide coverage includes: support resources, troubleshooting methods, identifying targets, Cisco troubleshooting tools, troubleshooting VLANs, and diagnosing and correcting campus TCP/IP, Novell networking, AppleTalk, Cisco Catalyst, Frame Relay, and ISDN BRI problems. Cisco CCNP Certification Library is a comprehensive review and practice package for the four Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) exams: Routing Exam, Switching Exam, Remote Access Exam, and Support Exam. The four books contained in this boxed set present complete reviews and ample opportunity to test your knowledge of CCNP exam topics. These officially endorsed Cisco CCNP study guides are written by CCIEs and Certified Cisco Systems Instructors, bringing years of teaching and consulting experience together in an ideal test preparation format. CCNP Routing Exam Certification Guide helps you evaluate your ability to build, manage, and optimize scalable, routed Cisco internetworks. CCNP Switching Exam Certification Guide helps you understand how to build campus networks using multilayer switching technologies and to manage campus network traffic. CCNP Remote Access Exam Certification Guide tests your ability to build remote access networks to interconnect central sites to branch offices and home offices, control access to the central site, and maximize bandwidth utilization over remote links. CCNP Support Exam Certification Guide examines your ability to diagnose, isolate, and correct network failures and performance problems. Each book?s companion CD-ROM has a robust, customizable test engine that allows you to take practice exams that mimic the real testing environment. You can take a full sample exam, focus on particular topic areas, randomize answers for reusability, track your progress, examine your strengths and weaknesses, and refer to electronic text to review concepts. Coverage of all four CCNP exams enables you to identify and fill your knowledge gaps before the exam date.

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