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Defense Commander


Defense Commander


Короче, вы управляете хорошо вооруженной турелью. Ваша цель - защитить свой город от вражеских летательных аппаратов. Прекрасная графика и геймплей !

This is an excellent 3D shoot-em-up. You control the gun turret to protect your city from incoming aircrafts. If you don't shoot down the attacking forces, then your city will be bombed and you cannot advance to the next level. There are 4 types of enemy planes such as gunships and bombers. Your gun turret has different weapons to use, which are all controlled by the mouse. Left-click for regular gun fire and right-click for launching a missile. You also have smart-bombs (middle mouse-key or spacebar) which will destroy all enemy ships at once. Don't forget to look on the radar to locate the enemies. If you manage to play 10 levels then you are top-notch shooter! Excellent graphics and gameplay.


Site: http://www.titaniumstudios.com/games/games.html

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