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Devexpress auto installer


i used devexpress autoinstaller v2.17 and delphi tokyo. I didn't install because there is message that This version of the product does not support command line compiling.

Delphi tokyo 10.2
Devexpress 17.2.4
Autoinstaller 2.17 and 2.19
Все пути прописаны в настройках Delphi и в переменных среды Windows? Установка от имени администратора запускается?
if RAD doesnt was "registered", then, your Delphi Compiler (DCC32.exe = 1,62 MB (1.700.208 bytes) or DCC64.exe = 2,34 MB (2.454.896 bytes) = RAD XE10.2.2) dont will compile
I solved the problem.
1- I added all path in delphi -options-library
2- I created delphi group package and install package step by step
3- and than install manually component package.

But very hardly for me..
thanks for your reply