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GetTubeVideo (скачивание видео)


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GetTubeVideo v3.31


GetTubeVideo – программа для скачивания видео с популярных видеосайтов...

GetTubeVideo allows you to download videos from YouTube and XTube like sites. All downloaded videos can be converted by GetTubeVideo to other video formats including 3GP, ASF, AVI, FLV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, OGG and WMV.

With GetTubeVideo, you don't need to play with unreliable download websites, crude FLV players, sophisticated file converters and so on. With one click of a button, your file is downloaded and converted to a format that is playable on your machine right away.

Run GetTubeVideo and copy the url of the video you want to download. Then just click on "Get Tube Video" button.

GetTubeVideo features:

* Download videos from YouTube and XTube kind sites
* Extract audio from YouTube kind videos
* Extract audio from any video file
* Convert any video file between all popular video formats (3GP, ASF, AVI, FLV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, OGG, WMV)
* Convert any audio file between all popular audio formats (MP3, WAV, WMA)
* Ability to setup width/height of encoding video

List of the most popular supported sites:

* youtube.com
* last.fm
* video.yahoo.com
* myspace.com
* metacafe.com
* dailymotion.com
* video.google.com
* hi5.com
* archive.org
* badjojo.com
* bangbros.com
* bebo.com
* blip.tv
* boysfood.com
* break.com
* broadcaster.com
* buzznet.com
* camelstyle.net
* crunchyroll.com
* dachix.com
* gametrailers.com
* gofish.com
* heaven666.org
* ifilm.com
* imeem.com
* kaktuz.com
* lifeout.com
* liveleak.com
* livevideo.com
* megarotic.com
* megavideo.com
* mtv.com
* multiply.com
* netlog.com
* peekvid.com
* perfspot.com
* photobucket.com
* pornotube.com
* redtube.com
* revver.com
* ringo.com
* rude.com
* sexyandfunny.com
* sexyclips.org
* sidereel.com
* smog.pl
* sports.espn.go.com
* tagged.com
* uncutvideo.aol.com
* xtube.com
* youporn.com
* yuvutu.com
* zedge.net

Домашняя страница / Official site:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Скачать / Download GetTubeVideo v3.31 (Размер / Size: 9930 KB):
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?