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Osprey Military Books. Part 7

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7th thread!!! Previous threads are:
1. Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
2. Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
3. Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
4. Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
5. Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
6. Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

1. Check the list before asking some book you want
2. During file-archiving use the file encryption, set a password and change the name in such a way to exclude the Osprey and so on.
3. Please, hide your links!

Because of fact, that link are not for long time (file-hosting admins are always here :( ) so just use the search (it is not correct sometimes but...) and only then you could ask about. We have a very responsive team.

This is a list of the books that did NOT appear yet in electronic form:

PS. Besides, here is a thread for military books, which have no any connection with Ospery (uniform, armour, warships, aircraft etc.).
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Missing Books List

Недавно появившиеся книги будут с соответствующей пометкой оставаться в списке примерно неделю.
Во избежание разночтений после номера постинга в скобках дается номер ветки форума – текущая имеет номер 7.
Эти книги анонсированы, но еще не вышли.
Для недавно найденых и висящих в осле дается номер постинга со ссылкой.

Those books are recently found. They will remain in the list for about a week.
Those books are "hanging" in emule.
Those books are announced but not yet published.
There are dates and numbers of #post (thread) with links after the titles of "Green" and "Orange" books. Current thread is 7.

I Серии, выпускаемые оспреем до сих пор. Current Series.

Aircraft of the Aces
073 - Early German Aces of World War I
076 - More BF 109 Aces Russian Front
077 - Albatros Aces Of WWII (2)
078 - SE 5/5A Aces
079 - Bristol F2 Fighter Aces of World War I
080 - American Spitfire Aces of World War 2

Aviation Elite
021 - Very Long Range P-51 Mustang Units of the Pacific War
022 - Jagdgeschwader 51 ‘Molders’
023 - 475th Fighter Group
025 - Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik-As'
026 - Jagdstaffel 2 Boelcke: Richhtofens Mentor

Battle Orders
007 - The US Marine Corps (2) Pacific Theater of Operations 1943-44
008 - The US Marine Corps (3) Pacific Theater of Operations 1944-45
013 - The British Army in the Far East 1941-45
017 - US Army Infantry Divisions 1942-43
021 - US Armored Units in the North African and Italian Campaigns 1942–45
022 - US Airborne Units in the Mediterranean Theater 1942–44
023 - Desert raiders: Axis and Allied Special Forces 1940–43
024 - US Army Infantry 1944–45
025 - US Airborne Divisions in the ETO 1944–45
026 - US Airborne Units in the Pacific Theater 1942–45
027 - The Roman Army of the Punic Wars 264–146 BC
028 - British 8th Army
029 - The British Army on the Western Front 1916
030 - Mobile Strike Forces in Vietnam 1966–70
031 - The Royal Navy 1793-1815
032 - Panzer Divisions. The Blitzkrieg Years 1939-40

133 - Seven Days Battles 1862. Lee’s defense of Richmond
135 - Monmouth Courthouse 1778. The last great battle in the north
144 - New York 1776. The Continentals’ first battles
171 - The Battle of the River Plate 1939
173 - Taranto 1940
176 - Philadelphia 1777. Taking the capital.
177 - Chateau Thierry & Belleau Wood 1918. America’s baptism of fire on the Marne
179 - Sherman's March to the Sea 1864. Atlanta to Savannah
181 - Siegfried Line 1944–45. Battles on the German frontier
182 - Granicus 334BC. Alexander’s First Persian Victory
186 - Barbarossa 1941 (3) -- найден 23-08-2007 №1001 (8)
187 - Cambrai 1917 The birth of armoured warfare
188 - Thermopylae 480 BC. Last Stand of the 300
189 - Sevastopol 1942. Von Manstein's triumph
190 - Poitiers AD 732. Charles Martel Turns the Islamic Tide
191 - Vienna 1683. Christian Europe Repels the Ottomans

Combat Aircraft
062 - US Navy PBY Catalina Units of the Pacific War
063 - Aichi 99 Kanbaku 'Val' Units of World War 2
065 - US Navy PBY Catalina Units of the Atlantic War
067 - Israeli F-15 Eagle Units in Combat
068 - F-117 Stealth Fighter Units of Operation Desert Storm
069 - US Navy and Marine Corps A-4 Skyhawk Units of the Vietnam War 1963–1973
070 - F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Enduring Freedom
071 - Il-2 Shturmovik Guard Units of World War 2
072 - Vulcan Units of the Cold War

001 - P-51 Mustang vs Fw 190. Europe 1943–45
002 - Sherman Firefly vs Tiger. Normandy 1944
Spitfire vs Bf 109. Battle of Britain
USN Carriers vs IJN Carriers. The Pacific, 1942

061 - The Guards Divisions 1914–45
088 - American Civil War Commanders (2) Confederate Leaders in the East
089 - American Civil War Commanders (3) Union Leaders in the West
099 - Warrior Women of Northern Europe 750 BC-AD 1014
100 - American Civil War Vivandieres
115 - Napoleon’s Imperial Headquarters (1) Organization and Personnel
116 - Napoleon’s Imperial Headquarters (2) On campaign
119 - US Naval Commandos of World War II
129 - US Naval Commandos of the Korean & Vietnam Wars
131 - The Condor Legion. German Troops in the Spanish Civil War
144 - US World War II Amphibious Tactics. Mediterranean & European Theaters
147 - Irish Regiments in the World Wars
151 - World War II Jungle Warfare Tactics
152 - The British Reconnaissance Corps in World War II
153 - The Australian Army in World War II
154 - Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics
155 - Roman Battle Tactics -- найден 20-08-2007 №997
156 - World War II Combat Reconnaissance Tactics
157 - The German Home Front 1939–45
158 - African American Troops in World War II
159 - French Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792-1815
160 - The US Home Front 1941-45

Essential Histories
030 - The Second World War (3) The War at Sea
040 - Assyria at war 1000-610 BC
048 - The Second World War (4): The Mediterranean 1940-1945
050 - The Texas War of Independence 1835-1836: From Outbreak to the Alamo to San Jacinto
053 - [unknown]
060 - The Spanish Invasion of Mexico 1519-1521
061 - [unknown]
064 - Russia's Wars with Chechnya 1994-2003
066 - Wars of the Barbary Pirates.To the shores of Tripoli: the rise of the US Navy and Marines
067 - Ancient Israel at War 853–586 BC
068 - The Indian Mutiny 1857–58

Essential Histories Specials
003 - The Second World War. A world in flames
007 - Liberty or Death. Wars that forged a nation

035 - British Fortifications in Zululand 1879
042 - The Vauban Fortifications of France
045 - German Defences in Italy in World War II
047 - Fortifications of the Incas 1200-1531
048 - Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War
049 - The Spanish Main 1492–1800
051 - Indian Castles 1206–1526. The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
052 - The Fortifications of Gibraltar 1068–1945
054 - Forts of the American Frontier 1820–91. The Southern Plains and Southwest
058 - Vietnam Firebases 1965–73. American and Australian Forces
059 - Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191–1571
060 - The Forts of the Meuse in World War I
063 - Atlantic Wall (1) France
064 - Castles Of Edward I
065 - Forts Of Judea
066 - The Castles of Henry VIII
067 - Japanese Castles in Korea: 1592-98
068 - American Civil War Fortifications (3) The Mississippi and River Forts
069 - German V-Weapon Sites 1943-45
070 - The Berlin Wall. The Inner-German Border 1961-89
071 - Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC

Graphic History
001 - Day of Infamy. Attack on Pearl Harbor
002 - The Bloodiest Day. Battle of Antietam
003 - The Empire Falls. Battle of Midway
004 - Surprise Attack! Battle of Shiloh
005 - Island of Terror. Battle of Iwo Jima
006 - Gamble for Victory. Battle of Gettysburg
007 - Fight to the Death. Battle of Guadalcanal
008 - Ironclads at War. The Monitor vs the Merrimac
009 - The Tide Turns. D-Day Invasion
010 - The War is On! Battle of First Bull Run
011 - Hitler's Last Gamble
012 - Deadly Inferno

422 - German Armies 1870–71 (2) Prussia’s Allies
435 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (4). Virginia & Arkansas -- висит в осле #901 (7)
438 - US Infantry in the Indian Wars 1865–91 -- найден 09-08-2007 №994
439 - Canadian Corps
440 - Napoleon's Polish Lancers
441 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (5) Tennessee & North Carolina
442 - Queen Victoria’s Highlanders
443 - The Army of Herod the Great
444 - Napoleon's Mounted Chasseurs of the Guard
445 - Medieval Polish Armies 966-1500

New Vanguard
031 - The M47 and M48 Patton Tanks
057 - M10 and M36 Tank Destroyers 1942–53
080 - Chieftain Main Battle Tank 1965–2003
085 - M60 Main Battle Tank 1960–91
098 - British Anti-tank Artillery 1939–45
113 - M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank 1941–45
116 - Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk 1974-2005
117 - Jeeps 1941–45
131 - US Field Artillery of World War II
132 - Ancient Greek Warship. 500–322 BC
133 - British Mark IV Tank
134 - Red SAM: The SA-2 Guideline Anti-Aircraft Missile
135 - Imperial Japanese Navy
136 - Churchill Crocodile Flame Tank
137 - Japanese Tanks 1939-45
138 - US Nuclear Submarines: The Fast Attack
139 - Sherman Crab Flail Tank
140 - Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk
141 - Armored Trains
142 - Sherman Firefly

056 - US Infantryman in World War II (3). European Theater of Operations 1944–45
063 - French Revolutionary Infantryman 1791–1802
068 - Continental Infantryman of the American Revolution
077 - French Soldier in Egypt 1798–1801. The Army of the Orient
089 - US Cavalryman 1891–1920
090 - US Marine Corps Tank Crewman 1965–70. Vietnam
107 - [unknown]
108 - Mau-Mau Warrior
109 - US Marine Corps Raider 1942–43
111 - The Hun. Scourge of God AD 375–565
113 - US Army Soldier: Occupation of Baghdad. 2003-04
114 - African American Soldier in the Civil War. USCT 1862–66
115 - Condottiere 1300 - 1500
117 - French Resistance Fighter
118 - Byzantine Infantryman
120 - Hittite Warrior
121 - Soldier of the Pharaoh. Middle Kingdom Egypt: 2055–1650 BC
122 - Highlander in the French-Indian War: 1756-67
123 - Soviet Rifleman 1941-45
124 - Teutonic Knight: 1190–1561
125 - Pirate of the Far East: 941-1644

II Серии, выпуск которых прекращен. Terminating Series.

Aircam (Последний известный номер - 44) (Last known number - 44)
023 - Vought F4U-17 Corsair in USMC, USN, FAA, Aeronvale and Foreign Service
034 - North American F-100 Super Sabre
036 - Douglas A-20 Havoc/Boston
038 - Curtis P-36/Hawk 75/P-40 A, B, C
045 - Heinkel He III
046 - Junkers Ju 87
047 - Junkers Ju 88/188/288/388

Aircam Special (Последний известный номер - 19) (Last known number - 19)
009 - Polish Air Force
015 - Royal Australian Air Force
016 - South African Air Force
020 - Luftwaffe Colour Schemes & Markings 1939-45 Vol 4

Aircam/Airwar (Последний известный номер - 24) (Last known number - 24)

Aviation Pioneers (Последний известный номер - 5) (Last known number - 5)
004 - Lockheed's Blackworld Skunk Works: The U2, SR-71 and F-117

Combat Aircraft Series (Последний известный номер - 14) (Last known number - 14)
006 - McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache
009 - Bell AH-1 HueyCobra
010 - Modern Soviet Fighters
011 - A-4 Skyhawk

Order of Battle (Последний известный номер - 13) (Last known number - 13)
001 - Gettysburg Confederate: The Army of Northern Virginia 1 July 1863
002 - Gettysburg Union: The Army of the Potomac 1 July 1863
003 - Quebec: The Heights of Abraham 1759: The Armies of Wolfe and Montcalm - The Armies of Wolfe and Montcalm
005 - The Ardennes Offensive: U.S. V Corps & XVIII (Airborne) Corps Northern Sector
006 - Gettysburg July 2 1863: Confederate: The Army of Northern Virginia - The Army of Northern Virginia
007 - Gettysburg July 2 1863: Union: The Army of the Potomac - The Army of the Potomac
009 - The Ardennes Offensive: Central Sector: VII US Corps and VIII US Corps
010 - Gettysburg July 3, 1863: Confederate: The Army of Northern Virginia

Superbase (Последний известный номер - 26) (Last known number - 26)
018 - Cold Lake: Canada's Northern Guardians -- найден 05-08-2007 №991
019 - Dijon: The Mirage Masters
020 - Baden Sollingen: The Hornet's Nest
021 - Barksdale: Home of the Mighty Eighth
023 - Seymour Johnson: Eagles, Chiefs, and Rocketeers
024 - Key West: 'Top Guns' of the East Coast
026 - Hickham: Hawaiian Guardians

Vanguard (Последний известный номер - 44) (Last known number - 44)
002 - Panzer-Grenadier Division 'Grossdeutschland'
005 - US 101st Airborne Division
012 - Sturmartillerie and Panzerjager
016 - The Panzerkampfwagen III
029 - The M47 & M48 Patton Tanks
031 - US Half-Tracks of World War II -- найден 07-08-2007 №993
032 - The SdKfz 251 Half-Track
033 - German Light Panzers 1932 42
034 - Mi 13 Series
036 - Long Range Desert Group
038 - Mechanised Infantry
039 - US Armour Camouflage and Markings 1937 45
041 - The Mi Abrams Battle Tank
042 - Armour of the Vietnam Wars
043 - The M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle
045 - Amtracs: US Amphibious Assault Vehicles
046 - The Renault Ft Light Tanks

III Книги вне серий (General Military, General Aviation).

Aces of the Mighty Eighth
Aces of the Rising Sun 1937–1945
Airborne. World War II Paratroopers in combat
Aircraft of the Aces: Legends of World War 2
American Civil War Artillery 1861–65: Field and Heavy Artillery
Aztecs and Conquistadores. The Spanish Invasion and the Collapse of the Aztec Empire
Besieged. Siege Warfare in the Ancient World
Caesar’s Legions: Roman Soldier 753BC to 117AD
Chivalry and Command. 500 years of Horse Guards
Duel of the Ironclads: USS Monitor and CSS Virginia at Hampton Roads 1862
Empires Collide. The French and Indian War 1754-63
Flags of the Civil War
Flags of the Third Reich
FUBAR F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition. Soldier Slang of World War II
God's Warriors. Crusaders, Saracens and the battle for Jerusalem
Hannibal’s War With Rome:The Armies and Campaigns 216 BC
Hitler’s War on Russia
Illustrated Military Diary 2000
Into the Reich: Battles on Germany’s Western Frontier 1944–1945
Knight World of the Warrior
Lockheed Blackbird. Beyond the Secret Missions
Lords of Battle. The World of the Celtic Warrior
Military Misdemeanours - Corruption, incompetence, lust and downright stupidity
Passchendaele and the Battles of Ypres 1914–18
Pirates:Terror on the High Seas
Rome and her Enemies. An Empire Created and Destroyed by War
Scourge of the Seas. Buccaneers, Pirates & Privateers
Shadow Warriors:A history of the US Army Rangers
Shadows in the Desert. Ancient Persia at War
Sniper. A History of the US Marksman
Soldiers of the Revolutionary War
Struggle for a vast future. The American Civil War
The Blue Devils
The Concorde Story
The D-Day Companion
The Enemy Within - A History of Espionage
The Normans. Warrior Knights and their Castles
The Pacific War Companion. From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima
The Samurai and the Sacred - The Path of the Warrior
The US Army in World War II
The Yom Kippur War. The Arab-Israeli War of 1973
To Live and Die in the West:The American Indian Wars
Vietnam Choppers (revised edition): Helicopters in Battle 1950–1975
Vietnam Tracks (revised edition):Armor in Battle 1945–75
War on the Western Front. In the Trenches of World War I
Warriors & Warlords:The Art of Angus McBride
Warriors of Medieval Japan
Waterloo. The Hundred Days
Zulu War
Последнее редактирование модератором:
(Hopefully) New Osprey link


there was something fishy about this link, so I checked in Details/File name and there were 4 files on:
PC-Resident.Evil.2.up.by.badland.[Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

so it is probably a bad link, download at your own will, AndrewGA thanks for the "thanks", but you can remove it

BOOKER, untill further notice, I think that you should remove yellow color on this file off the list
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Просьба перевыложить. Спасибо
(MAA 202) - Modern African Wars (2) Angola and Mozambique
(CA 47) - F-15C-E Eagle Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom
(AEU 12) - Jagdgeschwader 27 'Afrika
(AA 62) - Sopwith Triplane Aces of World War 1
(Aircam 35) - Mitsubishi G1/2/3
Ищутся книги:

(Campaign 24) Arnhem 1944 Operation "Market Garden"
(Campaign 42) Bagration 1944 The destruction of Army Group Centre
(Campaign 73) Operation Compass 1940 Wavell's whirlwind offensive
(Campaign 74) The Rhineland 1945
(Campaign 77) Tarawa 1943 The turning of the tide
(Campaign 88) Operation Cobra 1944 Breakout from Normandy
(Campaign 92) St Nazaire 1942 The Great Commando Raid

С уважением.
Братья, мне явилось чудо, нашел на форуме живую рапидовскую ссылку на МАА про Скифов сделанную аж в июле 2005. Вот что «Поиск» животворящий делает!:D

Но, к сожалению, не нашлось живых ссылок по очень интересующим меня книгам:
The Army of Alexander the Great (Men-at-Arms 148)
Macedonian Warrior Alexander's elite infantryman (Warrior 103)

Выложите, пожалуйста, эти книги, у кого есть возможность.
Заранее благодарю!:)
Кто нибудь может популярнообьяснить что такое за серия
Osprey-DelPrado Man at War ?
Прошу выложить книги:
Cam141 Blenheim 1704
Cam058 First Ypres 1914
имеющиеся ссылки умерли (((
Elite140 OCR ссылки уже сдохли, мог бы кто-нибудь закачать на rapidshare? (я имею ввиду ссылки сохли именно там, а я так ине успел скачать)
i'm missing these editions but it seems you have it ,.. can you provide it for me please..

Essential Histories 026 The Wars of Alexander the Great 336–323 BC
Essential Histories 034 The French Wars 1667–1714 The Sun King at war
Men-at-Arms 003
Men-at-Arms 005 The Austro-Hungarian Army of the Napoleonic Wars
Men-at-Arms 009
Men-at-Arms 012 The Connaught Rangers
Men-at-Arms 020 Japanese Army of World War II
Men-at-Arms 023
Men-at-Arms 026 Royal Scots Greys
Men-at-Arms 035
Men-at-Arms 095 The Boxer Rebellion
Men-at-Arms 130
Men-at-Arms 132 The Malayan Campaign 1948–60
Men-at-Arms 149 Prussian Light Infantry 1792–1815
Men-at-Arms 152
Men-at-Arms 187
Men-at-Arms 268 The British Troops in the Indian Mutiny 1857–59
Men-at-Arms 305 The Russian Civil War (2) White Armies
Men-at-Arms 331
Men-at-Arms 358 The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3)
Men-at-Arms 386 The US Army of World War I
Men-at-Arms 405 Napoleon’s Carabiniers
Warrior 052 US Naval Aviator 1941–45
Warrior 079 Darby's Rangers 1942–45
Warrior 080 Irish Volunteer Soldier 1913–23
Warrior 095 Japanese Infantryman 1937–45 Sword of the Empire

i think i have this

Fortress 040 - Ancient Greek Fortifications 500-300 BC
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