Наши преимущества

RAD Studio 10.1 (Berlin)


1 Improved Installation Experience
2 FireMonkey
2.1 Android 6.0 Support
2.2 Address Book for iOS and Android
2.3 Improved Style Designer
2.4 New ListView Item Designer
2.5 Extended Clipboard Support Service
2.6 Improvement on the Image List Editor
2.7 TGrid Improvements
2.8 High DPI Support on Windows
2.9 Improved Support for Accelerator Keys
2.10 Support for Extended Font Styles
2.11 Hint Property Changes
2.12 Simplified Dialog API
2.13 Other FireMonkey Changes
4.1 Apache Server Support
4.2 Cross-Domain API Calls to the EMS Server
4.3 EMS EdgeModules
4.4 EMS EdgeModules Resource
4.5 ThingPoints Overview
4.6 EMS API Resource
4.7 Custom API Documentation
5 DataSnap
5.1 Support for JSON Streaming
5.2 Other DataSnap Changes
6 Web Broker
6.1 C++ Projects from Previous Versions Using Web.WebReq Need Updating
6.2 Other Web Broker Changes
7 FireDAC
7.1 Improvements for DB2
7.2 Improvements for MongoDB
7.3 Improvements for Advantage
7.4 Improvements for InterBase and Firebird
7.5 Improvements for Informix
7.6 Improvements for ODBC
7.7 Improvements for Oracle
7.8 Improvements for PostgreSQL
7.9 Improvements for SQLite
7.10 Other FireDAC Changes
8 dbExpress
9 Cloud Service
9.1 Amazon
9.2 Azure
10 REST Client Library
11 LiveBindings
12 BeaconFence
13 RTL
13.1 Bluetooth LE and Beacon Support on Windows 10
13.2 Improved Bluetooth LE Discovery Performance
13.3 Bluetooth LE Includes New Events to Handle Subscriptions to Characteristics
13.4 Eddystone Beacon Format Support
13.5 Improved Beacon Scan Performance
13.6 TBeaconDevice Component Supports Eddystone Beacon Format
13.7 App Tethering Improvements
13.8 Asynchronous HTTP Request Support
13.9 Encrypted ZIP File Support
13.10 Improvements to Lists of Strings
13.11 Improvements to TMemIniFile
13.12 Buffering Support for TFileStream
13.13 Modified JSON Path Syntax to Access Object Properties
13.14 Optimization of Regular Expressions and String Replacement
13.15 HTTP Connection Improvements
13.16 URLEncode / URLDecode Functions
13.17 Use TMessageBase Instead of TMessage for C++ Projects
13.18 C++ Functions added to TRect, TRectF, TPoint, and TPointF Types
13.19 Other RTL Changes
14 Native APIs
15 Delphi Compilers
15.1 Performance Improvement when Compiling Generics
15.2 Attributes Supported by All Compilers
15.3 Other Delphi Compiler Improvements
16 C++ Compilers
16.1 Upgraded BCCAARM and BCCIOSARM
16.2 Better C++ Support for Delphi Types
16.3 C++ Option Changes
16.4 Other C++ Compiler Changes
17 IDE
17.1 Floating Form Designer
17.2 FireUI Live Preview
17.3 GetIt Dependencies
17.4 Bookmark Stack
17.5 Selection Expansion
17.6 Method Toxicity Metrics
17.7 Structure View Improvements for C++
17.8 Android Service Improvements
17.9 Support for Running iOS Ad hoc Applications
17.10 Customizable info.plist File
17.11 Design-Time Improvements for Android Smart Watches
17.12 New Options Page for File Associations
17.13 New Option to Show Information Messages from the Delphi Compiler
17.14 New Option to Hide/Show the Navigation Toolbar
17.15 High DPI Awareness
17.16 Other IDE Changes
18 Debuggers
18.1 iOS and Android Debuggers
18.2 64-bit iOS Debugger
19 Utilities
20 Sample Applications
21 Help
22 Topics
23 See Also
ISO LINK:Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
From what I've read, the majority consensus seems to be that Seattle is the most stable release so far, but there have been a few instances where XE8 has performed better for some. Either way, hopefully Berlin moves forward rather than backwards.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
В процессе установки предлагает повторить загрузку и дальше не в какую.
Решение данной проблемы

Открыть редактор реестр: regedit
Заменить значение ключа реестра:


с 0419 на 0409

Добавлено через 1 минуту
где бы кряк найти ?

UniSoft сказал, что кряк не даст.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
but i think that was a real crack.
please check this :
RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Architect Keymaker V10.1.4 by UNIS

but i not found download link.
I disappoint you... it is a fake...

And finally! Do not you think that if I wanted to share the crack, then I would have announced it myself?
My announcement to stop mixing medicine for RAD Studio was somewhat clear.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
cjack released the patch
Hi all..finally...my Berlin 10.1 patch it's ready.

The KeyGen it's based on source code released some months ago.

The patch uses the startup method of Seattle Crack (compliments to Unis, an amazing idea!) but the code it's written from scratch.
Tested under Win7 x64 and Win10 x64

The loader it's ready too but I'll keep it private by now, maybe I'll release it when the new RadStudio version will be released
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
New Patcher Rad Studio Berlin 10.1

Hi all..finally...my Berlin 10.1 patch it's ready.(Patch1.1)

The KeyGen it's based on source code released some months ago.

The patch uses the startup method of Seattle Crack (compliments to Unis, an amazing idea!) but the code it's written from scratch.
Tested under Win7 x64 and Win10 x64

The loader it's ready too but I'll keep it private by now, maybe I'll release it when the new RadStudio version will be released

Coded By : .....doesn't matter;)
How to Use:
1. Download *.iso image:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
MD5: 9d4bac568aced7f1f82d4a44124fb37c
2. Mount *.iso image and run intstallation process, select language,
Set Checkbox that you agree with License agreement, click "Next >"
Now you are on the "Input License" page...
3. Click "< Back" button
Now use keygen...
3. Click "Generate" to get new Serial Number.
!!! Do not use any other serial numbers from internet !!!
6. now click "Next >" in the Setup page and continue installation process...
7. When Installation has finished, click "Patch".
8. Start RAD Studio.

version patch 1.1
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Проверено на Win 7 64bit на Bootcamp'е + Parallels, и сноса до этого Delphi 10 Seattle
правда пришлось добавить две строки в hosts

без них время от времени вылетало с ошибкой wrong license :(

и нашел два бага
1) в Style Designer пропали кнопки apply changes, discard и другие, нет возможности применить или отменить изменения в редактировании стиля
2) а так же, если в Options-Form Designer убрать галочку с Embedded designer, при редактировании стиля, невозможно в списке стилей выбрать элемент, при обращении к любому перескакивает на список компонентов на самой форме