The Haunting of Majesty Manor
Мистика и ужасы
Ghost Hunter Inc Alpha~Hidden object game! BETA
Premise: You work for a company called Ghost Hunter Inc and you are sent on an assignment to
investigate a haunting. You must determine if the haunting is real or a hoax.
This by no means is a full game, this is an alpha test.
Get what you can out of it, stay tuned for the full game!
40 MB :
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
thank Smoker !!!!!
Мистика и ужасы
Ghost Hunter Inc Alpha~Hidden object game! BETA
Premise: You work for a company called Ghost Hunter Inc and you are sent on an assignment to
investigate a haunting. You must determine if the haunting is real or a hoax.
This by no means is a full game, this is an alpha test.
Get what you can out of it, stay tuned for the full game!
40 MB :
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
thank Smoker !!!!!
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