Ultra-X QuickTech Pro
HOME PAGE: _http://www.uxd.com/qtpro.shtml
HOME PAGE: _http://www.uxd.com/qtpro.shtml
QuickTech Professional (QTP), Ultra-X's professional-level software diagnostic suite. is designed to meet the demanding and ever-changing needs of PC troubleshooting professionals.
QuickTech Pro adds many enhancements that are direct results of suggestions we have recieved from our customers. Newly added is Multi-Processor and Co-Processor support for up to 8 cpus, High-Speed USB 2.0 testing(with optional QuickTech USB 2.0 device), 1394 Firewire testing, Network loopback for Intel-based chipsets with onboard 10/100/1000 ethernet port(s), and Audio loopback for Intel-based chipsets with onboard AC'97 sound.
The suite includes QuickTech Professional on both Floppy and CDROM Bootable media. The combination of these media gives you unmatched troubleshooting capabilities. It is so powerful; it will replace all other software diagnostics you are presently using. Diagnostic Software supports PC 486 through Intel Pentium 4 and AMD 64 & 32-bit compatible processors.
QTP is designed to run in two modes. In self-booting (SB) mode, the software uses direct hardware access commands to perform true low-level diagnostics. If your testing requires an Operating System, no problem, simply boot to a DOS prompt and run QTP. In either mode, the software boots to a pop up menu bar. Simply select from four menus, Quick Inventory, System Configuration, Diagnostics or Burn-In.
When selecting Quick Inventory and System Configuration, QTP provides the most accurate information for any device. It displays up to 65 pages of system information. This information will detail number of devices, brand names, and serial numbers. Other information includes: DMI/SMI, PCI, PnP, APM, ACPI, ESCD, BIOS 32, IDE, SCSI, RAM and much more. This information can be viewed on screen, saved to file, or sent to a printer.
QTP will put your system through the most vigorous diagnostics available. It includes the following: 57 motherboard tests, 28 hard drive tests, 9 floppy drive tests, 15 CD ROM, DVD,CDRW, ARMD (Zip and LS120) tests, 20 COM port tests, 25 parallel port tests, 20 modem tests, 21 printer (parallel) tests, 15 video graphics tests, 9 monitor tests, sound card tests, speaker test, mouse tests, an individual test for each keyboard key, 24 unique and proprietary algorithm memory tests and much more. That is over 300 tests to scope out the most evasive system errors. QTP comes complete with everything you'll need to run all tests and functions on virtually any type of computer. The Diagnostic Software suite includes: one 25 pin parallel, one 25 pin serial, and two 9 pin serial loop back plugs, Network Loopback, Audio Loopback, UX Test CD & DVD ROMs, QuickTech PRO diskette, QuickTech PRO Bootable CDROM, QuickTech Personal diskette, QuickTech PRO Tutorial CDROM, "Technician Certified" Labels, and a Professional Navy Blue Carrying case.
ПО РУЦКИ от NahAlex
* QuickTech Pro диагностическая программа для PC с профессиональным уровнем, предназначена для системных интеграторов, OEM’S производителей, сервисных служб, MIS профессионалов и конечных пользователей.
* Для тех, кто хочет быстро проверить и исследовать основные системные компоненты, функции и периферию.
* Эта мощная программа может использоваться на любом PC до Pentium IV , включая системы с процессорами фирм AMD и Cyrix.
* Программное обеспечение не требует никакой установки, просто вставляете диск в ваш FDD. QuickTech PRO содержит полный набор тестов для проверки всех функций фактически любого типа компьютера.
* Программа также включает полный набор заглушек для проверки каналов ввода/вывода.
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