Market Trader Platinum (Air Software )
An Overview of the
Market Trader Program Modules
There are 18 important modules in the
Market Trader Platinum
SUPERSEARCH MODULE: You can setup any astronomical criteria and SuperSearch will calculate the date and time these criteria come due. It will also draw lines on the price graph for the exact day of these criteria. These could be single criterion or multiple criteria at one time. The SuperSearch module allows you to calculate thousands of pieces of astronomical information or measurements. This module also includes the efficiency testing module and the information module. The module calculates any criteria to display on lines on the graph of these finding dates. A dialog box will display the dates and times of the findings. By using the efficiency testing and information modules you can get a lot more information about the chosen criteria.
We have included many standard criteria that other traders have used to analyze the market. George Bayer happens to be one. We have set up all the standard rules in the SuperSearch module. Find out if they work, where and when.
The next graph shows lines each time the Sun and the planet Saturn were in square.
Efficiency Testing Module: THis module is part of the SuperSearch module.
This module is extremely important when working with any markets. It graphs the strength of any Astronomical/Astrological criteria and displays the percentage of the up-and-down movement of the stock under study. This Module draws a graph to indicate what the market does 10 days before and 10 days after the exact aspect. It will verify how many times the market goes up and down. You just can't beat that for knowing when to trade!
Dozens of traders have already told us that JUST THIS efficiency testing module ALONE IS WORTH THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PROGRAM!!
The following graph shows transiting Jupiter in conjunction with the planet Saturn in the New York Stock Exchange. Since 1915 this conjunction happened 11 times. The Dow Jones went down 10 times and up only once following the aspect.
The graph below shows the results on the Dow Jones when the transiting Sun was conjunct transiting Uranus. Since 1915 this conjunction occurred 84 times. The day before the exact conjunction the Dow Jones went down 29 times and up 55 times.
INFO Module: This is part of the SuperSearch and Efficiency testing module.
This module allows you to find the best profit or risk factor for the criteria under study. It displays all the profitable trades and losing trades for that criteria. It also calculates the bullish strategy and the bearish strategy.
The next dialog box shows that if you had traded on this aspect you would have had 55 winning trades and 29 losing trades. The largest winning trade would have been 3.98 percent and the largest losing trade would have been 4.98 percent. Had you invested $1000 you would have made a 14 percent profit. You will then see a posting of the next time that this aspect will take place.
STATISTIC MODULE EXPERT: Another ingenious option in the program is the allowance for the computer to do all statistical screening of all the criteria that you selected to use. This module works with sophisticated statistical mathematic algorithms to help analyze the astrological/astronomical strength of each of the chosen criteria for the market under study. It will backtrack each one of them to see how well any of them have a strong influence to move the market either up-and-down according to the percentage of the bell curve that you set up. It will delete all the criteria that doesn't have any influence on the price movement for the stock under research. You can set these findings by statistical percentage or by their chi-square rating. You can then use these findings to help educate the artificial intelligence in the Black Box Expert, NeuralNet Expert and the Easy Expert to make future predictions.
The following graph shows part of a statistical study about IBM stock. This graph was calculated when transiting planets make aspects to the IBM first-trade horoscope, geocentrically.
THE BLACKBOX EXPERT MODULE: This module is the backbone of the all Market Trader Millennium series programs. This module is, essentially, a black box with a intelligent brain. It utilizes all types of statistical and special mathematics to educate the artificial intelligence using past historical stock prices. When the artificial intelligence resultant graph conforms with the past results, the module projects the graph into the future to help you make decisions when to buy and sell the stock.
This module works with any of the six bell curve formats to calculate the results. The BlackBox is so sophisticated it will optimize the weights for each chosen criteria, the aspect orbs, it will shift the orb and the planets position using different kinds of advanced mathematics to make sure that the optimized resultant graph conforms with the past historical price data. It will then use all these findings and project future prediction graphs for the stock under study.
The Donald Bradley Planetary Barometer technique is sometimes a good technique for choosing turning points. At other times it seems to be missing the mark completely and is very bad to indicate whether the market will turn up or down. When Donald Bradley came out with this technique he was working with only a few years of the Dow Jones prices. Some of the weights that he gave between the planets were not accurate when analyzed with 80 years of Dow Jones historical price. With our BlackBox Expert Module you can set up the options just like the Bradley's planetary barometer technique but let the computer A. I. calculate the weights for each planetary pairs. That's the only rational way of doing it.
Unlike the Bradley technique, the BlackBox Expert Module works in all four zodiacs- geocentric, heliocentric, declination and latitude. It works with all types of different aspects, front or back, speed to planet, accelerations, zodiacal positions, midpoints, ingresses, all types of orbit options and the list goes on and on. You can even optimize cycles which have no astrological correlations at all.
The Bradley barometer gives the same weights and options to front or back aspects (example the Square.. front=90 and back=270). Here's just one example with 87 years of Dow Jones.: Jupiter 90 to Uranus - the Dow Jones went down seven times and up four times. Jupiter 270 to Uranus - the Dow Jones went down three times and up seven times. If you don't differentiate between front and back aspect, Jupiter squares Uranus, the Dow Jones went down eleven times and up ten times. That's only one example. The Bradley barometer technique has many flaws and this is just one of them. With the BlackBox module there is the ability to give different weights to do front aspects and back aspects. Again that makes a whole lot sense.
You don't need to know anything about the prior explanation. With just a few clicks of the mouse, the program will do it all for you and produce results as described below.
The following graph shows how well the BlackBox Expert Module predicted Apple Computer's future price. The red and blue line is what the Black Box forecasted for that period of time and the black line graph is what the stock price did.
Isn't the BlackBox Expert Module fascinating? Should I say more!
THE COMPOSITE EXPERT MODULE: This module takes the historical price for any stocks or markets, calculates every day that each Astrological criteria occurs, and displays an average price movement graph. You can work with transits to transits (planets in the sky) or transits to a natal chart (1st trade or corporation horoscope). These studies can be done with aspects, planets and signs, planets positions, midpoints, planetary phases (even aspects in planetary phases). The study can be calculated in geocentric, heliocentric, declination, right ascension, and geocentric latitude.
The program calculates and find all the planetary cycles that strongly predict the major moves for the stock under study. Then it goes one step further using special math to optimize every important planetary cycle and tweak the cycle for its best performance. From this study the computer will then give you buy and sell days for future trading. It will compare the profit one can make buying and selling using this calculated composite model to the beginning of the cycle (had you bought it then) and sold at the end of it. This is an amazing and very accurate concept.
For people who want to do research on planetary cycles, the Market Trader allows you to view every cycle individually.
The following graph shows the composite cycles between the transiting Moon and Transiting Sun, known as moon phases, for 88 years of the Dow Jones. The aspects are displayed on the graph for the composite results. Notice that the Dow is the highest at the New Moon and lowest at Full Moon phase.
The following graph shows buy and sell signals for IBM, calculated from the sum of 2 composite cycles. The cycles are transiting Sun to natal Saturn and transiting Sun to natal Jupiter. The blue arrow designate buying and the Red selling. If you had bought and sold 1000 shares of IBM using this model you would have made over $25,000 in three trades in just over one month.
This module also allows you to do hundreds of studies using all kinds of different Astrological criteria in beautiful graphics.
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