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Becky! Internet Mail



Becky! Internet Mail v2.25.01




На мой взгляд лучшая почтовая программа.
Если коротко - это почтовая программа японского производства с адаптацией под российские "дороги" в виде полной поддержки русских кодировок (не считая,естественно, многих других), с умением не только показывать, но и создавать HTML-письма, с возможностью приема почты по POP3 и IMAP4 протоколам, с шаблонами и макросами для автоматизации работы с почтой, с возможностью создания нескольких профилей для одного почтового ящика, со способностью напоминать о событиях и автоматически отправлять в назначенный срок поздравления юбилярам, с поддержкой плагинов и многими другими "вкусностями".
Несколько характеристик:
1.Быстрота и малая ресурсоемкость
2.Интуитивный интерфейс и простота настроек
3.Случайная фраза в подписи
4.Использование фильтров, шаблонов,плагинов
5.Туева Хуча хоткеев на все случаи жизни
6.Работа по протоколу IMAP
7.Прочтение, удаление, писем, не скачивая их на лок. комп
8.И многое другое...


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Русифкатор для Becky! v2.25.00




referer: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?


с офф.сайта:

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
dn_vvv сказал(а):
Народ подскажите, поиз где в Беке настраивается, время через кот. письмо помечается как прочитанное? Спасибо.

Сам искал не нашел :) Там всего 2 способа: либо кликнуть самому 2 раза на письмо, либо зайти в _настройки программы -> просмотр_ и установить галку _ОТМЕТИТИТЬ прочитаным немедленно.
Господа, есть ли плагин, добавляющий кодировку Cyrillik (Windows-1251)
yuri_H, хм... странно а у тебя что с ней проблемы? У меня так всё окей! Windows у меня ENG ...
arnix сказал(а):
yuri_H, хм... странно а у тебя что с ней проблемы? У меня так всё окей! Windows у меня ENG ...
Возможно неправильно выразился. Под ХР некоторые html-письма в кодировке koi8-r перекодировались в ср1251, хотя под МЕ теже письма нормально смотрятся. Вот и подумал, как их вернуть к истине :) .
С уважением,
yuri_H сказал(а):
Возможно неправильно выразился. Под ХР некоторые html-письма в кодировке koi8-r перекодировались в ср1251, хотя под МЕ теже письма нормально смотрятся. Вот и подумал, как их вернуть к истине :) .
С уважением,

Попробуй на _HTML письме нажать _правую кнопку мыши -> _выбрать -> Кодировку и просто ее смени :-|
yuri_H сказал(а):
Увы, не помогает :confused:

Странно конечно, что не помогает....хм., причину из-за чего такая ересь произошла точно сказать сложно.(ну точно что-то со шрифтами и кодировками)
Попробуй зайти на вот этот ресурс _http://charset.ru/ и просто скопируй ту почту которую не смог прочитать, она все раскодирует на 98%.
Becky! Internet Mail 2.12.01 [2,1 Мб]

Cкачать / Download:




кейген / keygen:

Msha сказал(а):
Becky! Internet Mail 2.12.01 [2,1 Мб]

Cкачать / Download:




кейген / keygen:


Русификатор траблы выдает...(мол проверь котрольная сумма) Русик не для этой версии :(
to Msha

А что это за "кейген / keygen:" такой? Помоему это для BlindWrite а не для Becky....
Или я чего не понимаю?
Becky! Internet Mail 2.20.00 Beta 3
Что нового:
- "Sync with Portable Media" command added. You can take your mailbox out with a USB memory or a Laptop and synchronize with your main computer when you are back.
- "Query Folder", the virtual folder that holds Query criteria, is supported. In Query dialog, click "Save Query" button.
- You can operate main window while Query is ongoing.
- When displaying a mail items in the list view, it can show the name associated to the mail address referring the address book. (Choose an option in "View" > "Mail Address Format")
- Filtering Manager UI was revised to be more intuitive.
- Added a filtering action "Copy to Folder".
- Added filtering options "Default", "Auto", and "Manual" for "Move to Folder"
- You can enable/disable a filtering rule by right clicking an item in the tree view of Filtering Manager.
- You can choose an address group as a string for a filtering condition. For example, you can filter all messages from somebody in a certain address group.
- You can change the order of folders and mailboxes in the Tree View by Drag and Drop.
- "Change Layout" selection menu was added.
- A keyboard command to switch to a next mailbox was added. (Ctrl+G by default)
- In Remote Mailbox, messages that are marked to delete will be certainly deleted when you quit Remote Mailbox even if listing isn't finished.
- Messages that contain only text/html will be searched by Query command by removing HTML tags.
- "Select Unread Messages" command was added.
- Spell checking will check Subject as well.
- List View pane will be resized according to the current proportion when main window is resized.
- The column header width in the address book is remembered.
- When you choose "Abort Session", following session can be aborted by your choice.
- URL that begins with the system registered protocol also became clickable.
- Added "Default Charset" option in "General Setup" > "Language". This option is used for messages without character set declaration.

- When POP3 folders were created under Inbox and IMAP4 and POP3 was switched by Profiles, those POP3 folders disappeared.
- It took abnormally long time to retrieve large messages from some SSL/TLS mail server. (I've modified some codes but not sure it was fixed, since I could not reproduce the problem.)
- When Becky!'s temporary folder B2Temp was replaced with a file by Scandisk, the program didn't work properly.
- An index error occurred when a message contains two Message-ID headers and one is empty.
- The macro symbol %S always removed "[...]" from the subject line.
- IMAP UID was treated as signed integer and caused errors.
- After pasting something into To field of Compose window, return codes were replaced with comma in the clipboard.
- When starting dragging from above the editor pane, and dragging across the editor until the mouse cursor go past the bottom of the window, auto scroll could not be stopped.
- "Open" and "Save As" commands for attachments sometimes showed a temporary file name instead of a right file name.
- In Query dialog, when you open the combo box for the "Date" option and hit Tab key without closing the combo box, following options did not switch properly.
- Abnormally terminated when mailing list manager's commands were used from Tree View's context menu.

Becky! Internet Mail 2.20.00 (15.02.05)


Update History

Ver.2.12.01 -> Ver.2.20
- "Sync with Portable Media" command added.
You can take your mailbox out with a USB memory or a Laptop and
synchronize with your main computer when you are back.
- "Query Folder", the virtual folder that holds Query criteria, is
supported. In Query dialog, click "Save Query" button.
- You can operate main window while Query is ongoing.
- When displaying a mail items in the list view, it can show the name
associated to the mail address referring the address book. (Choose an
option in "View" > "Mail Address Format")
- Filtering Manager UI was revised to be more intuitive.
- Added a filtering action "Copy to Folder".
- Added filtering options "Default", "Auto", and "Manual" for "Move to
- You can enable/disable a filtering rule by right clicking an item in
the tree view of Filtering Manager.
- You can choose an address group as a string for a filtering condition.
For example, you can filter all messages from somebody in a certain address
- You can change the order of folders and mailboxes in the Tree View by
Drag and Drop.
- "Change Layout" selection menu was added.
- A keyboard command to switch to a next mailbox was added. (Ctrl+G by
- In Remote Mailbox, messages that are marked to delete will be certainly
deleted when you quit Remote Mailbox even if listing isn't finished.
- Messages that contain only text/html will be searched by Query command
by removing HTML tags.
- "Select Unread Messages" command was added.
- Spell checking will check Subject as well.
- List View pane will be resized according to the current proportion when
main window is resized.
- The column header width in the address book is remembered.
- When you choose "Abort Session", following session can be aborted by
your choice.
- URL that begins with the system registered protocol also became
- Added "Default Charset" option in "General Setup" > "Language". This
option is used for messages without character set declaration.
- When "Collapse tree items that were expanded while D&D" is on, those
trees will be collapsed even if drag and drop is canceled.
- A warning message will pop up when a user clicks a link in a message.
(To prevent phishing) ("General Setup" > "General" > "Warn External
- When a user select a message with message/partial type, a tooltip
message will show up to prompt a user to double click it.

- When POP3 folders were created under Inbox and IMAP4 and POP3 was switched
by Profiles, those POP3 folders disappeared.
- It took abnormally long time to retrieve large messages from some
SSL/TLS mail server. (I've modified some codes but not sure it was
fixed, since I could not reproduce the problem.)
- When Becky!'s temporary folder B2Temp was replaced with a file by
Scandisk, the program didn't work properly.
- An index error occurred when a message contains two Message-ID headers
and one is empty.
- The macro symbol %S always removed "[...]" from the subject line.
- IMAP UID was treated as signed integer and caused errors.
- After pasting something into To field of Compose window, return codes
were replaced with comma in the clipboard.
- When starting dragging from above the editor pane, and dragging across
the editor until the mouse cursor go past the bottom of the window,
auto scroll could not be stopped.
- "Open" and "Save As" commands for attachments sometimes showed a
temporary file name instead of a right file name.
- In Query dialog, when you open the combo box for the "Date" option and
hit Tab key without closing the combo box, following options did not
switch properly.
- Abnormally terminated when mailing list manager's commands were used
from Tree View's context menu.
- Abnormally terminated when too many words were specified as a string to
search in Query dialog.
- Unnecessary return code was added to attachment files that were sent
with Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit or 8bit and not declared as text
MIME type.
- HTML editor did not work properly after [MS05-014] was applied.

Русификатор для версии 2.20, любезно предоставленный Yurik'ом, автором всех предыдущих (надеюсь, и будущих) русифицированных версий Бяки

PS старые ликарства работають
Becky! Internet Mail V2.20.07

Becky! Internet Mail - это почтовая программа японского производства с адаптацией под российские "дороги" в виде полной поддержки русских кодировок (кроме, естественно, многих других), с умением не только показывать, но и создавать HTML-письма, с возможностью приема почты по POP3 и IMAP4 протоколам, с шаблонами и макросами для автоматизации работы с почтой, с возможностью создания нескольких профилей для одного почтового ящика, со способностью напоминать о событиях и автоматически отправлять в назначенный срок поздравления юбилярам, с поддержкой плагинов (часть из них - около двух десятков - можно найти на отдельной странице) и многими другими "вкусностями".

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?