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DElcam Power Mill Service Pack 3

DElcam Power Mill Service Pack 3

PowerMILL is the world's leading specialist NC CAM software for the manufacture of the complex shapes typically found in the toolmaking, automotive and aerospace industries. Key features include a wide range of strategies, including the latest high-efficiency roughing, high-speed finishing, and 5-axis machining techniques, exceptionally fast calculation times and powerful editing tools to ensure optimum performance on the machine tool.

PowerMILL 7 has everything you could need to handle the most complex of machining tasks. This release includes many updated and enhanced tools as a result of valued customer feedback, including a wider range of five-axis strategies for both roughing and finishing, improvements to rest finishing, parametric surface finishing, together with faster calculation times and easier data management.

Spiral Roughing

A new three-axis spiral roughing strategy can be used on suitable geometry instead of offset machining. Using a spiral toolpath allows the overall machining time to be reduced by minimising the number of air moves. In addition, a more consistent load can be applied to the cutter so limiting wear and reducing breakages.

5 Axis Roughing

The range of five-axis roughing strategies has also been increased to match the wide list of options previously available for finishing. Using five-axis roughing can significantly reduce the number of set-ups needed to machine many components. It can also be used to give a more efficient cutting angle that will allow more material to be removed with each pass.

Reduced Airmoves

introduced for ordering toolpaths so that air moves are further reduced. This will also make the ordering of rest roughing toolpaths more efficient.

Parametric Offset Finishing

The new Parametric Offset toolpath allows you to morph between curves and/or boundaries using the step-over value as a maximum (rather than explicit) value. Keeping to a constant number of toolpaths across the width of the region avoids the sudden changes of direction and possible surface defects that can result from stopping and starting toolpaths as highlighted in the toolpath shown right.

5 Axis Corner Finishing

PowerMILL 7.0 can now generate a five-axis equivalent of any three-axis toolpath. This might be necessary when a three-axis approach is being used for most of a job but where some five-axis moves might be needed to avoid an obstacle or to machine as closely as possible to a steep face.

Port machining Strategies

Dedicated solutions for Port and Tube Machining Applications

Port Machining has been further enhanced in PowerMILL 7 with three new machining operations including Area Clearance, Plunge Finishing, and Spiral Finishing — all intelligently linked.

Area Clearance expertly creates 3+2 slices down the port to ensure the part is roughed in the most efficient way possible, avoiding potential collisions by activating 5 axis safe moves.

The overlap between toolpaths is also expertly handled by ensuring a smooth transition where the two operations meet. PowerMILL 7.0 not only controls how you want each end machined (such as spiral or plunge finished), but also over the position and length of the transition.

In addition to Port Machining these strategies are equally useful when dealing with any closed aperture, tube or even Shrouded Blisks or Impellers.

Interleaved Constant Z – Need more control over your toolpaths?

For several releases, PowerMILL has been able to generate 3D offset toolpaths for finishing of fl atter areas and Constant-Z toolpaths for steeper surfaces in a single calculation.

The new Interleaved Constant-Z option gives better control of the overlap between the two strategies and so avoids surface defects in the intermediate areas. In a related development, the calculation of shallow boundaries has been improved so that these areas are defi ned more accurately.

Point Distribution– Interested in improving surface finish and reducing machining times?

Better control over the point distribution within three and five-axis toolpaths has been provided to take advantage of the improved ability of modern machine tool controls to handle large amounts of data.

Increasing the number of points in the toolpath can give more even machining with less vibration and more consistent loading on the tool. Both these improvements give a better surface finish and less wear of the cutter.

Data Management - Would you like to manage your toolpaths more efficiently?

A number of enhancements have been made to the methods for managing data within PowerMILL. The most important of these is the ability for the user to create folders within the software’s tree of operations. For example, roughing, semi-finishing and finishing toolpaths can be created and stored within separate folders. This makes it easier to keep track of the calculations already completed and those that still need to be undertaken.





















Pm-post и G0

Кто работает в Power Mill с Pm-post, подскажите, как в Pm-post сделать так чтобы ускоренные перемещения выводились с G0, а не с G1 и подача? Если есть возможность, выложите на Рапиду любой постпроцессор, где отрабатывается G0.