Pascal Script is a free scripting engine that allows you to use most of the Object Pascal language within your Delphi or Free Pascal projects at runtime. Written completely in Delphi, it is composed of a set of units that can be compiled into your executable, eliminating the need to distribute any external files. Pascal Script started out as a need for a good working script, when there were none available at the time.
Why use a scripting engine?
A scripting engine allows an end user to customize an application to his or her needs without having to recompile it. In addition, you can update your applications by just sending a new script file that could even be compiled to byte code, which cannot easily be transformed back to source code.
Pascal Script includes the following features:
- Variables, Constants
- Standard language constructs:
- Begin/End
- If/Then/Else
- For/To/Downto/Do
- Case x Of
- Repeat/Until
- While
- Uses
- Exit
- Continue
- Break
- Functions inside the script
- Calling any external DLL function (no special function headers required)
- Calling registered external methods
- All common types like Byte, Shortint, Char, Word, SmallInt, Cardinal, Longint, Integer, String, Real, Double, Single, Extended, Boolean, Array, Record, Enumerations, Variants
- Allows the importing and use of classes, with events, properties, methods and constructors
- Allows the importing and use of interfaces and their members
- Allows IDispatch dynamic method invocation through Variant
- Assignment of script functions to Delphi events
- Uses byte code as an intermediate format and allows the storing and reloading of compiled scripts
- Easy to use component version
- Support for include files
- Support for compiler defines
- Capability to call RemObjects SDK Services from within scripts
- Includes a tool to create headers for importing classes and interfaces