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Latest news on the Virtual Treeview Control 25 Mar 2015: V6.0

Virtual-TreeView 6.0

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* Issue #509: Added new option hoAutoColumnPopupMenu to TVTHeaderOption.
* Issue #457: Virtual TreeView no longer react on standard actions for TEdit controls
We added standard actions for copy, cut, paste, delete, select all, check, uncheck in the new unit "VirtualTrees.Actions".
* Issue #484: ContentToHTML() no longer pre-encodes the HTML in UTF-8 but returns a Unicodestring
* Issue #507: Added to TBaseVirtualTree:
function GetNodeData<T>(pNode: PVirtualNode): T;
function GetNodeDataAt<T:class>(pXCoord: Integer; pYCoord: Integer): T;
function GetFirstSelectedNodeData<T>(): T; overload;
function GetInterfaceFromNodeData<T:IInterface>(pNode: PVirtualNode): T;
procedure SetNodeData(pNode: PVirtualNode; pUserData: Pointer);
procedure SetNodeData(pNode: PVirtualNode; const pUserData: IInterface);
procedure SetNodeData<T:class>(pNode: PVirtualNode; pUserData: T);
Similar functions have also been added to the TVirtualNode record.
* The grid demo of the "Advanced" project now uses a class instead of a record and the new generic functions from issue #502.
* Issue #519: Changed plus/minus buttons so that hot tracking of the buttons is always on, independent of toHotTrack.
* Issue #514: The splitter area in the column header should be configurable
* Issue #515: The value for Indent should get scaled too if the toAutoScale flag is set
* Issue #511: From the unit VirtualTres new units have been extracted to reduce its size.
* Issue #483 for TVTOperationKind.okExport: All exports can now be cancelled using CancelOperation()
* Issue #362: InternalConnectNode: AdjustTotalHeight not called if Node not FullyVisible
* Issue #506: Autosort is being triggered at design-time.
* Issue #486: AutoScroll is performed although toAutoScroll is not set.
* DoMeasureItem() now ensures that the node was initialized.
* Issue #493: Editing with DblClick should always open editor immediately.
* TVirtualTreeColumns.UpdatePositions() now exits immediately if the control is destroying, ths prevents AVs.
* Added support for CBuilder XE7.
* A larger patch from Diemtar Rösler was applied which addresses various issue regarding VCL styles (especially #478 and #491).
* Supporting only Delphi / C++ Builder XE3 and higher
* Improved support for C++ Builder
Последнее редактирование модератором:
StyleControls is a powerfull package of components, which based on controls from BusinessSkinForm, DynamicSkinForm and SkinAdapter, but uses Classic drawing, system Themes and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also have many unique, advanced controls.
StyleControls is intended for use with:
- Delphi XE2-XE7
- C++Builder XE2-XE7

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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