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Delphi компоненты / Delphi components #7

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Unidac 6.1.6 D7 Xe2 - Xe8

6.1.6 14-Jul-15

Critical bug with data encryption is fixed
Bug in IProviderSupport.PSExecuteStatement with parsing a SQL query is fixed
Bug with missing IdeVer.inc in Trial version is fixed

SQLServer data provider

'Catastrophic failure' on data fetching is fixed

PostgreSQL data provider

Bug with storing BYTEA fields when UnpreparedExecute=True is fixed
Bug in TUniLoader.LoadFromDataSet is fixed

SQLite data provider

Bug with Pooling=True is fixed
Bug with updating a dataset containing a complex primary key is fixed

Последнее редактирование модератором:
AidAim Accuracer v10.10 FullSource for D5-XE6 (x86-x64)

AidAim Accuracer v10.10 FullSource for D5-XE6 (x86-x64)

accuracer_d5.zip 31.024.369
accuracer_d6.zip 30.929.144
accuracer_d7.zip 31.057.424
accuracer_d9.zip 30.999.646
accuracer_d10.zip 36.667.751
accuracer_d11.zip 34.177.020
accuracer_d12.zip 36.806.600
accuracer_d14.zip 38.125.941
accuracer_d15.zip 37.708.939
accuracer_d16.zip 45.773.172
accuracer_d17.zip 51.638.704
accuracer_d18.zip 52.330.494
accuracer_d19.zip 52.312.909
accuracer_d20.zip 52.358.990
key.txt 1

SQLDirect v6.4.4 D5-XE7

SQLDirect v6.4.4 D5-XE7

SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero Delphi v.5 - 10, 2010, XE-XE7 and C++Builder v.5 - 2010, XE-XE7. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers:

IBM DB2 Universal Database
Informix Server
Interbase/Firebird Server
Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL Server
Oracle Database Server
PostgreSQL Server
SQLite Database
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere
Unify (Centura, Gupta) SQLBase Server
ODBC datasources
OLEDB datasources

Download Links:

TeeChart Pro v2015.15.150420 Source Code + TeeRecompile.exe

Проверял только на версии XE7. Для корректной установки, необходимо устанавливать TeeChart на чистую IDE и только потом все остальные компоненты. Для установки достаточно распаковать архив в удобное место и запустить TeeRecompile

I have tested only on XE7 version. For corrent installation you must install on clean IDE and only after this you can install all other components (DevExpress, LMD etc.). Just unzip files and run TeeRecompile.

P.S. Если повтор, не ругайтесь. Давно не заходил на форум.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

MiTeC System Information Component Suite_11.5.7-XE5.rar

MiTeC System Information Component Suite_11.5.7-XE8(password:1936431438).rar
DevExpress 14.2.2 Full Source

Description: Manually ported to XE7, later to XE8.

1. Unpack anywhere and open file "DevExpress XE8.groupproj" or "DevExpress XE7.groupproj"
2. Click to Build All in context menu of Delphi Project Manager.
3. Click to Install in context menu of Delphi Project Manager.

After that compiled packeges will to appear in $(DELPHI)\bin folder.
Compiled *.DCU's will to appear in $(DELPHI)\lib\$(PLATFORM)\$(CONFIG) folder.

Warning XE8!: In Delphi XE8 bridge packages between DevExpress and TeeChart are depending on TeeChart Pro v2015.15.150420 Source Code (see post above).

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