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Delphi компоненты / Delphi components #7

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Enigma Protector 3.70 x86-x64 Retail Crk


The Enigma Protector includes a wide range of unique features aimed at protecting executable files from illegal copying, hacking, modification, and analysis. The supported formats include almost all types of 32- and 64-bit executable files (exe, src, dll, ocx, bpl, etc.) and .NET files created using various development tools, such as MS Visual Studio C#/C++/VB/VB.NET, Borland Delphi/C++, FreePascal, MASM, TASM and others. The protected files can be run on all versions of Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Seven and Windows 8.

The Enigma Protector will make your software resistant to cracking, and thus will increase your sales. The use of attack-proof cryptoalgorithms for registration key generation will make it impossible for others to reconstruct or reproduce the registration key generator for your software. Various methods of code obfuscation, mutation and virtualization will help protect your application from hacking, modifying, disassembling, illegal retrieval of unique functions and data, etc.

RAD Studio XE6 Architect Package


Get these bonuses with your purchase of RAD Studio XE6, Delphi XE6, or C++Builder XE6!

TMS Modern Windows UI Pack - Get a set of components for developing modern looking and highly attractive Windows VCL applications. The UI Pack includes TMS Smooth Controls, TMS Metro Controls and TMS W7 Controls.

VCL Premium Style Pack - Customize the look of your VCL Windows applications with three premium styles included in this style pack. Choose from the dark Jet style, or the two lighter variants, Diamond and Sterling, to change the look of your application.

FireMonkey Premium Style Pack - Customize your multi-device applications with three premium FireMonkey styles. Choose from Jet, Sterling or Diamond styles, optimized for Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android application development.

Wireless Communication Library

Приветствую, господа!

Вышла новой версии Wireless Communication Library

Что нового
  • Toshiba SDP parser: small bug fixed with 1 byte missing in UUID (C++ and .NET Editions);
  • MS stack disconnecting sometime causes dead-lock - fixed;
  • Delphi XE6 and CBuilder XE6 support (VCL Edition);
  • Bluetooth devices monitoring code has been reworked and optimized;
  • Detection of connected devices;
  • WCL as Static Library is now available (C++ Edition, use _WCL_STATIC_ define).

Остальное, как обычно:

1. Только для некоммерческого использования. Подразумевается использование без извлечения прибыли: фривара, для себя любимого и т. п.
2. Коммерческая лицензия доступна с большими скидками. Обращайтесь на Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?, будем рады.
3. Как получить. Стучите нам на Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Если от нас долго (более 3-х часов) нет ответа, то либо у нас ночь и я сплю либо ваше или наше письмо было уничтожено спам-фильтром. По сему можно кинуть в нас еще раз на Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Ну вот как-то так.

P.S. Кто уже к нам обращался и не получил обновления, стукните еще раз
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