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VCL Component Delphi компоненты / Delphi components # 9

Последнее редактирование:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"IDE Vcl Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\vcl.chm"
"Dinkumware Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\dinkumware.chm"
"IDE Code Examples Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\codeexamples.chm"
"IDE Data Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\data.chm"
"IDE FireMonkey Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\fmx.chm"
"IDE Libraries Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\libraries.chm"
"IDE System Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\system.chm"
"IDE Topics Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\topics.chm"
"Indy Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\help\\Doc\\Indy10.chm"
"OpenWire"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\OpenWire\\Help\\OpenWireVCL.chm"
"IGDIPlus"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\LabPacks\\Help\\IGDIPlusVCL.chm"
"MitovRuntime"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\20.0\\LabPacks\\Help\\MitovRuntimeVCL.chm"
"QuickReport 6 Help"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QuickReport\\QR6-RAD-10-3-Rio\\Documentation\\QR6Helpdoc.chm"
"ExpressCrossPlatformLibrary Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressLibrary\\Help\\ExpressCrossPlatformLibrary.chm"
"ExpressDataController Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressDataController\\Help\\ExpressDataController.chm"
"ExpressPageControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressPageControl\\Help\\ExpressPageControl.chm"
"ExpressEditors Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressEditors Library\\Help\\ExpressEditors.chm"
"ExpressWizardControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressWizard Control\\Help\\ExpressWizardControl.chm"
"ExpressLayoutControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressLayout Control\\Help\\ExpressLayoutControl.chm"
"ExpressDockingLibrary Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressDocking Library\\Help\\ExpressDockingLibrary.chm"
"ExpressSpreadSheet Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressSpreadSheet\\Help\\ExpressSpreadSheet.chm"
"ExpressScheduler Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressScheduler\\Help\\ExpressScheduler.chm"
"ExpressQuantumTreeList Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressQuantumTreeList\\Help\\ExpressQuantumTreeList.chm"
"ExpressBars Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressBars\\Help\\ExpressBars.chm"
"ExpressVerticalGrid Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressVerticalGrid\\Help\\ExpressVerticalGrid.chm"
"ExpressMemData Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressMemData\\Help\\ExpressMemData.chm"
"ExpressSpellChecker Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressSpellChecker\\Help\\ExpressSpellChecker.chm"
"ExpressTileControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressTile Control\\Help\\ExpressTileControl.chm"
"ExpressNavBar Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressNavBar\\Help\\ExpressNavBar.chm"
"ExpressSkinsLibrary Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressSkins Library\\Help\\ExpressSkinsLibrary.chm"
"ExpressPrintingSystem Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressPrinting System\\Help\\ExpressPrintingSystem.chm"
"ExpressPivotGrid Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressPivotGrid\\Help\\ExpressPivotGrid.chm"
"ExpressDBTree Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressDBTree Suite\\Help\\ExpressDBTree.chm"
"ExpressOrgChart Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressOrgChart\\Help\\ExpressOrgChart.chm"
"ExpressFlowChart Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressFlowChart\\Help\\ExpressFlowChart.chm"
"ExpressFlowChartEditor Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressFlowChart\\Help\\ExpressFlowChartEditor.chm"
"ExpressMapControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressMap Control\\Help\\ExpressMapControl.chm"
"ExpressQuantumGrid Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressQuantumGrid\\Help\\ExpressQuantumGrid.chm"
"ExpressRichEditControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressRichEdit Control\\Help\\ExpressRichEditControl.chm"
"ExpressGaugeControl Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressGauge Control\\Help\\ExpressGaugeControl.chm"
"ExpressPDFViewer Help"="d:\\my usr\\3thparty\\DevExpress18.2.5\\ExpressPDFViewer\\Help\\ExpressPDFViewer.chm"
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Active Query Builder
Active Query Builder VCL Edition is a visual query builder component suite that allows your end-users to build SQL queries with unions and subqueries via an intuitive visual interface.

Active Query Builder VCL Edition has a powerful SQL parser that lets you analyze and modify complex SQL queries. Active Query Builder is a true two-way query builder, so that you can combine visual query building with direct SQL query text editing.

Active Query Builder VCL Edition requirements
  • Supports Borland Delphi 5-7, Borland C++ Builder 6, BDS 2005-2010, and all RAD Studios up to Delphi Rio (Delphi and C++ Builder development environments).
  • Can be linked with any data access components.
  • Successfully tested in x64 applications.
  • Can be compiled with standard VCL, TNT or DevExpress controls.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Rave 12.0.0 beta 2
Additions and Changes
- Added 64-bit versions of the end user DLLs and all associated BPLs (located in the Redist-64 folder)
- All Rave runtime component packages are now available in the Redist-32 and Redist-64 folders
- The visual and scripting demo projects have been merged and updated to use local client dataset
sources instead of the long depricated BDE demo tables.
- Significant testing and bug fixing of the scripting engine should fix all reported bugs from beta 1.
Please recompile your projects that contain any scripted events, save the project and let us know if
you still encounter any problems.
- Changed all remaining instances of extended floating point types to double for better compatibility
across 32 and 64 bit applications.
- Fixed quite a few other minor bugs.

[HIDEL=5]Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?[/HIDEL]
Последнее редактирование модератором:
TatukGIS Developer Kernel v11.2.0.10124 for Delphi RX10.1
TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK) powerful component GIS (Geographic Information System) for the development of custom stand-alone, client-server, Web server and application are mobile. TatukGIS an ideal component to add GIS capabilities to existing products, transfer the software from GIS systems less attractive and the development of new applications from scratch. DK product version is available for multiple development platforms:
  • Microsoft .NET WinForms and WPF for
  • Microsoft ActiveX / OCX
  • Microsoft ASP.NET (Web solutions)
  • Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (mobile solutions)
  • Delphi / C ++ Builder VCL
DK represents each version of the API, framework and technology. The high degree of similarity between the development of technologies capable of delivering GIS applications in Visual Basic, VB.NET, C #, ASP.NET, Delphi and so on. For example, source code under version DK.NET WinForms application can be compiled as a desktop application. Ibn component is used by customers in dozens of countries.

There is a feature TatukGIS:
  • Native support for more formats (raster, vector and spatial database)
  • Support for coordinate systems
  • Three-dimensional visualization
  • Print Preview Control Panel GPS, North flash control, control coordinate system
  • Control data collection, control panel, three-dimensional, geometric editing, visual editing
  • Supports a variety of vector
  • Output / input and interpretation between multiple vector layer types
  • Geocoding and reverse geocoding
  • Topological operations
  • Support for GPS device simulator
  • Multilingual and Unicode Support
  • Convert geometry types, define custom coordinate system
  • Storage and vector layers in the database
  • Simulated flood, control of light and shadow, the camera / scene control (zoom and rotate), rendering the line and the volume

[HIDEL=5]Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?[/HIDEL]
Последнее редактирование модератором:
EMS Advanced Query Builder VCL v3.10.3
Advanced Query Builder is a powerful component suite for Borland® Delphi® and C++ Builder® intended for visual building SQL statements for the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE clauses. It allows you to build new queries visually and/or graphically represent the existing queries in your own applications. The suite includes components for working with standard SQL, MS SQL, InterBase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL and many more dialects. Advanced Query Builder enables users to make up large and complicated SQL queries with unions and subqueries for different servers without any knowledge of the SQL syntax.
[HIDEL=5]Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?[/HIDEL]
Последнее редактирование модератором: