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VCL Component Delphi компоненты / Delphi components # 9

FastReport VCL Enterprise (Client/Server) v6.3.11

Report generator FastReport VCL is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence in your software. It has been created for developers who want to use ready-made components for reporting. FastReport VCL, with its simplicity of use, convenience and small distribution size is able to provide high functionality and performance on almost any modern PC.

[HIDEL=10]Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?[/HIDEL]
Skip Nag for all winsoft delphi products

Skip nag for all winsoft delphi products with two lines of code.

Web: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
[HIDEL=5]// You just need to add two lines of code

program Project1;
Unit2 in 'Unit2.pas' {Form2},

WinsoftNonagUnit in 'WinsoftNonagUnit.pas'; // line 1

{$R *.res}

WinsoftNonagInit; // line 2

Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2);

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?[/HIDEL]