Thank you for using Rosi components.
How to install components and shared forms:
If you are already using Rosi components with version older than 11.0:
- Remove all older Rosi Components packages from RAD
(menu Component - Install packages - select Rosi Components and Remove, repeat for all Rosi packages)
- Delete all older Rosi Components sources and Package files (BPL).
Install version 11.0 and above:
1/ unzip files from archive to new directory with full user rights
2/ add directories RosiComp, RosiComp_UDB and RosiFormShared to Delphi/C++ library path in RAD
(menu Tools -> Delphi/C++ Enviroment -> Library path)
3/ open directory RosiComp\Packages and open project group file according your RAD version
for Delphi use files *_D2010, DXE..DXE8, DX100, DX101.groupproj
for C++ use files *_C2010, CXE..CXE8, CX100, CX101.groupproj
4/ build and install all projects from the project group in the defined order:
(in RAD right-click to project name and select Install)
5/ optionally open directory RosiComp_UDB\Packages and open project according your RAD version
and selected dataset type (ADO, DBX, IB, FD), build and install UDB components
How to try demo application:
1/ open any project file from Demos directory, compile and run
How to change language of Rosi Components:
Directory RosiComp\Localization + RosiFormShared\Localization contain all localized forms and resourcestrings.
Run batch file lang_csy.bat to change language to Czech.
Run batch file lang_de.bat to change language to German.
Run batch file lang_es.bat to change language to Spanish.
Run batch file lang_hu.bat to change language to Hungarian.
Run batch file lang_cht.bat to change language to Chinese.
Run batch file lang_it.bat to change language to Italian.
Run batch file lang_nlb.bat to change language to Dutch.
Run batch file lang_pt.bat to change language to Portugees.
Run batch file lang_en.bat to change language back to English.
Or simply copy all files from DFM_xxx subdirectory to main directory.
Recompile rosi package and your application
If you want to improve current translation or make translation to any other language, contact author.
If you run compiled application from IDE you could get Exception window although
exceptions is handled by application.
In this case change debugger setting in menu Tool-Debugger Options,
uncheck value "Stop on delphi exceptions".
Directory RosiComp\Documentation + RosiComp_UDB\Documentation + RosiFormShared\Documentation
contain detailed description of all units, components and their properties.
Run _run.bat file or open index.html file to open documentation.
See "
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?" for more information.
In case of question send e-mail to "
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?"
Good luck!