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Dr.DivX (все версии)

да и размер архива не 2,99 как написано, а 4,5 скачивается
А зачем так сложно? С офсайта все прекрасно и так качается

Dr.DivX v2.0 OSS Beta 6
_http://download.divx.com/labs/DrDivX20OSS_b6.exe (3164775)

drffmpeg.dll от 28.01.2006
_http://www.matroska.org/~robux4/drdivx/DrFFMPEG.exe (1461626)
zulus сказал(а):
да и размер архива не 2,99 как написано, а 4,5 скачивается
На момент написания по этой ссылке был файл именно такого размера
zulus сказал(а):
что всеравно ругается на пароль Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
я пробовал еще вариации результат тот же
Так пароля никакого нет,как он может ругаться на то,чего нет...?
Dr. DivX 2.0 Beta 7 :)
У меня в Dr. DivX 2.0 Beta 7 возникли проблемы с открыванием DV файлов, выдаёт две ошибки и закрывается. :(
Может кто знает и подскажет в чём проблема?
Выглядит это так:

Ошибка №1
Assertion Failed:
Program: C:\Program Files\DivX\Dr.DivX 2.0 OSS\drdivx.exe
File: avidec.c
Line: 752
Expression: st2->time_base_den == ast2->rate

Ошибка №2 (первые три строки такие же, а далее...)
Line: 728
Expression:stream_index>= 0

Заранее спасибо за помощь.
Dr. DivX 2.0.0 Beta 7

• New features:
- Add a graph of the output frames in the Job status window
- Remove the Metadata saving until DivX Media Format is stable
- Move all the settings from the registry to an XML file
- Add drag and drop file support to Input widget
- Add Watch folders
- Simplify the Job Batch window and move some job information in a tooltip
- Add a preview window of the video to encode in Advanced mode
- Perform quick analysis when file is loaded and start intensive analysis in background
- Allow user to change codec settings without waiting for intensive analysis to finish
- Move OutputFileSize property to profile so that user can specify target file size instead of bitrate
- Add Information Widget so that user gets up-to-date information on encoded output properties
• Bug fixes:
- Cleanup the format of the log files for better usability
- Don't save a job on leaving if we're in the middle of the Analysis
- Disable tracks for which a (DirectShow) decoder is not available
- Respect aspect ratio settings when cropping is used
- Change scan duration when loading file
- Fix seeking for WMV files
- Disable tracks when decoder is not available

=http://download.divx.com/labs/DrDivX20OSS_b7.exe [4.4 mb]
=http://www.matroska.org/~robux4/drdivx/ [avdsp.dll and drffmpeg.dll]
Aspen сказал(а):
Библиотека .dll установленна?

Всё установленно, ошибки именно с DV- файлмами (цифр. фидеокамера),
причём ошибки вылетают одинаковые как на ноутбуке так и на стационарном компе...:confused:
DrDivX 2.0.0 beta 8

DrDivX Version 2.0.0 beta 8

What's new

* Add the possibility to enable/disable watch folders (disabled by default)
* Save the watch folder settings in the user directory (~/.drdivx2)
* Add a CLI (Command Line) version of DrDivX to encode a file directly with a profile
* Now built with MSVC 2005 Express (freeware version) and Qt 4.1.1 (open source edition)
* Add a "reset" starting mode to delete all the content of the user directory (~/.drdivx2) and jobs
* Rewriting of the aspect ratio handling to support video upscaling (but not beyond profile limits)
* Allow the use of a /.drdivx2 directory to store the settings instead of ~/.drdivx2 (easier to debug)
* The analysis on loading is done in a low priority thread
* Allow user to request interlaced video output
* Access the full video preview from the small video preview
* Add a general progress bar to monitor the long analysis
* Survey tool invoked at application exit

DrDivX Version 2.0.0 beta 9

What's new

o Add the possibility to force the output aspect ratio (Auto, 1:1, 4:3, 16:9)
o Add a button in the Batch window to launch an encoded file
o Add an option to encode with a constant quality (target quantizer)
o Add the possibility to reconfigure a job after it was added to the queue
o Add support for default output profile
o Add auto-build version checking
o Add a progress bar to the job status
o Start the jobs in Low priority by default

DrDivX Version 2.0.0 OSS release

DrDivX Version 2.0.0


* version 2.0.0 (2nd August 2006)

- New Features
Add a plugin to delete source file after encoding
Add a plugin to shutdown the system after encoding
Add a plugin to publish encoded file to Stage6
Inject version info into .dll and .exe

- Bugs fixed
Fix a crash when the DivX uninstall key is not present.
Make sure the analysis in the batch also see the global modulo parameters.
More meaningful error messages when an input file cannot be used.
Make the Add button on by default so that it's faster to add a plugin.
Allow selecting more than one job at a time to reorder and remove jobs.
Handle multiple file drag and drop for .vob files. For all others, choose only first file.
Delete only files that the Dr. created during install.
Handle localised output directory names.
Check for compatible DivX codec after install and during program startup.
Get the video preview as soon as the fast analysis is done.
Fix version update checks on international locale systems.
пожалуйста тему перенесите из вареза, ибо с версии 2.0 программа свободно распространяется.