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Jack D. Schwager - The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders.


"Jack Schwager simply writes the best books about trading I've ever read. These interviews always give me a lot to think about. If you like learning about traders and trading, you'll find that reading this book is time well spent." - Richard Dennis, President, The Dennis Trading Group, Inc.

"Jack Schwager's deep knowledge of the markets and his extensive network of personal contacts throughout the industry have set him apart as the definitive market chronicler of our age." — Ed Seykota

"Very interesting indeed!" — John Train, author of The Money Masters

"Successful trading demands longtime experience because it requires firsthand knowledge. If there is a shortcut to this requirement, however, it is in reading about the experiences of others. Jack Schwager's book provides that shortcut. If you find yourself sweating upon occasion as you read, then you're as close to the trading experience as you can get without actually doing it yourself." — Robert R. Prechter, Jr., editor, The Elliott Wave Theorist

Some traders distinguish themselves from the herd. These supertraders make millions of dollars—sometimes in hours—and consistently outperform their peers.

As he did in his acclaimed national bestseller, Market Wizards, Jack Schwager interviews a host of these supertraders, spectacular winners whose success occurs across a spectrum of financial markets. These traders use different methods, but they all share an edge. How do they do it? What separates them from the others? What can they teach the average trader or investor?

In The New Market Wizards, these wildly successful traders relate the financial strategies that have rocketed them to success, as well as the embarrassing losses that have proven them all too human.

Meet the Wizards of Wall Street:
* Stan Druckenmiller, who, as manager of the Soros Quantum Fund, realized an average annual return of more than 38 percent on assets ranging between $2.0 and $3.5 billion.
* William Eckhardt, a mathematician who, in collaboration with trader Richard Dennis, selected and trained the now-legendary circle known as the Turtles.
* Bill Lipschutz, a former architect who, for eight years, was Salomon Brothers' largest and most successful currency trader.
* Blair Hull, a one-time blackjack player who began an options trading company with.

Asking the questions that readers with an interest in the financial marketswould love to pose to the financial superstars, and filled with candid appraisals, The New Market Wizards takes its place as a classic.

© 1994, Published by HarperBusiness, a division of HarperCollins Publishers,
512 pages.

Размер: 1,76 MB
Формат: DjVu


pariman сказал(а):
hotzero, ну эта ветка тоже не только для постов книг и спасиб (хотя последнего можно избежать, для этого можно просто добавить репутации человеку, сделавшему пост или по баннерам раз кликнуть, больше не надо), книги обсуждать тоже здесь. Поэтому отдельной ветки не надо.
А я и так, по банерам щелкаю, как на работу хожу :)
А почему тогда ничего кроме книг??? Вот меня интересует вопрос о брокерах: кто каким ползуется, какие плюсы кто у кого находит.
Jack D. Schwager - Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America's Top Stock Traders.


Stock Market Wizards looks at 15 of the men and women who have beaten the US indexes year in, year out - and tries to uncover their secrets. In a world of tracker funds, computer-generated buying decisions, and roller-coaster stock prices, the ability to consistently outperform the market is a precious commodity.

Each trader is interviewed at length. The dialogue is then presented Question and Answer style on the page, and at the conclusion of each chapter, Schwager summarises what lessons can be drawn from their replies. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, in a clutch of mavericks who beat the crowd, every one is different. There are obsessives like Mark Minervini, with his 14-hour trading days, who claims not to have taken a day off in ten years; but then there is Mark Cook, who combines caning the market with working on his farm. There is Ahmet Okumus, whose goal is to be the best money manager in the business, this year and every year; but there is Stuart Walton who walked away from trading for several years, and would rather be a writer and artist anyway. Schwager grills each on how they pick their stocks, the technical analysis they employ, how they choose to hold or sell, how they structure their portfolios. Each, it emerges, has his own "edge". Michael Lauer, with his constant search for value stocks, uses a six-step selection process that identifies stocks with good return and risk prospects; David Shaw invests heavily in research, and cuts his transaction costs to the bone, allowing him to profit from tiny market inefficiencies. Each, again, is different, but in the fascinating summary chapter, Schwager identifies the key qualities they all share. All have failed and come back better and wiser dealers. All, no matter how laid back or eccentric they may appear, have a rock-solid trading philosophy and strategy. All are flexible and responsive to change - and all work like demons.

It's a fascinating glimpse into minds of stock-market winners, and the 65 lessons he draws would form a good blueprint for anyone's forays into shares. But perhaps the best is No. 1: "There is no single true path". In the end, you have to do it yourself.

© 2001, Published by HarperBusiness, a division of HarperCollins Publishers,
352 pages.

Размер: 2,09 MB
Формат: PDF


Отличные книги, спасибо.
Может быть есть "Энциклопедия торговых стратегий", было бы здорово, я думаю будет интересна всем.
hotzero, ну попробуй тему во Флейме сделать. Поищи единомышленников.
огромное спасибо за Дамодарана, грандиозно!
в качестве благодарности в ближайшие дни могу выложить Чиркову "Как оценить бизнес по аналогии". Надо?
Есть вопросик, а как можно джвю на пк прочитать, для кпк я знаю проги, но на кпк у меня сейчас экран разбит и я вдали от цивилязации, так что отремонтирывать пока не могу, а читать оч. хочу. МОжно ли во что нибудь нормальное джвю конвертирывать?
Как оценить бизнес по аналогии. Методологическое пособие по использованию сравнительных рыночных коэффициентов при оценке бизнеса и ценных бумаг
Чиркова Е.

Издательство: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2005 г.
190 стр.
ISBN 5-9614-0144-8
Тираж: 5000 экз.
Формат: 60x90/16

Книга известного финансового консультанта, соруководителя направления слияний и поглощений и привлечения финансирования Департамента финансовых услуг компании "Делойт" Елены Чирковой посвящена одному из наименее проработанных аспектов корпоративных финансов - применимости и корректному использованию сравнительного метода в оценке. Автор не только помогает финансовому аналитику постичь теоретические принципы сравнительной оценки и нюансы использования тех или иных сравнительных коэффициентов, но и раскрывает специфику работы с компаниями, функционирующими на формирующихся рынках и, в первую очередь, в России.
Книга написана на обширном практическом материале и содержит примеры из личного опыта автора. Является первым специальным учебным пособием, полностью посвященным сравнительной оценке и не имеющим аналогов как в России, так и в мире.
Книга предназначена для финансовых аналитиков, специалистов по инвестиционной оценке, преподавателей и студентов.

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