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Увы, друг мой, защита твоей информации - или хотя бы четкое понимание того, что это такое и как подобная защита должна строиться - это Твое Личное Дело! Не Cosa Nostra (хотя твои проблемы могут стать и Нашим Делом тоже), а Cosa Roba - Твое Дело!

Я знаю, что ты солидный человек, который привык платить, чтобы за него решали проблемы. Однако есть проблемы, которые за тебя никто не решит, - даже за очень большие деньги. Например, заниматься любовью со своей женой должен ты сам. Но кто тебе сказал, что защита твоей информации - это менее интимное дело, и его можно поручить постороннему?

Первая книга по безопасности для Менеджеров, а не для ботаников-компьютерщиков, информации от широко неизвестного благодаря своей репутации эксперта международного класса. Только благодаря ей Большой Босс сможет понять, каким образом он сможет чувствовать себя хотя бы в относительной безопасности!

Ты должен сам знать, что такое безопасность информации! Ни один нанятый специалист не решит это за тебя!
Если ты нанимаешь студента-компьютерщика за двести баксов в месяц и совершенно серьезно считаешь его специалистом по информационной безопасности, - не понятно, как ты вообще смог стать менеджером подобного уровня.

Авторы: Карл Абрахам II Шкафиц и V. (Capo с заслуженной репутацией, имеет несколько резиденций в разных странах. Его настоящее местонахождение держится в строгой тайне.)

Очень познавательнвя книга, всем Боссам и Админам советую:

_http://rapidshare.de/files/5586801/omert_.rar.html (187658 Bytes)

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Реакции: okun
Безопасность информационных технологий
Методология создания систем защиты


Домарев В.В.
2002 г.
Твердый переплет, 688 стр.
ISBN 966-7992-02-0
Формат: pdf

От издателя

Эта книга поможет Вам найти пути решения проблемы защиты информации в условиях полной открытости современных информационных технологий. В популярной форме, с легким оттенком юмора, автор раскрывает существующие угрозы и каналы утечки информации, приводит описание математических моделей систем защиты, а также рассматривает теоретические и практические вопросы создания защищенных информационных систем с возможностью гибкого управления безопасностью.

От других изданий подобного типа книгу отличает:
- системный подход к решению проблемы защиты информации;
- удачный подбор и компоновка материалов, позволяющие быстро ориентироваться в хитросплетениях вопросов безопасности;
- научное видение процессов создания защищенных информационных систем.

Доступная форма изложения делает книгу интересной для самого широкого круга читателей - от студентов до начальников служб информационной безопасности. Автор раскрывает существующие угрозы и каналы утечки информации, приводит описание математических моделей систем защиты, а также рассматривает вопросы создания защищенных информационных систем с возможностью гибкого управления безопасностью. Многие из представленных материалов до недавнего времени хранились под грифом "секретно" и были достоянием только спецслужб и силовых структур.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 20000 (ISO/IEC 20000:2005)

Текст проекта ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 20000 части 1 и 2 , он же ISO/IEC 20000-1(2):2005, он же BS 15000, он же новый ITIL.

Управление IT услугами. Устанавливает связь между управлением IT и информационной безопасностью по ГОСТ 17799 (ISO 17799:2000).

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Основы психологии корпоративной безопасности


И. А. Бородин
Издательство: Высшая школа психологии, 2004 г.
Мягкая обложка, 160 стр.
ISBN 5-94405-009-8
Тираж: 3000 экз.
Формат: pdf

От издателя
Перед вами книга, в которой впервые систематизированы вопросы психологии корпоративной безопасности. В ней рассмотрена человеческая составляющая безопасности организаций и влияние внутренних и внешних факторов, способных представлять угрозу для существования и успешного функционирования фирмы как системы. Источником опасности для организации могут стать не только конкуренты, криминальные структуры или коррумпированные чиновники, но и сами ее сотрудники, в том числе и те, кто по роду службы отвечает за безопасность фирмы, - и даже ее руководство. А потому чрезвычайно важно знать и помнить об этих обстоятельствах и принимать профилактические меры по обеспечению безопасности, чтобы избежать нежелательных последствий. Эти меры касаются, прежде всего, контактов с людьми - от поиска и отбора кандидатов на работу до культуры взаимоотношений внутри фирмы и даже практики увольнения.

Проблемы, затронутые в этой книге, выходят за рамки учебного курса, который читает ее автор в высших учебных заведениях. Они должны быть поняты и осознаны не только студентами, но и руководителями фирм, служб персонала и служб безопасности.

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ISO/IEC 17799:2005 Ru

Перевод ISO/IEC 17799:2005
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или тут Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

“Настоящее второе издание отменяет и заменяет собой первое издание (ISO/IEC 17799:2000), которое было технически пересмотрено...
Начиная с 2007 года, предложено включить новое издание стандарта ISO/IEC 17799 в эту новую схему нумерации как ISO/IEC 27002.”
BS 7799-3:2006 (Rus). Руководство по управлению рисками ИБ

Перевод BS 7799-3:2006
"Системы управления информационной безопасностью.
Часть 3: Руководство по управлению рисками информационной безопасности"

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Описание стандарта: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
CEH: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide: Exam 312-50


Kimberly Graves
Paperback: 238 pages
Publisher: Sybex; Pap/Cdr edition (February 27, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0782144373
ISBN-13: 978-0782144376
Format: pdf

Book Description
The EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker has emerged as one of today's most sought-after certifications. Now you can prepare for the CEH certification exam 312-50 with the only review guide officially endorsed by EC-Council.

Covering all exam objectives, from ethics and testing to securing wired and wireless networks, this concise, focused guide is ideal for people who have taken CEH classes and need a last-minute review. You'll get the serious preparation you need for this challenging exam as you learn to identify security risks to networks and computers. Written by industry expert Kimberly Graves, this easy-to-use book is organized by exam objectives and goes hand-in-hand with any learning tool on the market. To help you zero in on what you need to know, there are "exam essentials" in each chapter as well as over 300 review questions and practice tools.

The accompanying CD-ROM includes a host of additional study tools including two bonus exams, 150 flashcard questions (that will run on your PC, Pocket PC, or Palm handheld), a searchable glossary of key terms, and hacking tools used in the EC-Council's CEH training.

From the Back Cover
Prepare for the CEH certification exam with this official review guide

Learn how to identify security risks to networks and computers and get the serious preparation you need for the challenging Certified Ethical Hacker certification exam 312-50. The only review guide officially endorsed by EC-Council, this concise book covers all of the exam objectives and includes a CD with a host of additional study tools.
Easy-to-use book is organized by exam objectives for quick review
Flexible review guide goes hand-in-hand with any learning tool on the market
"Exam Essentials" in each chapter helps you zero in on what you need to know
Book includes over 300 review questions and practice tools

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Endpoint Security


Mark Kadrich
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (March 30, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321436954
ISBN-13: 978-0321436955
Format: pdf

Book Description
A Comprehensive, Proven Approach to Securing All Your Network Endpoints!

Despite massive investments in security technology and training, hackers are increasingly succeeding in attacking networks at their weakest links: their endpoints. Now, leading security expert Mark Kadrich introduces a breakthrough strategy to protecting all your endpoint devices, from desktops and notebooks to PDAs and cellphones.

Drawing on powerful process control techniques, Kadrich shows how to systematically prevent and eliminate network contamination and infestation, safeguard endpoints against today’s newest threats, and prepare yourself for tomorrow’s attacks. As part of his end-to-end strategy, he shows how to utilize technical innovations ranging from network admission control to “trusted computing.”

Unlike traditional “one-size-fits-all” solutions, Kadrich’s approach reflects the unique features of every endpoint, from its applications to its environment. Kadrich presents specific, customized strategies for Windows PCs, notebooks, Unix/Linux workstations, Macs, PDAs, smartphones, cellphones, embedded devices, and more.

You’ll learn how to:

• Recognize dangerous limitations in conventional
endpoint security strategies

• Identify the best products, tools, and processes to secure your specific devices and infrastructure

• Configure new endpoints securely and reconfigure existing endpoints to optimize security

• Rapidly identify and remediate compromised
endpoint devices

• Systematically defend against new endpoint-focused malware and viruses

• Improve security at the point of integration between endpoints and your network

Whether you’re a security engineer, consultant, administrator, architect, manager, or CSO, this book delivers what you’ve been searching for:
a comprehensive endpoint security strategy that works.

Mark Kadrich is President and CEO of The Security Consortium, which performs in-depth testing and evaluation of security products and vendors. As Senior Scientist for Sygate Technologies, he was responsible for developing corporate policies, understanding security trends, managing government certification programs, and evangelization. After Symantec acquired Sygate, Kadrich became Symantec’s Senior Manager of Network and Endpoint Security.

His 20 years’ IT security experience encompasses systems level design, policy generation, endpoint security, risk management, and other key issues.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
IT Auditing: Using Controls to Protect Information Assets


Chris Davis, Mike Schiller, Kevin Wheeler
Paperback: 387 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (December 22, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0072263431
ISBN-13: 978-0072263435
Format: chm

Book Description
Protect Your Systems with Proven IT Auditing Strategies

"A must-have for auditors and IT professionals." -Doug Dexter, CISSP-ISSMP, CISA, Audit Team Lead, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Plan for and manage an effective IT audit program using the in-depth information contained in this comprehensive resource. Written by experienced IT audit and security professionals, IT Auditing: Using Controls to Protect Information Assets covers the latest auditing tools alongside real-world examples, ready-to-use checklists, and valuable templates. Inside, you'll learn how to analyze Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems; secure databases; examine wireless networks and devices; and audit applications. Plus, you'll get up-to-date information on legal standards and practices, privacy and ethical issues, and the CobiT standard.

  • Build and maintain an IT audit function with maximum effectiveness and value
  • Implement best practice IT audit processes and controls
  • Analyze UNIX-, Linux-, and Windows-based operating systems
  • Audit network routers, switches, firewalls, WLANs, and mobile devices
  • Evaluate entity-level controls, data centers, and disaster recovery plans
  • Examine Web servers, platforms, and applications for vulnerabilities
  • Review databases for critical controls
  • Use the COSO, CobiT, ITIL, ISO, and NSA INFOSEC methodologies
  • Implement sound risk analysis and risk management practices
  • Drill down into applications to find potential control weaknesses

About the Author
Chris Davis, CISA, CISSP, shares his experience from architecting, hardening, and auditing systems. He has trained auditors and forensic analysts. Davis is the coauthor of the bestselling Hacking Exposed: Computer Forensics.

Mike Schiller, CISA, has 14 years of experience in the IT audit field, most recently as the worldwide IT Audit Manager at Texas Instruments.

Kevin Wheeler, CISA, CISSP, NSA IAM/IEM, is the founder and CEO of InfoDefense and has over ten years of IT security experience.

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Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt


Andrew Jaquith
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (March 26, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321349989
ISBN-13: 978-0321349989
Format: pdf

The Definitive Guide to Quantifying, Classifying, and Measuring Enterprise IT Security Operations

Security Metrics is the first comprehensive best-practice guide to defining, creating, and utilizing security metrics in the enterprise.

Using sample charts, graphics, case studies, and war stories, Yankee Group Security Expert Andrew Jaquith demonstrates exactly how to establish effective metrics based on your organization’s unique requirements. You’ll discover how to quantify hard-to-measure security activities, compile and analyze all relevant data, identify strengths and weaknesses, set cost-effective priorities for improvement, and craft compelling messages for senior management.

Security Metrics successfully bridges management’s quantitative viewpoint with the nuts-and-bolts approach typically taken by security professionals. It brings together expert solutions drawn from Jaquith’s extensive consulting work in the software, aerospace, and financial services industries, including new metrics presented nowhere else. You’ll learn how to

  • Replace nonstop crisis response with a systematic approach to security improvement
  • Understand the differences between “good” and “bad” metrics
  • Measure coverage and control, vulnerability management password quality, patch latency, benchmark scoring, and business-adjusted risk
  • Quantify the effectiveness of security acquisition, implementation, and other program activities
  • Organize, aggregate, and analyze your data to bring out key insights
  • Use visualization to understand and communicate security issues more clearly
  • Capture valuable data from firewall and antivirus logs, third-party auditor reports, and other resources
  • Implement balanced scorecards that present compact, holistic views of organizational security effectiveness

Whether you’re an engineer or consultant who must ensure security and report to management about it—or an executive who needs better information for decision-making—Security Metrics is the resource you have been searching for.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Zen and the Art of Information Security


Ira Winkler
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Syngress Publishing (March 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1597491683
ISBN-13: 978-1597491686
Format: pdf

Book Description
While security is generally perceived to be a complicated and expensive process, Zen and the Art of Information Security makes security understandable to the average person in a completely non-technical, concise, and entertaining format. Through the use of analogies and just plain common sense, readers see through the hype and become comfortable taking very simple actions to secure themselves. Even highly technical people have misperceptions about security concerns and will also benefit from Ira Winklers experiences making security understandable to the business world. Mr. Winkler is one of the most popular and highly rated speakers in the field of security, and lectures to tens of thousands of people a year. Zen and the Art of Information Security is based on one of his most well received international presentations.

*Written by an internationally renowned author of "Spies Among Us" who travels the world making security presentations to tens of thousands of people a year
* This short and concise book is specifically for the business, consumer, and technical user short on time but looking for the latest information along with reader friendly analogies
* Describes the REAL security threats that you have to worry about, and more importantly, what to do about them

From the Back Cover
While security is generally perceived to be a complicated and expensive process, Zen and the Art of Information Security makes security understandable to the average person in a completely non-technical, concise, and entertaining format. Through the use of analogies and just plain common sense, readers see through the hype and become comfortable taking very simple actions to secure themselves. Even highly technical people have misperceptions about security concerns and will also benefit from Ira Winklers experiences making security understandable to the business world. Mr. Winkler is one of the most popular and highly rated speakers in the field of security, and lectures to tens of thousands of people a year. Zen and the Art of Information Security is based on one of his most well received international presentations.

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