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Сергей Рахманинов - Всенощная op.37

Поздравляю всех со Светлым Рождеством Христовым!!!

Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов
Всенощная оп. 37


Дирижёр: Георгий Робев
Исполнитель: Болгарский национальный хор 'Святослав Обретенов'
Дата релиза: 1993
Общее время звучания: 72.52
Качество: EAC-APE-CUE
Общий размер архива: 245.4Мб


[01] Приидите, Поклонимся
[02] Благослови, Душе Моя
[03] Блажен Муж
[04] Свете Тихий
[05] Ныне Отпущаеши
[06] Богородице, Дево, Радуйся
[07] Шестипсалмие
[08] Хвалите Имя Господне
[09] Благословен Еси, Господи
[10] Воскресение Христово Видевши
[11] Величит Душа Моя Господа
[12] Славословие Великое
[13] Днесь Спасение Миру (тропарь)
[14] Воскрес Из Гроба (тропарь)
[15] Избранный Воеводе (кондак)

Дополнительные треки
[16] Святый Боже (традиц.)
[17] Отче Наш (Кедров)


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Amarillo сказал(а):
барочная музыка в исполнении трубача(-чей)-виртуоза(-ов), более детальной информации об исполнителях, увы, дать не могу, ибо сохранился только список треков.
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и картинка

Честь имею... :D
шедевры классики. "20 избранных мелодий"

Название: Шедевры классики. "20 избранных мелодий"
Год: 1999
Издательство: AT Music
Качество: APE/Insane
Размер: 256 Mb


1. Вивальди. Зима соч. 8/1 "Allegro", Шведский национальный оркестр, дирижер Х. Мюнхнер
2. Корелли. Концерт соч. 6/8 "Vivace/Grave", Симфонический оркестр радио г. Штутгарт, дирижер Г. Наварро
3. Бах. Токката BWV 565, Х. Беккер-Фосс, орган
4. Моцарт. Концерт для валторны с оркестром "Rondo", К. Сретер, валторна "Моцарт-оркестр"
5. Мендельсон. Концерт для скрипки с оркестром "Финал", Х. Спиткова, скрипка, оркестр слявянской филармонии, дирижер Б. Речуха
6. Чайковский. "Щелкунчик" "увертюра", Токийский фестевальный оркестр, дирижер Н. Митсумо
7. Дворжак. Серенада для струнного оркестра "Moderato", Штудгартский камерный оркестр, дирижер Г. Наварро
8. Зуппе. "Легкая кавалерия" "Увертюра, кода", Симфонический оркестр, дирижер С. Бертран
9. Дебюсси. "Детский уголок" "Прогулка пирога", П. Шмалфус, фортепиано
10. Шопен, Вальс, П. Шмалфус, фортепиано
11. Бах. Брандербургский концерт №1 "Allegro", Шведский национальный оркестр, дирижер Х. Мюнхнер
12. Гайдн. Императорский квартет "Adagio", Квартет Гаспара де Сало
13. Франк Хорал, И. Забо, орган
14. Моцарт. Эльвира Модиган к.467 "Andante", И. Станцева, фортепиано. "Моцарт-оркестр"
15. Бетховен. "Симфония №9" Финал, I]Симфонический оркестр, дирижер А. Лиццио[/I]
16. Лист. Хоровод гномов, Д. Гольдман, фортепиано
17. Бородин. Половецкий танец
18. Сметана. "Моя Родина" "Влатва (фрагмент)"
19. Малер. Симфония №1 "Финал", Берлинский фестивальный оркестр, дирижер В. Петрошов
20. Штраус. Трич-Трач полька, Оркестр венской оперы, дирижер С. Михальский

Mozart In Egypt-2

Mozart In Egypt-2
192kbit MP3 98Mb



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Исторические записи Святослава Рихтера.


Представлять С.Рихтера, думаю, необходимости нет. На предлагаемом диске записан его сольный концерт в Карнеги-холле в Нью-Йорке 26.12.1960, во время его американского дебютного турне. Как пишут издатели, "ничто из этих записей не было никогда никем услышано с момента концерта"


Качество APE+CUE, качественные сканы обложек в архивах, информация для восстановления, пароль - amarillo.

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Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? - part2, 137Мб

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Сайт для ословодов-любителей классики - _http://www.eliteclasica.com/

Бесконечное количество (на данный момент - 11198) выкладываемых в осле релизов классических дисков, ежедневно добавляется много новых. Всё на испанском языке, но интуитивно понятно. Перевод самого важного:

Buscar/Descargar : здесь список релизов. Сверху можно упорядочить
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Уже на страничке конкретного диска нажатие кнопки "Descargar con Emule" (при включенном Осле) приводит к перехвату ослом закачки.

пардон,оффтоп: народ, подскажите (в личке, что ли, дабы не оффтопить более), что делать с такой проблемой: все испанские страницы содержат буквы ñ, á, í и так далее, у меня они читаются символами кириллицы (ъ. ы. ц etc), в ИЕ всегда, а в Опере как правило. Может, кто знает, как с этим бороться?:)
Tchaikovsky - Best Of - 2005
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Жанр.............................: Classical
Продолжительность.......: 73:36 min
Кодировщик..................: Audiograbber
Кодек............................: Lame 3.90.3
Качество.......................: VBR APS

01 - Nutcracker Ballet Suite Op.71a [03:06] (Excerpts form the Ballet) Overture
02 - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 [21:28] in B Flat Minor Op.23 I. Allegro Non Trop
03 - Violin Concerto in D Major Op.35 II. [06:51] Canzonetta. Andante
04 - St.Petersburg Rso the Sleeping Beauty. [05:08] Suite No. 6 Valse (Waltz)
05 - Georgian Simi Festival Orchestra [15:24] Festival Overture 1812, Op.49
06 - Georgian Simi Festival Orchestra Swan [02:58] Lake Op.20 (Excerpts form the Ballet) Int
07 - Swan Lake Op.20 [02:48] (Excerpts form the Ballet) No. 8 Dance De
08 - The Seasons Op.37a No. 6 June [05:01]
09 - Serenade for Strings in C Major, Op.48 [03:42]
II. Valse. Moderato. Temo Di Valse
10 - The Nutcracker Op.71 [07:10] (Excerpts form the Ballet) No. 9 Valse De

Renata Tebaldi
Christmas Festival

Дата записи: апрель 1971
Дата релиза: 12 октября, 2004
Рекорд лэйбл: Decca
Дирижер: Anton Guadagno
Общее время звучания: 43:47 мин
Качество: EAC-APE-CUE-covers
Размер архива: 179.24 Мб

01. John Francis Wade - O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste fidelis)
02. Charles Gounod - Ave Maria, for voice & piano (or other vocal arrangements; after Bach's Prelude No. 1 from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1)
03. Johannes Brahms - Wiegenlied ("Guten Abend, gut Nacht"), song for voice & piano, Op. 49/4
04. Christmas Traditional - What Child Is This? (Greensleeves)
05. Adolphe Adam - Cantique de Noel for voice & orchestra, "O Holy Night"
06. Christmas Traditional - Tu scendi dalle stelle (Italian)
07. Franz Xaver Gruber - Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night)
08. Cesar Franck - Panis angelicus for tenor, organ, harp, cello & bass
09. Charles Gounod - Repentir, song for mezzo-soprano & orchestra ('O Divine Redeemer")
10. Alois Melichar - Mille cherubini in coro (after Schubert)
11. Franz Schubert - Ellens Gesang III ("Ave Maria"), song for voice & piano, D. 839 (Op. 52/6)
12. John Francis Wade - O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste fidelis)

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Leontyne Price - biography by Richard LeSueur
The daughter of a carpenter and a midwife, African-American soprano Leontyne Price (nee Mary Violet) studied piano and singing with the assistance of a local family that recognized her innate talents. After earning her degree from College of Education and Industrial Arts at Wilberforce, Ohio (where she studied with Catherine Van Buren), Price was awarded a scholarship to attend the Juilliard School of Music where she continued vocal training with Florence Page Kimball. Upon hearing her there, Virgil Thomson invited her to sing Saint Cecilia in the 1952 revival of his Four Saints in Three Acts. She then toured the United States and Europe as Bess in Gershwin's Porgy and Bess (1952-55); on this tour she met and married bass-baritone William Warfield who was singing the role of Porgy.

In October 1953, Price sang the premiere of Samuel Barber's Hermit Songs at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and she gave her first New York recital in November 1954; in December of the same year she sang Barber's Prayers of Kierkegaard with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Her appearances in Tosca, Die Zauberflote, Dialogues des Carmelites, and Don Giovanni on television brought her to wide attention for both her outstanding singing, and for being the first African American leading soprano of note.

In the following seasons, she made her debuts at San Francisco, Chicago, Vienna, London, and Milan. This culminated in her first appearance at the Metropolitan Opera House as Leonore in Il trovatore, an evening that garnered a front page review in the New York Times. The Metropolitan would soon become her favored opera house; she sang most of her wide repertoire there, including Aida, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, Leonore in La Forza del Destino, Ernani, Amelia in Un ballo in maschera, Donna Anna (Don Giovanni), Pamina (Die Zauberflote), Fiorgiligi (Cosi), Ariadne (Ariadne auf Naxos), and Tatiana in Eugene Onegin. She sang her last operatic performance there in 1985 as Aida.

Price was known as much for her concert and recital appearances as for those in opera. Besides performances of common repertory works, such as Beethoven's Missa Solemnis and the Verdi Requiem, she also undertook Honegger's rather obscure Jeanne d'Arc (with the New York Philharmonic) and Bruckner's Te Deum (at Salzburg). Her solo concerts often featured lesser-known arias and excerpts, including the "Awakening of Helen" from Strauss' Egyptian Helen, selections from Barber's Anthony and Cleopatra and The Songs of the Rose of Sharon by John La Montaine.

She gave annual recitals throughout North America and was also heard regularly in Europe, being a special favorite at the Salzburg Festival. Her recital repertoire was extensive, ranging from the songs of Poulenc, Hahn, and Marx, to traditional spirituals; her final encore was often "This little light of mine" — one of her mother's favorite pieces.

Leontyne Price's voice was a spinto soprano of great beauty. She had a wonderful feeling for the sweep of the long phrases of Verdi and her technique allowed her to encompass all of the difficulties of Donna Anna (Don Giovanni) and Elvira (Ernani). Her lower register had a quality often described as "dusky" which many listeners found quite sensual. Most of her important operatic roles were recorded by RCA, but only a small fraction of her recital repertoire found its way onto disc. Leontyne Price will always be remembered as one of the greatest Verdi sopranos of the twentieth century.


Leontyne Price
Christmas with Leontyne Price

Дата записи: июнь 1961
Дата релиза: 12 октября, 2004
Рекорд лэйбл: Decca
Дирижер: Herbert von Karajan
Общее время звучания: 39.29 мин
Качество: EAC-APE-CUE-covers
Размер архива: 183.7 Мб

01. Silent Night
02. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
03. We Three Kings of Orient Are
04. Angels We Have Heard on High
05. O Tannenbaum
06. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
07. It Cam Up on a Midnight Clear
08. Von Himmel Hoch, Da Komm Ich Her
09. Sweet Li'l Jesus
10. Ave Maria
11. O Holy Night
12. Ave Maria
13. Alleluja {From Exsultae, Jubilate}

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Joan Sutherland - biography by Joseph Stevenson
Soprano Joan Sutherland's mother taught her the piano and singing until she was 19, well enough that Joan won several singing competitions. Her professional vocal training then began when she was admitted as a pupil of John and Aida Dickens in Sydney. The Dickenses immediately started working on her neglected soprano register (she had previously trained as a mezzo soprano).

After studies at London's Royal College of Music, Sutherland made her professional debut at the Royal Opera as First Lady in Mozart's Die Zauberflote (1952). Meanwhile, she married her accompanist Richard Bonynge; theirs would become one of the most enduring of musical as well as marital partnerships. It was Bonynge's interest in the Italian style of bel canto that first led Sutherland into that repertory; he even wrote exercises for her to develop fluency and command of the style.

Sutherland began to receive leading roles in Covent Garden's general repertory in 1954, and in 1955 she sang the role of Jennifer in the world premiere of Michael Tippett's opera The Midsummer Marriage.

Her breakthrough into the bel canto repertory came with her Lucia di Lammermoor at Covent Garden on February 17, 1959. The premiere was a triumph; such a stylistically organic and natural performance of Donizetti had not been heard for generations. She quickly became the most prominent young singer exploring the neglected music of Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti.

Her voice had a beautiful quality which bloomed above the staff, actually gaining in clarity in this high register. Her phrasing was excellent and historically informed, and projected intense emotional involvement. The voice had extraordinary agility, and could negotiate rapid ornamentation in any register with seeming ease. The major aspect of her performance that most invited criticism was her tendency to sacrifice the consonants of words to the flowing legato of her singing, resulting sometimes in the words becoming unintelligible.

Sutherland's career progressed to one of great stardom and brilliance. She debuted at La Scala in Milan in 1961 as Lucia, and made subsequent appearances at most major houses of the world. The Bonynges organized their own operatic company and took it to Australia in the 1965-66 season, a triumphant return for both. She also undertook a major recording career with the Decca (London) Record company, which preserved most of her major roles in operas of Handel, Bellini, Donizetti, and Meyerbeer. In 1976, Bonynge was appointed music director of the Australian Opera in Sydney, where he remained for ten years. Sutherland frequently appeared with the company, with stellar results. She received her knighthood as Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1979. She made her farewell operatic debut with the Sydney Opera on October 2, 1990, in Les Huguenots by Meyerbeer.


Joan Sutherland
Joy to the World

Дата записи: май 1965
Дата релиза: 12 октября, 2004
Рекорд лэйбл: Decca
Общее время звучания: 40:58 мин
Качество: EAC-APE-CUE-covers
Размер архива: 192.01 Мб

01. Joy to the World - Handel, Watts
02. It Cam Upon a Midnight Clear - Sears, Wills
03. O Holy Night - Adam, DeRoquemaure
04. O Divine Redeemer - Gounod
05. What Child Is This - Dix, Traditional
06. Adeste Fideles - Oakey, Wade
07. The Twelve Days of Christmas - Traditional
08. God King Wenceslas - Traditional
09. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Kingsley, Mendelssohn
10. The Virgin's Slumber Song - Reger, Teschemacher
11. Ave Maria - Schubert, Scott
12. The Holly and the Ivy - Traditional
13. Angels We Have Heard on High - Traditional
14. Deck the Hall - Traditional

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Полная (??) коллекция Моцарта на 136CD

Аферистов не нашлось. Жаль....


Маленькое обновление --- оказалось что это коллекция Моцарта на 136 дисках. Исполняет Academy of St Martin in the Fields dir. Neville Marriner. Качество: APE (глюков нет, точно отвечаю за Box3&Box4 ибо скачал только их).

Короче. Для желающих торренты:

Box 1 Symphonies (12CD-s)
Box 2 Serenades-Dances-March (13CD-s)
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Box 3 Divertiment & Divertiment Serenades (11CD-s)
Box 4 Piano Concertos (12CD-s)
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Box 5 Violin Concertos (9CD-s)
Box 6 Quintets, Quartets,Trios,Etc (8CD-s)
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Box 7 String Quarter & Quintets (11CD-s)
Box 8 Violin Sonatas, String Duos & Trios (9CD-s)
Box 9 Piano Music (12CD-s)
Box 10 Missa. Requiem. Organ Sonatas & Solos (11CD-s)
Box 11 Misc... (13CD-s)
Box 12 Misc.... (10CD-s)
Box 13 Misc..... (5CD-s)
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