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Книги Osprey (военная тематика). Часть 2

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German Security and Police Soldier 1939–45 (Warrior 61) 11.5 mb


Gebirgsjäger German Mountain Trooper 1939–45 (Warrior 74) 13.1 mb

Продолжение закрытия Элиты.

Osprey - Elite 012 - Inside Soviet Army Today


Osprey - Elite 033 - South-East Asian Special Forces


Osprey - Elite 034 - Afrikakorps 1941-43


Osprey - Elite 037 - Panama 1989–90


Osprey - Elite 038 - NVA and Viet Cong


Osprey - Elite 041 - Elite Forces Of India And Pakistan


Osprey - Elite 043 - Vietnam Marines 1965-73


Osprey - Elite 047 - South African Special Forces


Osprey - Elite 049 - Gurkhas


Окончание следует.
Elite 052 - Wellingtons Foot Guards
2 части по 16 Мб

Darby's Rangers 1942–45 (Warrior 69) 16.5 mb


US Army Tank Crewman 1941–45 European Theater of Operations (ETO) 1944–45 (Warrior 78) 21.2 mb

Elite 004

Немного от меня:

Elite 004

US Army Special Forces 1952 - 1984


Author: Gordon Rottman
Illustrator: Ronald Volstad

Paperback; May 23 1985; 64 pages; ISBN: 085045610X


From its very inception the United States Army Special Forces has been enmeshed in controversy, its mission misunderstood to varying degrees, and its very existence opposed by some of the Army hierarchy. Nevertheless it continues to serve in a highly specialised role in all manner of differing conditions. There can be few better qualified to chronicle the history of this unique organisation than former Special Forces Group weapons specialist Gordon Rottman, whose expert knowledge is clearly evident in this authoritative text. This volume also contains 12 full page colour plates by one of the world's most respected military artists, Ron Volstad.

Размер: 10,3 Mb

Ссылка: http://rapidshare.de/files/4885711/Osprey_-_Elite_004_-_US_Army_Special_Forces_1952_-_1984.pdf.html
Немного off
На medigo.ru была ссылка на цветные фото 1-ой мировой:
Green Beret in Vietnam 1957–73 (Warrior 28) 28 mb


US Army Ranger 1983–2002 Sua Sponte – Of their own accord (Warrior 65) 18.8 mb

Последнее редактирование модератором:
troodon сказал(а):
gfile прекратил свободный доступ, может кто-то востановит. На dial-up ,быстро не скачаешь. Спасибо.
(F 1) - Japanese Pacific Island Defenses 1941–45
(F 4) - American Defenses Of Corregidor and Manila Bay 1898-1945
(F 8) - Defenses of Pearl Harbor and Oahu 1907–50
(F 10) - The Maginot Line 1928–45
(F 20) - British Home Defences 1940–45
(F 24) - Fortifications of Western Front 1914-18

(E 48) - Nelson's Navy
(E 52) - Wellington's Foot Guards
(E 53) - International Brigades In Spain 1936-1939

Fortress 1 - Уже переложен
Fortress 4 - 64.8 mb


Fortress 8 - Уже переложен
Fortress 10 - Уже переложен
Fortress 20 - Уже переложен
Fortress 24 - 28.3 mb

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Все Essential по первой мировой

Вашему вниманию предлагаются все 4 книги по World War I из серии Essential Histories

Книга 4. Потерпите, следующие 3 будут в течении выходных.

Essential Histories 023

The First World War (4)
The Mediterranean Front 1914–1923


Author: Michael Hickey

Paperback; July 25 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 184176373X


The First World War in the Mediterranean represented more than just a peripheral theatre to the war on the western front. This engaging volume includes details of allied attempts to capture Constantinople; bloody campaigning in Northern Italy; the defence of the Suez Canal and the defeat of the Turkish army in Palestine. The Arab revolt, skirmishes in North Africa and the entrapment of a huge allied garrison in Greece - the 'worlds biggest prison camp' as the Germans described it - are also covered. The result was the fall of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires and the birth of nations unknown in 1914.

Размер: 31,8 Mb

Ссылка: http://rapidshare.de/files/4906901/Osprey_-_Essential_Histories_023_-_The_first_World_War_4._The_Medditerranean_Front_1914_-_1923.pdf.html
Frodo Torbins сказал(а):
Немного от меня:

Elite 004

US Army Special Forces 1952 - 1984

Author: Gordon Rottman
Illustrator: Ronald Volstad

Paperback; May 23 1985; 64 pages; ISBN: 085045610X


From its very inception the United States Army Special Forces has been enmeshed in controversy, its mission misunderstood to varying degrees, and its very existence opposed by some of the Army hierarchy. Nevertheless it continues to serve in a highly specialised role in all manner of differing conditions. There can be few better qualified to chronicle the history of this unique organisation than former Special Forces Group weapons specialist Gordon Rottman, whose expert knowledge is clearly evident in this authoritative text. This volume also contains 12 full page colour plates by one of the world's most respected military artists, Ron Volstad.

Размер: 10,3 Mb

Ссылка: http://rapidshare.de/files/4885711/Osprey_-_Elite_004_-_US_Army_Special_Forces_1952_-_1984.pdf.html

Frodo! Вообще-то я выкладывал это на 16-ой закладке. Или slil.ru не нравится?

Кстати, откуда, если не секрет, 1-ая мировая. В осле я ее не видел.

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Надо что-то делать!
derbenat сказал(а):
Frodo! Вообще-то я выкладывал это на 16-ой закладке. Или slil.ru не нравится?

Кстати, откуда, если не секрет, 1-ая мировая. В осле я ее не видел.


Извини бога ради.

Боле не буду, облажался.

А slil не нравится это ты в точку! Upload нахрен обрывается через минуту.
Сегодня поставил на ночь 8 файлов из списка, залитых на slil.ru - всё скачалось, и все файлы битые. Такого нет ни на одном ФТП. Как же скачать такие списки?
Спасибо за SLIL.RU!
Книга 2.

Essential Histories 022

The First World War (3)
The Western Front 1917–1918


Author: Peter Simkins

Paperback; June 25 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841763489


In this, the second volume covering the war on the Western Front, Peter Simkins describes the last great battles of attrition at Arras, on the Aisne and at Passchendaele in 1917. Then he moves on to relate the successive offensives launched by Germany in the spring and summer of 1918 in an effort to achieve victory or a favourable peace before American manpower proved decisive. Again, questioning and correcting several myths and long-held assumptions about the nature and conduct of war on the Western Front, the author also looks at the aftermath and legacy of the 'war to end wars'.

Размер: 34,6 Mb

Ссылка: http://rapidshare.de/files/4923135/Osprey_-_Essential_Histories_022_-_The_first_World_War_3._The_Western_Front_1917_-_1918.pdf.html
Essential Histories 014

Книга 3.

Essential Histories 014

The First World War (2)
The Western Front 1914–1916


Author: Peter Simkins

Paperback; January 25 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841763470


More than 80 years on, the Great War - and particularly the great battles such as the Somme and Verdun - continues to fascinate us and to cast long shadows over the world in which we live. For Britain, the effort and sacrifice involved in creating and sustaining its first-ever and biggest-ever mass citizen army, and in helping to defeat the main enemy in the decisive theatre of operations, left deep emotional and psychological scars that have influenced much of the nation's subsequent history and that are still felt today. In this volume Peter Simkins re-examines the struggle and sheds an interesting new light on the nature, course and effects of the fighting in France and Belgium from 1914 to 1916.

Размер: 34,9 Mb

Ссылка: http://rapidshare.de/files/4950782/Osprey_-_Essential_Histories_014_-_The_first_World_War_2._The_Western_Front_1914_-_1916.pdf.html
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