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Книги Osprey (военная тематика). Часть 2

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MAA006 - Austro-hungarian army of the Seven years war

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Campaign 026

Про Первую драку по Гражданской войне уже выложили, выложу я сейчас Vicksburg, именно с этой битвы прроизошел перелом в войне и северяне начали одерживать одну победу за другой..


Для большей информации читайте на: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vicksburg

Campaign 026

Vicksburg 1863
Grant clears the Mississippi


Author: Alan Hankinson

Paperback; September 30 1993; 96 pages; ISBN: 1855323532

Description: The 1863 Vicksburg campaign was to prove decisive to the outcome of the American Civil War. Known as the 'Gibraltar of the West', Vicksburg was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River. In a masterly campaign Grant used riverboats and steamers to land his army south of the city. He then defeated the armies of Generals 'Joe' Johnston and John C. Pemberton. Pemberton allowed his force to become bottled up in Vicksburg and after an epic 47-day siege he was forced to surrender the remnants of his force to Grant on 4 July 1863, one day after Lee's defeat at Gettysburg.

Size: 34,74 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4XSJDD1D
Essential Histories 046

Войны в Японии 15 -17 вв.

Essential Histories 046

War in Japan 1467–1615


Author: Stephen Turnbull

Paperback; August 19 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841764809

Description: In 1467 the Onin War ushered in a period of unrivalled conflict and rivalry in Japan that came to be called the Age of Warring States or Sengoku Jidai. In this book Stephen Turnbull offers a masterly exposition of the Sengoku Jidai, detailing the factors that led to Japan's disintegration into warring states after more than a century of peace; the years of fighting that followed; and the period of gradual fusion when the daimyo (great names) strove to reunite Japan under a new Shogun. Peace returned to Japan with the end of the Osaka War in 1615, but only at the end of the most violent, turbulent and cruel period in Japanese history.

Size: 39,44 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=331LZVE6
Warrior 023

Уважаемый г-н tarlith здесь упомянул список книг, которые "всплыли" в ослике, все вроде скачались, думаю, что все сегодня и выложу.

А вот книга которую он упомянул (см. заголовок) у меня была, так что выкладываю ее в двух экземплярах (как книгу серии Warrior и как книгу серии History).

Warrior 023

US Marine Rifleman in Vietnam 1965–73
US Marine Corps in Vietnam


Author: Charles Melson
Illustrator: Ramiro Bujeiro

Paperback; March 15 1998; 64 pages; ISBN: 185532542X
Paperback; July 2000; 64 pages; ISBN: 1841761052

Description: This volume provides an in-depth look at the experience of the ordinary US marine 'grunt' in Vietnam. Organisation of the corps, weaponry, equipment, uniforms, training and medical arrangements are all discussed. However, where this book differs from other similar works is not only in the detail that it goes into but also in the unifying theme of examining all these differing aspects of marine life from the point of view of a soldier serving in the conflict. The author, Charles Melson, actually served in Vietnam, and it is this personal experience that allows him to provide such a unique angle on the subject.

Size: 29,07 Mb & 13,60 Mb


Warrior 040

Conquistador (meaning "Conqueror" in the Spanish language) is the term used to refer to the soldiers, explorers, and adventurers who achieved the Conquista (this Spanish term is generally accepted by historians), i.e. brought much of the Americas and Asia Pacific under Spanish colonial rule between the 15th and 17th centuries. The Genoese Columbus's discovery of the New World in 1492 afforded Spain a headstart in Colonization of the Americas, i.e. North, South America, continental Central and the Caribbean regions; the whole area was designated the West Indies, as the explorers originally presumed they had reached the (inexistent) Atlantic coast of the Asia-Pacific Far East, which was being reached and soon colonized as 'East Indies', notably the archipelago of the Philippines and Guam.

The leaders of Spanish expeditions to the New World called themselves conquistadores, a name expressing the similarity to the recently accomplished reconquista, the Christian crusades to (re)conquer the Iberian peninsula from the Muslim Moors (711-1492). They also evoked the name of Santiago Matamoros ("St James the Moor-killer") before going into battle against the pagan Native population of the Americas, who were considered rightless as long as not converted to catholicism, so their lands were annexed as terra nullius with papal blessing, the only rival claim to be taken seriously was that of the Portuguese, settled after papal arbitration in the treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. Many conquistadores were poor, including some nobles (hidalgos) seeking a fortune in the West Indies, since there were limited prospects in Europe, as previously in crusades in the Old World. The honor rules for nobility banned them from manual work. Many were also fleeing the religious repression caused by the Spanish Inquisition.

List of Famous Conquistadors and Explorers

* Hernán Cortés (Mexico, 1518-1522, Honduras, 1524, Baja California, 1532-1536)
* Francisco Pizarro (Peru, 1509-1535)
* Francisco Vásquez de Coronado (southwestern United States, 1540-1542)
* Diego de Almagro (Peru, 1524-1535, Chile, 1535-1537)
* Vasco Núñez de Balboa (Panama, 1510-1519)
* Juan Ponce de León (Puerto Rico, 1508, Florida, 1513 and 1521)
* Pedro de Alvarado (Mexico, 1519-1521, Guatemala 1523 -1527, Peru, 1533-1535, Mexico, 1540-1541)
* Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (southwestern United States, 1527-1536, South America, 1540-1542)
* Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón (United States east coast, 1524-1527)
* Sebastián de Belalcázar (Ecuador and Colombia, 1533-1536)
* Gonzalo Pizarro (Peru, 1532-1542)
* Juan Pizarro, (Peru, 1532-1536)
* Francisco Hernández de Córdoba (Yucatán, 1517)
* Martín de Goiti, (Manila, Philippines, 1570-1571)
* Juan de Grijalva (Yucatán, 1518)
* Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada (Colombia, 1536-1537, Venezuela, 1569-1572)
* Miguel López de Legazpi, (Philippines, 1565-1571)
* Francisco de Montejo (Yucatan, 1527-1546)
* Juan de Salcedo, (Northern Philippines, 1570-1576)
* Nikolaus Federmann (Venezuela and Colombia, 1537-1539).
* Pánfilo de Narváez (Florida, 1527-1528)
* Diego de Nicuesa (Panama, 1506-1511)
* Cristóbal de Olid (Honduras, 1523-1524)
* Francisco de Orellana (Amazon River, 1541-1543)
* Hernando de Soto (southeastern United States, 1539-1542)
* Inés Suárez, (Chile, 1541)
* Martín de Ursua, Peten region of Guatemala, 1696-1697
* Pedro de Valdivia (Chile, 1540-1552)
* Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (Cuba, 1511-1519)
* Pedro Menendez de Aviles (Florida, 1565 - 1567)
from Wikipewia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conquistador

Warrior 040

The Conquistador


Author: John Pohl
Illustrator: Adam Hook

Paperback; November 25 2001; 64 pages; ISBN: 1841761753

Description: Many accounts portray the conquest of the New World as a remarkable military achievement, with Cortés' vastly outnumbered but better armed Spaniards defeating hordes of superstitious savages. However, the reality of these events is far more complex and no less significant. The first Conquistadors who had sailed in search of prosperity, inspired by dreams of unlimited riches, soon became disillusioned and restless. With disease rampant, resources exhausted, and the Caribbean populations dwindling, they had little alternative but to find new territories and peoples to exploit. This title shows how, bolstered by influxes of war-hardened veterans from Europe and an army of over 30,000 allied Indian troops, they came to rely on and perfect what they knew best - killing for profit, and without mercy.

Size: 28,63 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JYXQSMAN

Ребята, я тут форум пересматривал, сравнивал с тем, что есть у меня:

Не подскажете эти книги были?

Osprey - Warrior 059 - German Infantryman 1. 1933 - 1940

Osprey - Warrior 082 - US Submarine Crewman 1941 - 1945

Osprey - Elite 051 - US Army Air Force 2

Osprey - Elite 063 - German Mountain & Ski Troops 1939 - 1945

Osprey - Elite 064 - Army Commandos 1940 - 1945
Warrior 066

Британские пехотинцы на Дальнем Востоке (Бирма, Сингапур, Малайя) во Второй Мировой Войне.

Warrior 066

British Infantryman in the Far East 1941–45


Author: Alan Jeffreys
Illustrator: AB Dummy Illustrator, Jeff Vanelle

Paperback; April 20 2003; 64 pages; ISBN: 1841764485

Desciption: This title focuses on the experience, tactics, training and weapons of the British soldier from the Fall of Malaya and Singapore until the Reconquest of Burma. It takes a close look at jungle warfare training in India and the ensuing action in Burma, tracing the development of tactics and doctrine: this formed the basis for the victories in the Arakan and the battles of Kohima and Imphal. The soldier's view of India, the entertainment available on leave, food rationing and other supplies such as cigarettes, the introduction of the forces newspaper SEAC, and the medical problems of malaria are all explored in detail.

Size: 12,61 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=42RDBREW
Frodo Torbins сказал(а):
Ребята, я тут форум пересматривал, сравнивал с тем, что есть у меня:

Не подскажете эти книги были?

Osprey - Warrior 059 - German Infantryman 1. 1933 - 1940

Osprey - Warrior 082 - US Submarine Crewman 1941 - 1945

Osprey - Elite 051 - US Army Air Force 2

Osprey - Elite 063 - German Mountain & Ski Troops 1939 - 1945

Osprey - Elite 064 - Army Commandos 1940 - 1945

Кроме первой ничего не было.
New Vanguard 062

Книга по поводу военных европейских галер времен Ренессанса, то есть 15-16 вв.


Galleys saw a European comeback in the 14th century as Venice expanded its influence in the Mediterranean, but medieval triremes used a simpler arrangment with one row of oars and three rowers to each oar.

The galleass or "galliass" (known as a "mahon" in Turkey) developed as a larger, higher and heavier form of galley; it usually carried three masts and had a forecastle and aftcastle (this form developed into the sailing carrack and then into the Mediterranean galleon. Galleons of northern Europe evolved concurrently from cog-like ships). The galliot emerged as a small, light type of galley. The number of oars or sweeps varied, the larger galley having twenty-five on each side. The galleass had as many as thirty-two, each worked by several men.

It became the custom among the Mediterranean powers to sentence condemned criminals to row in the war-galleys of the state. Traces of this practice appear in France as early as 1532, but the first legislative enactment comes in the Ordonnance d'Orléans of 1561. In 1564 Charles IX of France forbade the sentencing of prisoners to the galleys for less than ten years. A brand of the letters GAL identified the condemned galley-slaves.

By the end of the reign of Louis XIV of France in 1715 the use of the galley for war purposes had practically ceased, but the French Navy did not incorporate the corps of the galleys until 1748. Marseille served as the headquarters of the galleys and of the convict rowers (galériens). The system sent the majority of these latter to Toulon, the others to Rochefort and to Brest, where they worked in the arsenal. At Toulon the convicts remained (in chains) on the galleys, which were moored as hulks in the harbour. Their shore prisons had the name bagnes ("baths"), a name given to such penal establishments first by the Italians (bagno), and allegedly deriving from the prison at Constantinople situated close by or attached to the great baths there. All French convicts continued to use the name galerien even after galleys went out of use; only after the French Revolution did the new authorities change the hated name - with all it signified - to forçat. In Spain, the word galera continued in use as late as the early 19th century for a criminal condemned to penal servitude.

A vivid account of the life of galley-slaves in France appears in Jean Marteilhes's Memoirs of a Protestant, translated by Oliver Goldsmith, which describes the experiences of one of the Huguenots who suffered after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685.

The conditions were terrible, so even though some sentences were restricted to a number of years most would die even if they neither drowned, nor were slaughtered or tortured to death by the ennemy or pirates. All sides often turned 'infidel' prisoners of war into galley slaves.

New Vanguard 062

Renaissance War Galley 1470–1590


Author: Angus Konstam
Illustrator: Tony Bryan

Paperback; November 13 2002; 48 pages; ISBN: 1841764434

Description: For most of the Renaissance period, naval warfare in the Mediterranean was dominated by the war galley, a unique naval vessel for a momentous age. During the struggle for supremacy between Christian and Muslim powers, war galleys formed the backbone of the rival battlefleets. Different regions of the Mediterranean produced their own versions of the war galley, thereby producing a number of variants on the basic design tailored to the needs and resources of particular nations. This book examines the development of the war galley from its classically inspired resurrection in the 15th century until its demise in the early 17th century, providing the first ever in-depth study of this remarkable war machine.

Size: 20,09 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5TTAX7EE
Battle Orders 002

Вторая книга из новой серии Osprey.

Battle Orders 002

Wellington's Army in the Peninsula 1809–14


Author: Stuart Reid

Paperback; February 25 2004; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841765171

Description: This highly detailed study provides a clear account of how the British Army was organised, who commanded it, and how it functioned in the field during the Peninsular War. Focusing principally on infantry, cavalry and artillery, including foreign units in British pay, it provides a detailed and comprehensive order of battle. Doctrine, training, tactics and equipment are discussed in depth, and medical services and engineers are also covered. Concise biographical details of key commanders, over 60 unit tree diagrams, organisational tables, plus numerous illustrations make this an essential reference work for students of this period.

Size: 40,76 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5TTAX7EE
Frodo Torbins,
Ты ничего не попутал? Адрес галер и Велингтона один и тот же.
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