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Книги Osprey (военная тематика). Часть 2

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Msha сказал(а):
Aircraft of the Aces 012 у меня есть, но паршивое качество и только 17 страниц. Frodo Torbins, у тебя вариант лучше есть?

Нет, там ведь у тебя только plates? Да?

Пусть уважаемая публика нас звиняет но лучше ничего нет, если кто поможет рады будем.

А по поводу Warrior 43. Скажи как файл обзывался полностью.
Уважаемые Msha и Frodo!

Вы пропустили Aircraft of the Aces 11, 13 и 15. Если у Вас их нет, то я могу выложить. А также Aircraft of the Aces Special Series 1. Aircraft of the Aces 12 у меня тоже 17-ти страничный.
derbenat, нечётные выкладывает Frodo (уточняй у него), я пока пропустил только 12-й именно по причине 17 страниц. Думаю мы его такой выкладывать не будем, только если вдруг кто-то очень попросит.
Aircraft of the Aces 018

Hurricane Aces 1939–40


Author: Tony Holmes
Illustrator: Keith Fretwell

rback; January 15 1998; 132 pages; ISBN: 1855325977

Description: The Hawker Hurricane was the Raf's first monoplane fighter, and it dragged the air force into a position where it could defend Britain in its 'hour of need'. Prior to the Battle of Britain, a number of squadrons equipped with the fighter had seen action firstly in the 'Phoney War', and then during the disastrous campaign in France. Pilots like 'Cobber' Kain had achieved impressive scores in the face of overwhelming LUftwaffe forces, and although the RAF lost no less than 386 Hurricanes during the Blitzkried, it gave many pilots valuable experience. Hawker fighters outnumbered Spitfires during the Battle of Britain by three to one, and downed far mor aircraft. Overseas, a handful of pilots put up stiff resistance against Germany's Italian ally in Libya and Egypt, and also over Malta.

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Aircraft of the Aces 020

German Night Fighter Aces of World War 2


Author: Jerry Scutts
Illustrator: John Weal

Paperback; June 5 1998; 96 pages; ISBN: 1855326965

Description: When the Luftwaffe entered the war, its nightfighter force was virtually non-existent thanks to its leader, Reichmarschall Hermann Gцring, boasting that bombs would never fall on Germany. By mide-1940 his folly was evident; the first nightfighter wing was hastily formed with Bf 110s. As arguably the most consistently effective arm of the wartime Luftwaffe, the Nachtjagd took a steady toll of Allied aircraft - the vast majority of them RAF bombers - throughout most of World War 2. Fighting a tough enemy, as well as a lower priority in aircraft and personnel procurement than it merited, the force never shrank from its task.

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derbenat, размер не страшен, т.к. в общем он невелик, а вот полоса раздражала :). На своих документах долго сней в своё время боролся.

Спасибо! :)
Aircraft of the Aces 011

Aircraft of the Aces 011

Bf 109D/E Aces 1939–41


Author: John Weal
Illustrator: John Weal

Paperback; November 15 1996; 96 pages; ISBN: 1855324873

Description: The period covered in this volume was considered to be the 'glory years' for the Jagdwaffe - fresh from the experience gained in the Spanish Civil War - and for the Bf 109 in particular. Many famous pilots scored their first kills in the classic dogfights staged over Poland, Western Europe, the Channel and finally southern England. Some 40 Knight's Crosses were awarded in 1940 alone. However, after sweeping all before them in support of the Blitzkrieg across continental Europe, the Bf 109E pilots were to suffer badly during the Battle of Britain, the result of poor tactics inflicted upon them by the Luftwaffe High Command, and their mount's less then generous range.

Size: 19,49 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9OZZXJSP
MAA_394.part1.rar (12,4 MB)

MAA_394.part2.rar (12,09 MB)
Aircraft of the Aces 022

Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937–45


Author: Henry Sakaida
Illustrator: Tom Tullis

Paperback; August 28 1998; 116 pages; ISBN: 1855327279

Description: The outcome of the Pacific War was heavily influenced by the results of naval battles between the Imperial Japanese fleet and the US Navy. One of the key elements was Japan's large fighter component, which had gained experience over Manchuria, China and Mongolia in the late 1930s. Flying A5Ms, at least 21 pilots achieved 'acedom' securing air superiority for the invaders. Manufacturer Mitsubishi derived much from these campaigns, producing one of the best fighters of the War, the A6M Zero-Sen. Navy pilots proved to be highly skilled when engaged by the Allied forces, Pacific. Pilots like Nishizawa, Sagita and Sakai scoring more than 60 kills apiece.

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Aircraft of the Aces 013

Aircraft of the Aces 013

Japanese Army Air Force Aces 1937–45


Author: Henry Sakaida
Illustrator: Grant Race

Paperback; April 15 1997; 96 pages; ISBN: 1855325292

Description: Little has been published in English on the Japanese Army Air Force (JAAF), let alone its most successful fighter pilots - no less than 150 of them achieved ace status during eight years of near-constant war, and they are all listed in this volume. From the arid plains of the Mongolian border region to the lush jungles of New Guinea, the JAAF was more than a match for the many opponents it fought against for control of the skies. Indeed, even when the mighty Allied war machine proved almost overwhelming from early 1944 onwards, the elite fighter pilots of the various sentais within the JAAF fought on with near-fanatical loyalty in defence of the Home Islands. Aircraft of the Aces 13 and 22 are also available in a single volume as ‘Aces of the Rising Sun 1937-1945’.

Size: 30,26 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6JHDV1DJ
24, 26 у меня нет. выкладываю 28 (качество отвратительное, 2 страницы на лист).

Aircrafts of the Aces 028

French Aces of World War 2


Author: Barry Ketley
Illustrator: Mark Rolfe

Paperback; September 15 1999; 96 pages; ISBN: 1855328984

Description: French pilots endured the almost unique experience of fighting both with and against the Allies during World War 2. Possessing perhaps the most obsolescent aircraft of any major air force in Europe at the outbreak of the war, the Armйe de l'Air was decimated in the wake of the Blitzkrieg. Following the capitulation of France at the end of June 1940, many aces continued to fly with the now Vichy French Squadrons that had fled to North Africa, and numerous French pilots also escaped to Britain.

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30 у меня нет.

Aircrafts of the Aces 032

Albatros Aces of World War 1


Author: Norman Franks
Illustrator: Harry Dempsey

Paperback; March 25 2000; 96 pages; ISBN: 1855329603

Description: The Albatros family of fighters were amongst the most effective aircraft employed by the Idlfieg (Imperial German Air Service) for much of World War 1, with the D.III and D.Va being flown by most of the 363 pilots who qualified as aces at some point in their often brief careers. The Albatros was the scourge of the RFC on the Western Front in 1916-17, with pilots of the calibre of von Richthofen, Boelke and Schleich cutting swathes through their opponents. Well over 4000 Albatros scouts were built between 1916 and 1918, and they were also extensively used by the Austro-Hungarians against Russian, Italian and British aircraft until war's end.

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