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Книги Osprey (военная тематика). Часть 2

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Aircraft of the Aces 042

American Aces of World War 1


Author: Norman Franks
Illustrator: Harry Dempsey

Paperback; September 25 2001; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841763756

Description: American fliers arriving in Europe from September 1917 brought with them no aircraft. Instead, US units had to obtain machines mainly from the British and French. From early 1918 American pilots were issued with SPAD fighters and they never looked back. As this volume details, the first American trained pilot to become an ace was Lt Douglas Campbell, who shot down five German aircraft by the end of May 1918. He was a member of the celebrated 94th 'Hat in the Ring' Aero Squadron, which created the bulk of American aces in World War I.

Size: 18,9 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JKIFCOXE

_ed2k://|file|Osprey - Fortress 030 - Eben Emael.pdf|96156184|1bae764c3f14c8dc8f6dd6eaf00bc886|

92 мега однако - может кто и подожмет слегка....:)
Aircraft of the Aces 044

Gloster Gladiator Aces


Author: Andrew Thomas
Illustrator: John Weal

erback; February 25 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 184176289X

Description: Never before has a single volume been devoted exclusively to the intrepid and disparate band of pilots who could claim to be Gladiator aces. Flying the ultimate British biplane fighter, pilots in China, Finland, East Africa, North Africa, Western Europe, the Mediterranean, Norway and the Middle East all scored the prerequisite five kills to become aces. The first individuals to do so were fighting marauding Japanese fighters and bombers attacking targets in China in 1938. The likes of Sheen, Tuck and Carey will also be featured in this volume, as they were among the many early war acers who cut their teeth in Fighter Command on the Gladiator.

Size: 19,62 Mb

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Только картинки!!!

Aircraft of the Aces 048

Dolphin and Snipe Aces of World War 1


Author: Norman Franks
Illustrator: Harry Dempsey

Paperback; May 12 2002; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841763179

Description: This book focuses on the combat careers of the last of the famous Sopwith fighters to enter service during World War 1, the Dolphin and the Snipe, both of which were built on the strong scouting heritage of the Pup and Camel. The Dolphin featured the unique negative-staggered biplane wing arrangement, which provided the pilot with the best possible tactical view forward for seeking out his enemy. Used extensively on the Western Front, the Dolphin proved very effective in combat, with a substantial number of British aces scoring kills with the fighter. The Snipe was built as the successor of the highly successful Camel, and entered service with the fledgling Royal Air Force in the summer of 1918. Although seeing just a few months of action before the Armistice, the Snipe nevertheless proved its superiority over virtually all other fighters.

Size: 5.59 Mb

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Ребята, а что скажите про Fortress 9, 12, 25? По-моему 009 был на нашем форуме, но не могу найти ... Кто-нибуд подкинит эти вещи?
Msha сказал(а):
Ребята, а что скажите про Fortress 9, 12, 25? По-моему 009 был на нашем форуме, но не могу найти ... Кто-нибуд подкинит эти вещи?

Не было его не было.
Было только Osprey - Fortress 025 - Стены Константинополя.

Объем 30 Mb - готов закачать к вечеру.

Сейчас очередь на закачку уже определена.
New Vanguard 109

AndrewGa сказал(а):
В ослике всплыли японские авианосцы - нью вэнгард 109

Уже выплыли!!!

Внимание: в связи с тем, что не у всех широкие каналы и т.д. и т.п. решил я разбивать дальше книги на несколько частей (все части протестированы и в них добавлена информация для восстановления архива).

New Vanguard 109

Imperial Japanese Navy Aircraft Carriers 1921–45


Author: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Illustrator: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Paperback; May 8 2005; 48 pages; ISBN: 1841768537

Description: The Imperial Japanese Navy was a pioneer in naval aviation, having commissioned the world's first built-from-the-keel-up carrier, the Hosho. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, it experimented with its carriers, perfecting their design and construction. As a result, by the time Japan entered World War II and attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor in 1941, it possessed a fantastically effective naval aviation force. This book covers the design, development and operation of IJN aircraft carriers built prior to and during World War II. Pearl Harbor, Midway and the first carrier vs carrier battle, the battle of the Coral Sea, are all discussed.

Size: 4 x 9,54 Mb + 1 x 1,37 Mb

Frodo Torbins сказал(а):
прошу постить здесь ссылки в ослике на появившиеся релизы, а потом, качайте их спокойно с Http ресурсов куда мы их для Вас выкладываем.

Как дела с Форт Ебеном?:)
MAA097 Marlborough's Army 1702–11

MAA097 Marlborough's Army 1702–11
The succession of the French Duke of Anjou to the Spanish throne in 1700 provoked the formation of a Grand Alliance to thwart the king's expansionist ambitions. Led by the Duke of Marlborough, the army of the Grand Alliance declared war on France. Between 1702 and 1711, this united force, comprised of English, Dutch, Danish, Prussian, Austrian and other German troops, were victorious at such historic battles as Blenheim, Oudenarde and Malplaquet. This book chronicles Marlborough's campaigns in the War of the Spanish Succession, detailing the tactics, troops and uniforms of his army.

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Aircraft of the Aces 037

tarlith сказал(а):
MAA097 Marlborough's Army 1702–11

Ты уж это правда - линк то кинь.

А я вот тут еще самолетик один зааплодил.

Aircraft of the Aces 037

Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front


Author: John Weal
Illustrator: Iain Wyllie

Paperback; May 25 2001; 96 pages; ISBN: 1841760846

Description: The highest scoring aces of any aerial conflict were the Luftwaffe pilots involved in the bloody combats on the Russian Front. The most common fighter used by these pilots was the Bf 109, which was involved in the action from Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, through to the doomed Defence of the Reich in 1945. Units like JGs 5, 52 and 54 all flew the Messerschmitt fighter, progressing from Emil to Gustav variants. This volume includes all the high-scoring aces, and explains just how difficult a job the Jagdwaffe faced on the Russian Front, and how its experts achieved such overwhelming scores. Aircraft of the Aces 6 and 37 are also available in a single volume as ‘German Aces of the Russian Front’.

Size: 76,88 Mb

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ATQWZXEL
У меня этот же Aircrafts of the Aces 037 весит 24 Мб. Если кому нужен размером по меньше могу тоже выложить.

Frodo, Aircrafts of the Aces 030 у тебя нет или потом выложишь?
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Msha сказал(а):
У меня этот же Aircrafts of the Aces 037 весит 24 Мб. Если кому нужен размером по меньше могу тоже выложить.

Frodo, Aircrafts of the Aces 030 у тебя нет или потом выложишь?

По поводу выкладки того чего у тебя нет или что появилось в лучшем качестве буду обсуждать, когда мы серию закончим, от себя могу сказать, что это будут книги 001, 028, 034 - пока все.
Странно, но у меня 3 часть New Vanguard 109 не скачивается. Megaupload отсчитывает свои секуды, а потом когда дело доходит до "зацепки" файла произходит следующее Opera пишет что размер 0 байт и всё закачено, а если через Explorer то после нажатия заветной кнопки - этой страницы не существует, но ссылку выдаёт, а прямую через ReGet по ней - не качает.
Скажите я один такой или у всех тоже самое?
Fortress 030

AndrewGa сказал(а):
Как дела с Форт Ебеном?:)

Вот и Ебен (простите за выражение....).

Fortress 030

Fort Eben Emael
The key to Hitler’s victory in the West


Author: Simon Dunstan
Illustrator: Hugh Johnson

Paperback; May 8 2005; 64 pages; ISBN: 1841768219

Description: At the outbreak of World War II, Fort Eben Emael in Belgium was the strongest fortress in the world, and it lay exactly across the German invasion route of Belgium and France. The fort’s elimination was essential for the success of Hitler’s invasion of the West. Deemed impregnable to conventional attack, Hitler himself suggested the means for its capture with the first glider-borne assault in military history. On 10 May 1940, ten gliders carrying just 77 paratroopers landed on top of the fort. Using top-secret hollow-charge weapons for the first time in warfare, the assault pioneers of Sturmgruppe Granit subdued Fort Eben Emael within just 30 minutes, and the fortress surrendered within 30 hours. It remains one of the greatest raids in the annals of Special Forces.

Size: 9 x 9,53 Mb + 1 x 5,29 Mb









Ребята, извините. только 7 линков успел залить, остальные через 4 часа (нет времени).

8-ая часть: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GPMHAXXB

9-ая часть: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QJ4QIT9W

The last one:
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