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Книги Osprey (военная тематика). Часть 5

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В эциклопедических сообщениях Rogalskij от 05.05.2006 содержатся живые ссылки на New Vanguard 008 и Fortress 023.
Он работает, но довольно странно. По крайней мере у меня и с недавних пор.
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нужных постов не находит, хотя они есть. ;)
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Size: 34.8MB


Залито на рапиду, к сожалению, нет мегабайтного канала, поэтому зеркало не делаю
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Ogvaldsson is right: Он работает, но довольно странно.

Poisk rabotayet, kogda on hotchet.
Ya uje iskal temy kotoryie byli na forum - on kritchit нужных постов не находит

U12 сказал(а):
Bylo uje
MaA 12 - The Connaught Rangers
Nie mogu nayti etich knig:(

Men-at-Arms-012 - The Connaught Rangers
13 151 889

troodon сказал(а):
Большая просьба переложить
(MAA 024) - The Panzer Divisions

Men-at-Arms-024 - The Panzer Divisions
21 619 498
Not posted earlier: Napoleon's Polish Troops (Men-at-Arms 45)

In 1795 the kingdom of Poland fell prey to her stronger neighbours, Russia, Prussia and Austria. Following the death of the king of Poland in 1798, his kingdom was divided among these three neighbouring powers. France became increasingly involved, and protested at Poland's treatment, offering refuge for Polish exiles. On 11 October 1796 the Polish Legion was formed in the French army by General Dombrowski and Napoleon. This book covers the uniforms, dress, organisation and equipment of the infantry, artillery, and cavalry of Napoleon's Polish Troops. Among the cavalry units covered are the Chasseurs and Lancers. This title also provides a summary of the Polish divisions' campaigns in Spain, Russia and within Poland itself.
size: 29 MB

Здравствуйте!не мог бы кто выложить New Vanguard 83 Armored Units of the Russian Civil War White and Allied? Заранее спасибо...
PS. I posted a link with lower (15) limit posts, and I really ask you to not send me personal requests for it, I don't have time for responding at all messages. Fifteen posts isn't in my opinion a big problem to do, and remember: this forum is not payable by money, but by exchange between people. Upload some titles (not necessarily in this section), posts some links, and you'll reach limit. I'm not one of mods, but I'm sure they will agree with me.
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