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Книги Osprey (военная тематика)

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Во-первых, спасибо Jack_the_Ripper за Ледовое побоище: не было его у меня.

Во-вторых, вот от меня книга "номер раз"


Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers
(Men-at-Arms 64)

Owing to the heavy casualties suffered by the carabiniers in the 1809 campaign, the Emperor decreed that they should be armoured to the same advantage as the cuirassiers. In this way the two corps drew together in being the only troops of the Grande Armee who were armoured, while at the same time they diverged in breaking away from their traditionally similar dress. Emir Bukhari does a splendid job of examining the uniforms and equipment of Napoleon's cuirassiers and carabiniers, in a text complemented throughout by numerous illustrations and diagrams including eight full page colour plates by the ever popular Angus McBride.


И, в-третьих, продолжаю свой список:

Серия Elite

003 - The Vikings
007 - The Ancient Greeks
023 - The Samurai
030 - Attila and the Nomad Hordes
035 - Early Samurai AD 200–1500
039 - The Ancient Assyrians
040 - New Kingdom Egypt
042 - The Persian Army 560-330 B.C.
066 - The spartan army

011 - Ardennes 1944 Peiper & Skorzeny
034 - Afrikakorps 1941–43
051 - US Army Air Force (2)
056 - Scottish Divisions in the World Wars
059 - US Marine Corps 1941–45
060 - U-Boat Crews 1914–45
063 - German Mountain & Ski Troops 1941–45
079 - The Royal Navy 1939–45
080 - The US Navy in World War II
090 - Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941–45
092 - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (1) Navy & USMC
095 - World War II Medal of Honor Recipients (2) Army & Air Corps
104 - Britain's Air Defences 1939–45
105 - World War II Infantry Tactics (1) Squad and Platoon
111 - Heroes of the Soviet Union 1941–45
124 - World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Tactics

001 - The Paras 1940–84
005 - Soviet Bloc Elite Forces
008 - Israeli Defence Forces since 1973
009 - The Normans
015 - The Armada Campaign 1588
019 - The Crusades
020 - Inside the US Army
021 - The Zulus
025 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (1) Infantry
027 - Soldiers of the English Civil War (2)
041 - Elite forces of India and Pakistan
043 - Vietnam Marines 1965–73
045 - Armies of the Gulf War
048 - Nelson's Navy
049 - The Gurkhas
053 - International Brigades in Spain 1936–39
065 - Redcaps - Britain's Military Police
069 - Buccaneers 1620–1700
069 - Pirates 1660-1730
070 - Elizabethan sea dogs 1560-1605
071 - Queen Victoria's Commanders
082 - Samurai Heraldry
083 - Napoleon's Commanders (2) c.1809–15
091 - US Army Frontier Scouts 1840–1921
101 - Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 1792–1815
102 - Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821–48
103 - Vietnam ANZACs Australian & New Zealand Troops in Vietnam 1962–72
107 - Buffalo Soldiers 1866–91

ПыСы: извиняюсь за текст ьез выделений - что-то не хотят вставляться теги, а ручками ужо силов нету :(
Книга "номер 2"


Napoleon's Hussars
(Men-at-Arms 76)

Napoleon's Hussars made their first real impact in 1806 with their astonishing pursuit of the Prussians over 1,160km from the river Saale to the Oder in twenty-five days. They then capped this feat on arrival when, by dint of audacious demonstrations by the 500 men of the combined 5th and 7th Hussars, the 6,000-strong Prussian garrison was bluffed into capitulating its fortress at Stettin along with 160 cannon. This splendid volume by Emir Bukhari describes the organisation, war records, dress and equipment of these most colourful of Napoleon's troops.

To: Jack_the_Ripper

Судя по постам, "моряков" в форуме не много. :) Может ради исключения выложишь из New Vanguard'а

Osprey - New Vanguard 042 - British Napoleonic Ship-0F-The-Line.pdf
Osprey - New Vanguard 051 - Kriegsmarine U-Boats 1939-45 (1).pdf
Osprey - New Vanguard 059 - German E-boats 1939-45.pdf

Особенно интересует первая, т.к. больше в сети нигде не видел.
Благодарю заранее!
Еще Наполеонцы.


Napoleon's Line Chasseurs
(Men-at-Arms 68)

The chasseurs, being the indigenous French light horse, can perhaps therefore be equated best with the infantry demi-brigades of this period, a half-trained, unprofessional, make-shift collection, making up with zeal what they lacked in experience, a qualification which in no way diminished the importance of their role within Napoleon's all-conquering army. Emir Bukhari's fine text examines the dress and equipment of Napoleon's line chasseurs, plus the histories of individual regiments in a volume containing a plethora of illustrations and diagrams including eight full page colour plates by popular artist Angus McBride, showing a variety of uniforms in admirable detail.


Еще продолжение списочка. Серия New Vanguard

043 - Siege Weapons of the Far East (1) AD 612–1300
044 - Siege Weapons of the Far East (2) AD 960–1644
058 - Medieval Siege Weapons (1) Western Europe AD 585 –1385
061 - Fighting Ships of the Far East 1 - China and Southeast Asia 202 Bc-Ad 1419
063 - Fighting Ships of the Far East (2) Japan and Korea AD 612–1639
069 - Medieval Siege Weapons (2) Byzantium, the Islamic World & India AD 476–1526
078 - Greek and Roman Siege Machinery 399 BC–AD 363
089 - Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC–AD 363
147 - Viking Longship

038 - American Civil War Artillery 1861–65 (1)
040 - American Civil War Artillery 1861–65 (2) Heavy Artillery
041 - Confederate Ironclad 1861-65
045 - Union Monitor 1861–65
049 - Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1861–65
056 - Union River Ironclad 1861–65
064 - Confederate Raider 1861–65
066 - Napoleon guns 1792-1815
072 - Austrian Napoleonic Artillery 1792–1815
079 - American Heavy Frigates 1794–1826
083 - Armored Units of the Russian Civil War White and Allied
090 - Napoleonic Naval Armaments 1792–1815
103 - Confederate Submarines and Torpedo Vessels 1861–65
nav78 сказал(а):
Notsaint, вот эту книжицу было бы тоже очень интересно почитать!


Сначала выложу то, что уже залил (правда, не помню кто просил :confused: ), а потом и до тебя доберемся


Granada 1492
The twilight of Moorish Spain

(Campaign 53)

By 1481 Granada was the last Islamic enclave in Catholic Spain. Granada's last ruler, Muhammad XII 'Boadbil', faced the might of the Spanish royal army revitalised and lavishly equipped with modern artillery. Despite this mismatch of strength it took 11 years of hard campaigning before the Spanish troops could bring their guns to bear on the walls of Granada. After this the outcome could not be long delayed. Andalusia, the physical embodiment of the flowering Islamic culture in Spain, was snuffed out. The commanders, forces, plans and campaign itself are all examined closely in this superbly illustrated account of 'Los Reyes Catolicos' greatest victory.



Файлик размером более 50 метров. разбит на 2 части
Последнее редактирование модератором:
nav78 сказал(а):
Notsaint, вот эту книжицу было бы тоже очень интересно почитать!


Читай :)


American Heavy Frigates 1794-1826
(New Vanguard 79)

By 1805 the 44-gun frigate was probably viewed as a failed experiment whilst the 38-gun frigate was viewed as the vessel of the future. Ten years later every navy was building 44-gun frigates and today it is viewed as the symbol of the Napoleonic-era cruiser. This remarkable transformation resulted from the performance of three ships - the Constitution, United States, and President - 44-gun frigates built for the United States Navy between 1794 and 1799. Their victories in the naval War of 1812, as well as their performance against the Barbary Pirates, caught the imagination of the world - and spurred all navies into re-examining the class.

пожалуйста, повторите
Серия: Warrior Series, 009
Наименование: Late Roman Infantryman 236-565 AD
Размер: 41Mb
на рапидшару или любой удобный сервис
I hope it' s not a duplicate...

The Knights of Christ


The ancient warrior code which persisted in medieval Christian Europe dictated that a man's greatest virtues were physical strength, skill at arms, bravery, daring, loyalty to the chieftain and solidarity within the tribe. The primitive Church had been diametrically opposed to such ideals, however by the early 8th century the Church had grown wealthy, and the Saracen invasions of Spain and France posed a threat to that wealth. The Roman Church began to support war in defence of the faith, and by channelling the martial spirit into the service of God, the brutal warrior of the past was transformed into a guardian of society.


Waffen SS in Action


http://lior-electric.co.il/Betah.co.il/Books/June2005/Waffen SS in Action.rar

Age of Napoleon


http://lior-electric.co.il/Betah.co.il/Books/June2005/Age of Napoleon.rar
Submarine Warfare: An Illustrated History


The submarine revolutionized naval warfare. Witness the birth and evolution of the submarine from the days of the Civil War to its baptism by fire in WWI to the nuclear subs of today which carry intercontinental missiles and can cruise submerged for months. Includes 100 photographs and 30 illustrations, many of which are cutaways. Expertly written, with informative appendices.

http://betah.co.il/books/May2005/War Ships - Submarine Warfare An Illustrated History.rar
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может не надо личить бетаховские линки... дай список книг, скажи сайт. Пусть хоть за показ баннера ребята копейку получат...
The Cossacks 1799-1815
(Warrior 67)


During the Napoleonic Wars, the Cossacks were Russia's unique and plentiful supply of irregular cavalry. They were employed as skirmishers, raiders and scouts, and their tactics of harassment and harrying caused great problems for Napoleon's Grand Armee as it retreated through Russia in 1812. This title shows how, although labelled as rapacious, lascivious, mercenary and ill-disciplined on the field by their detractors, they laid claim to being the finest light cavalry in Europe. This book also details the various tribes that made up the Cossack nation, the social structure of Cossack life, and how they were organised and employed in war.


Ukrainian Armies 1914-55
(Men-at-Arms 412)


There can be no region in Europe whose history has been more tortured than Ukraine. During the 20th century Austria, Poland, Russia, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania vied for power over parts of this vast and fragmented area; and its divided peoples rose time and again in vain attempts to win their independence. For the first time in the West, this book gives a succinct summary of all the different armed forces raised among the Ukrainians, and of their uniforms and insignia. These are illustrated in colour and in a selection of extremely rare photographs, dating from the Great War to the aftermath of World War II, when Ukrainian guerrillas continued to defy the Soviet authorities until the mid-1950s.

to Nav78,


Серия: New Vanguard, 042
Наименование: British Napoleonic Ship-0F-The-Line
Размер: 25,9Mb


~~~~~~~~~~~ :help: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

* Остальное дальше :)
Последнее редактирование модератором:

Серия: New Vanguard, 051
Наименование: Kriegsmarine U-Boats 1939-45 (1)
Размер: 13,89Mb


~~~~~~~~~~~ :help: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Серия: New Vanguard, 059
Наименование: German E-boats 1939-45
Размер: 17,9Mb


~~~~~~~~~~~ :help: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Медиевальные мэны

Мужики, может ли кто помочь следующим добром:
Men-at-Arms 150 - Age of Charlemagne
Men-at-Arms 376 - Italian Medieval armies 1000-1300
Men-at-Arms 409 - The Hussite wars 1419-1436
Elite 17 - Knights at Tournament
Elite 19 - The Crusades
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