история украинского освободительного движения
Сергийчук В. Роман Шухевич в документах органов гос. безопасности (1940-1950). Том I-II
Буде крові по коліна — буде вільна Україна
The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past
Product Details:
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press (September, 2002)
ISBN: 0195066529
Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 5.7 x 0.8 inches
Product Description:
What is history and why should we study it? Is there such a thing as historical truth? Is history a science? One of the most accomplished historians at work today, John Lewis Gaddis, answers these and other questions in this short, witty, and humane book. The Landscape of History provides a searching look at the historian's craft, as well as a strong argument for why a historical consciousness should matter to us today. Gaddis points out that while the historical method is more sophisticated than most historians realize, it doesn't require unintelligible prose to explain. Like cartographers mapping landscapes, historians represent what they can never replicate. In doing so, they combine the techniques of artists, geologists, paleontologists, and evolutionary biologists. Their approaches parallel, in intriguing ways, the new sciences of chaos, complexity, and criticality. They don't much resemble what happens in the social sciences, where the pursuit of independent variables functioning with static systems seems increasingly divorced from the world as we know it. So who's really being scientific and who isn't? This question too is one Gaddis explores, in ways that are certain to spark interdisciplinary controversy. Written in the tradition of Marc Bloch and E.H. Carr, The Landscape of History is at once an engaging introduction to the historical method for beginners, a powerful reaffirmation of it for practitioners, a startling challenge to social scientists, and an effective skewering of post-modernist claims that we can't know anything at all about the past. It will be essential reading for
anyone who reads, writes, teaches, or cares about history.
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The Voice of the Past Oral History
Autor: Paul Thompson
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 3rd edition (May 1, 2000)
ISBN: 0192893173
Product Dimensions: 7.7 x 5.1 x 1.0 inches
Product Description:
In this revised edition of Paul Thompson's successful book, he traces oral history through its own past and weighs up the recent achievements of this international movement. He challenges myths of historical scholarship and looks at the use of oral sources by the historian. The author offers advice on designing a project; discusses reliability of oral evidence; considers the context of the development of historical writing including it's social function.; and looks at memory, the self and the use of drama and therapy. This new edition has been substantially revised and updated and includes an expanded discussion of narrative approaches and looks at new technology used in the recording of information.
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Войцеховский А. А., Ткаченко Г. С.
Украинский фашизм
(теория и практика украинского интегрального национализма в документах и фактах)
На основе источников, хранящихся в спец архивах, в монографии раскрывается природная общность украинского национализма и германского фашизма, показаны мотивы и внутренняя логика предательства оуновцами украинского народа, их коллаборационистский характер в годы Второй мировой войны, а затем и превращение в «пятую колонну» глобалистов (США и стран НАТО) по разрушению Советского Союза и славянской (православной) цивилизации.
От авторов
1. От национальной идеи к сотрудничеству с фашизмом
2. Апологетика фашизма - стержень идеологии украинского интегрального национализма
3. ОУН в начальный период фашистской оккупации Украины
4. 14-я гренадерская дивизия СС «Галичина»
5. Так называемая Украинская повстанческая армия
6. Оуновский террор на Украине и в Польше
7. Пятая колонна глобалистов
Приложение (Фотодокументы)
Рецензент Шиловцев Юрий Владимирович - доктор исторических наук, профессор
Киев, Солюкс, 2004. - 178 с
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