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Книги по программированию / Programing Ebooks

очень нужно найти 4 издание "Objects First with Java" которое основано на работе с BlueJ.Издание кажется 2006 года но в интернете пока найти не могу.
очень нужно найти 4 издание "Objects First with Java" которое основано на работе с BlueJ.Издание кажется 2006 года но в интернете пока найти не могу.

может эта подойдет
Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ by David J. Barnes, Michael Kolling

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Publisher: Prentice Hall; Bk&CD-Rom edition (October 23, 2002)
ISBN-10: 0130449296
400 pages
PDF 4,78 МБ

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Books. Delphi.

Borland Delphi Developer Guide 6
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Tomes of Delphi - Algorithms and Data Structures.
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Tomes of Delphi - Basic 32-bit Communications Programming (2003).
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Tomes of Delphi - Developer's Guide to Troubleshooting
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Tomes of Delphi - Win32 Database Developer's Guide
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Borland® Delphi 8 for .NET
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Migrating Borland Delphi applications to the Microsoft .NET Framework with Delphi 8
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Marco Cantu - Delphi 2009 Handbook
PDF, 3.25M, quality excellent


pwd: dumpz.ru
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Introduction to Parallel Processing: Algorithms and Architectures
by Behrooz Parhami


Book Info:
Published in 2002
Author Behrooz Parhami
ISBN 0306459701
532 pages
Plenum Series in Computer Science
Language: English

This original text provides comprehensive coverage of parallel algorithms and architectures, beginning with fundamental concepts and continuing through architectural variations and aspects of implementation. Professor Parhami reviews the circuit model and problem-driven parallel machines, variants of mesh architectures, and composite and hierarchical systems, among other subjects. With its balanced treatment of theory and practical designs, class-tested lecture material and problems, and helpful case studies, the book is suited to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of advanced architecture or parallel processing.

Последнее редактирование модератором:
XML. Энциклопедия


В области web-программирования все большее применение находит XML (Extensible Markup Language, расширяемый язык разметки). И хотя в настоящее время XML поддерживается преимущественно в Windows, увеличение числа XML-инструментов, реализованных на основе Java, позволяет предполагать широкое использование в ближайшем будущем этого языка и на других платформах.
Книга будет полезна как опытным программистам, которым она поможет обогатить свои познания, так и начинающим, для которых она будет прекрасным пособием для изучения XML.

XML-программирование автором энциклопедии рассмотрено не только с ориентацией на Microsoft, но им исследуются и альтернативные варианты.
В книге описаны современные методы программирования и дается множество полезных советов и указаний, помогающих в решении разнообразных задач, затронуты такие темы, как форматирование, каскадные таблицы стилей, разбор XML-документа, использование браузеров, подключение XML-документов к серверам баз данных и обычным приложениям.
Стиль написания данной книги рассчитан на то, чтобы представить вниманию читателей максимум информации под одной обложкой. Автор не только знакомит с полным описанием синтаксиса языка XML — на примерах различной степени сложности, но и показывает многообразиие технологических приемов, используемых в процессе XML-программирования.

Вместе с книгой в архиве помещена библиотека текстов всех программ, приведенных в энциклопеции.
Автор: Стивен Холзнер
Название: XML. Энциклопедия, 2-е изд.
Издательство: СПб.: Питер
Год издания: 2004
Формат: djvu
Количество страниц: 1101
ISBN: 5-94723-651-6

Размер: 18,0 Мб

Ian Griffiths, Matthew Adams, Jesse Liberty - Programming C# 4.0, 6th Edition


Ian Griffiths, Matthew Adams, Jesse Liberty - Programming C# 4.0, 6th Edition

Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: July 2010
Pages: 864

This bestselling tutorial shows you how to build web, desktop, and rich Internet applications using C# 4.0 with .NET's database capabilities, UI framework (WPF), extensive communication services (WCF), and more. The sixth edition covers the latest enhancements to C#, as well as the fundamentals of both the language and framework. You'll learn concurrent programming with C# 4.0, and how to use .NET tools such as the Entity Framework for easier data access, and the Silverlight platform for browser-based RIA development.

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Andrew Troelsen - Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform, 5th Edition

The first edition of this book was released at the 2001 Tech-Ed conference in Atlanta, Georgia. At that time, the .NET platform was still a beta product, and in many ways, so was this book. This is not to say that the early editions of this text did not have merit—after all, the book was a 2002 Jolt Award finalist and it won the 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award. However, over the years that author Andrew Troelsen spent working with the common language runtime (CLR), he gained a much deeper understanding of the .NET platform and the subtleties of the C# programming language, and he feels that this fifth edition of the book is as close to a “final release” as he’s come yet.

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Добавлено через 6 минут

Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari - C# 4.0 in a Nutshell, 4th Edition

When you have questions about how to use C# 4.0 or the .NET CLR, this highly acclaimed bestseller has precisely the answers you need. Uniquely organized around concepts and use cases, this fourth edition includes in-depth coverage of new C# topics such as parallel programming, code contracts, dynamic programming, security, and COM interoperability. You’ll also find updated information on LINQ, including examples that work with both LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework. This book has all the essential details to keep you on track with C# 4.0.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Effective C#, 2nd Edition


Bill Wagner - Effective C#, 2nd Edition
Addison-Wesley, 2010

C# has matured over the past decade: It’s now a rich language with generics, functional programming concepts, and support for both static and dynamic typing. This palette of techniques provides great tools for many different idioms, but there are also many ways to make mistakes. In Effective C#, Second Edition, respected .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies fifty ways you can leverage the full power of the C# 4.0 language to express your designs concisely and clearly.

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Daniel Schuller - C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation

Course Technology PTR, 2010

Even experienced game developers sometimes have a hard time making their vision for a great game a reality. The number of available programming languages, libraries, and production methods can make the development process overwhelming and result in complicated, unreliable game code. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation shows programmers how to write simple, clean, and reliable code step-by-step through the creation of a basic game. The game is built using C#, a high-level programming language, and OpenGL, an industry favorite for graphics display. You'll get an overview of the methods and libraries used to build good games, learn how to use those libraries and create your own, and finally build your own scrolling shooter game. You'll even find tips and information on how to develop your own game ideas and you'll have an excellent code base to work with. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation provides you with all the information you need to take your game ideas from concept to completion.

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