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does any has the DotNetBar for windows forms 8.7 for vb 2010?

I saw the post earlier but that is just under 2 mb size, the original is like 32 mb size.

DXperience Universal v2010.1.4 вышеуказанными способами регается только на локальной машине разработчика. При запуске собранного проекта на другом компьютере, вылазит окно с триалом. Может есть какие-то способы это обойти?




Infragistics NetAdvantage All in One
Последнее редактирование модератором:
DXperience Universal v2010.1.4 вышеуказанными способами регается только на локальной машине разработчика. При запуске собранного проекта на другом компьютере, вылазит окно с триалом. Может есть какие-то способы это обойти?

Перекомпилируй исходники (где-то выше в этой теме) и будет счастье
DXperience Universal v2010.1.5 Source code
Thank to thaifani, zopezope, jackneel96

DevExpress Licensing v2010 vol 1.5
Thank to Danny_Su

//Add 24.07.2010
Thank to Kraks for information about bug fixed
1) DevExpress.Licensing.exe crashed in windows xp&2003
2) OfficeSkins and BonusSkins don't show in the property window.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Developer Express DXperience Universal 2010.1.5 + исходники + локализация.

DXperienceUniversal 10.1.5 - Набор популярных библиотек для .NET от DevExpress. Включает в себя UI компоненты, такие как XtraGrid, XtraCharts, eXpressPersistentObjects (XPO), компоненты для Web, WPF, Silverlight, платформу для быстрого создания "бизнес"-приложений eXpressApp Framework.

Год выпуска: 2010
Версия: 2010.1
Платформа: windows 7
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Таблэтка: Присутствует НА ВСЕ ПАКЕТЫ (контролы, DXCORE, DXUtills)
Локализация: Присутсвует
Исходники: Присутсвуют
Размер: 381.18 Mb

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
nsoftware IPWorks! for .NET v8.1.3834 Incl keymaker

The latest evolution of the most comprehensive suite of Internet communications components for professional developers is here!

Is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IP*Works! eliminates the complexity of Internet development providing easy-to-use, programmable components that facilitate tasks such as sending email, transferring files, managing networks, browsing the web, consuming web services, etc.

Internet Protocols
ATOM , DNS , FileMailer , FTP , HTMLMailer , HTTP , ICMPPort , IMAP , IPDaemon , IPInfo , IPMonitor , IPPort , LDAP , MCast , MIME , MX , NetClock , NetCode , NetDial , NNTP , Ping , POP , RCP , REST , Rexec , Rshell , RSS , SMPP , SMTP , SNPP , SOAP , Syslog , Telnet , TFTP , TraceRoute , UDPPort , WebDav , WebForm , WebUpload , Whois , XMLp , XMPP (Jabber)

Whats new in v8.0 :
* ATOM - New ATOM client component supporting ATOM feed retrieval and publishing.
* REST - New component implements a standard REST client, facilitating access to REST style web services such as those from Amazon and eBay.
* DNS - Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) support and support for Reverse DNS lookups.
* FTP/TFTP - Upload/Download Files to/from memory without writing to disk.
* HTTP/WebUpload - Upload/Download Files to/from memory without writing to disk.
* LDAP - Support for search result references. Easily move and copy DN's.
* Mime - Parse mime headers without decoding entire mime entities.
* RSS - RSS 2.0 extensions and OPML support. HTTP cookie handling and automatic HTTP redirect following. Load RSS from memory. Support for in memory RSS XML manipulation. If-modified-since handling.
* SMPP - SMPP receive capabilities enable the component to poll SMPP servers for messages.
* XMPP - Support for Jabber extensions, additional contact parameters, and SASL authentication.
* XMLp - Expanded Xpath navigation and support for easily retrieving xml sub-trees.

**Whats new : support for vs2010

More Info:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Download: 9.94 MB
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Componentsoft.Ultimate Studio for NET v2010.3.519.2200 | 38.1MB

All The Ultimate Components for .NET in one package.

Included :
*FTP - is a 100%-managed .NET class library that adds powerful and comprehensive Secure File Transfer capabilities to your .NET applications.
*SFTP - Allows you to easily and efficiently develop a broad spectrum of SSH secure file transfer applications in C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET.
*SSH Shell Telnet - Easily add SSH and Telnet connectivity to your .NET applications. In addition, it also adds exclusive SSH and Telnet Terminal Emulation Controls to your WinForms App.
*Mail - offers a comprehensive interface for sending, receiving e-mail messages from a server, and managing your mailbox remotely.
*Mail Merge - A powerful tool which helps you to send personalized e-mail messages utilizing the power of .NET Framework.
*Bounce Inspector - A high-performance Bounce Inspector that enables your .NET applications to easily inspect and categorize bounced email messages with only few lines of code.
*Email Validator - A 100%-managed .NET class library that adds powerful and comprehensive e-mail address validation to your .NET applications without sending e-mails to recipients.
*Template Engine - Easily generate formatted text output from source template, input variables, and .NET classes with few lines of code.
*ZIP - A high-speed, reliable Zip library with affordable price which lets you add zip/unzip functionality to your .NET applications with only few lines of code.
*SAML SSO ASP.NET - is an OASIS SAML v1.x and v2.0 specifications compliant .NET toolkit. It offers an elegant and easy way to add support for Single Sign-On SAML 1.x and 2.0 to your ASP.NET applications.
*PDF - A high-speed, reliable PDF library with affordable price which lets you add PDF functionality to your .NET applications with only few lines of code.
*NETKIT - A set of useful .NET classes including Proxy, DNS, Trace Route, ICMP, WhoIs, IP Lookup, and Time
Download :
Help Files :

nsoftware.IPWorks! for .NET v8.1.3750 (2.8 MB)

The latest evolution of the most comprehensive suite of Internet communications components for professional developers is here!

Is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IP*Works! eliminates the complexity of Internet development providing easy-to-use, programmable components that facilitate tasks such as sending email, transferring files, managing networks, browsing the web, consuming web services, etc.

Internet Protocols
ATOM , DNS , FileMailer , FTP , HTMLMailer , HTTP , ICMPPort , IMAP , IPDaemon , IPInfo , IPMonitor , IPPort , LDAP , MCast , MIME , MX , NetClock , NetCode , NetDial , NNTP , Ping , POP , RCP , REST , Rexec , Rshell , RSS , SMPP , SMTP , SNPP , SOAP , Syslog , Telnet , TFTP , TraceRoute , UDPPort , WebDav , WebForm , WebUpload , Whois , XMLp , XMPP (Jabber)

Whats new in v8.0 :
* ATOM - New ATOM client component supporting ATOM feed retrieval and publishing.
* REST - New component implements a standard REST client, facilitating access to REST style web services such as those from Amazon and eBay.
* DNS - Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) support and support for Reverse DNS lookups.
* FTP/TFTP - Upload/Download Files to/from memory without writing to disk.
* HTTP/WebUpload - Upload/Download Files to/from memory without writing to disk.
* LDAP - Support for search result references. Easily move and copy DN's.
* Mime - Parse mime headers without decoding entire mime entities.
* RSS - RSS 2.0 extensions and OPML support. HTTP cookie handling and automatic HTTP redirect following. Load RSS from memory. Support for in memory RSS XML manipulation. If-modified-since handling.
* SMPP - SMPP receive capabilities enable the component to poll SMPP servers for messages.
* XMPP - Support for Jabber extensions, additional contact parameters, and SASL authentication.
* XMLp - Expanded Xpath navigation and support for easily retrieving xml sub-trees.

**Whats new : support for vs2010

Xceed Ultimate Suite 2010 v5.4.0.10308 | 57.4 MB

Xceed Ultimate Suite - a complete set of quality components from companies Xceed. Includes 50 high-quality components and libraries (. NET, CF, WF, WPF, ActiveX) to organize the user interface and manipulating data in your programs. The program can easily find out what the library uses ActiveX components or dll library, to give all the keys in the registry under the library. It knows how to record and perform the opposite effect.

The Xceed Ultimate Suite provides you with all of Xceed's top-notch. NET and ActiveX visual controls. The Xceed Ultimate Suite Enterprise Edition offers the industry's most substantial licensing option for a component suite. It not only allows an unlimited number of developers to use the included components, but also eliminates the 'single address' restriction that other site licenses carry.

Included visual controls:
- Xceed Grid for. NET
- Xceed SmartUI for. NET (10 controls)
- Xceed SmartUI (12 controls)
Included class libraries:
- Xceed Zip for. NET
- Xceed Zip for. NET Compact Framework
- Xceed Self-Extractor for. NET
- Xceed FTP for. NET
- Xceed Streaming Compression for. NET
- Xceed Zip Compression Library
- Xceed Self-Extractor Module
- Xceed FTP Library
- Xceed Encryption Library
- Xceed Winsock Library
- Xceed Streaming Compression Library
- Xceed Binary Encoding Library
- Xceed Backup Library

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Lang: English

Homepage: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Download :