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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 2

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I'm remember you request, I'm finding:
EDraw Office Viewer Component 5.3
EDraw Office Viewer Component contains a standard ActiveX 
control that acts as an ActiveX document container for hosting 
Office documents (including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft 
PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Visio documents) in a 
custom form or Web page. The control is lightweight and flexible, 
and gives developers new possibilities for using Office in a custom solution.
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Для тех, кто скачал Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? или Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

"The planet source code jumbo resource CDS for DELPHI
pack full of DELPHI source codes, witch are grate for learning and making your programs."

и не может запустить базу данных исходников делфи - "Run-time error '10' ",
файл AddInClient.exe необходимо запускать с параметрами:

AddInClient.exe /WORLD:7 /PRODUCTID:11

лучше всего нужно сделать батник с этими параметрами.
Кстати, если запустить базу
таким образом - AddInClient.exe /WORLD:8 /PRODUCTID:10
то откроется оболочка для PHP CD с собранием скриптов для PHP.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
DDevExtensions 1.9 for Delphi/C++Builder 2009 Freeware

Some Features:
* Adds a dialog to set the versioninfo for multiple projects in a projectgroup
* Adds a backup system that creates backups of unsaved files when you compile or execute a project.
* Adds an improved View Units, View Forms and Use Units dialog
* Adds an extended "Use Units" dialog for the Delphi personalities showing all files that the compiler can see
* Adds a progressbar to the compile dialog
* Adds keybinding for extended HOME and indent/unindent TAB/Shift-TAB
* Adds Explicit* property remover (Delphi 2006 and newer).
* Allows to delete .ddp files, empty Model and empty __history directories.
* Can disable the Source modified. Rebuild? dialog
* Brings back the old component palette to Delphi/C++Builder 2009
* Ctrl+Left/Right like in VisualStudio and other editors

Changes from 1.6 to 1.9
- Added: Support for Delphi 2009
- Added: Compiler-Dialog: AutoSave after successful compile (default: off)
- Added: OldPalette: AlphaSort option for the palette popup menu
- Added: OldPalette supports "Small Fonts" for the tab font
- Added: "Close all and terminate" by keeping the CTRL key pressed while closing the IDE (from DelphiSpeedUp)
- Added: Disable package cache option (from DelphiSpeedUp)
- Added: Shows waiting cursor while loading designtime package (from DelphiSpeedUp)
- Added: Option to enable the IDE's "User can cancel kibitzing" feature [CodeCompletion and HelpInsight can be aborted by ESC/mouse move]
- Added: The "Add to implementation" checkbox in the "Use Unit" Dialog can be switch by pressing the SHIFT-key
- Renabled: Editor Focus bugfix (bug still exists)
- Removed: Delphi 5-2007 support
- Removed: ComponentSelector (superseded by Delphi's ToolPalette search edit)
- Removed: CompilerEnhancements (superseded by the new project warning options)
- Removed: FormDesigner Alt key disables guide lines (superseded by Delphi 2009's implementation)

Download from http://andy.jgknet.de/blog/
Привет, ищу GetWord любой версии

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

GetWord is a professional fast and reliable text capturing library (SDK) for capturing text on screen. It can help integrate the function of text capturing into your software product easily. It is the first and the only one text capturing engine at present which has provided the full compatibility for the latest Windows Vista platform and Adobe Acrobat/Acrobat Reader.
Существует ли компонент для открытия ДБФ, чтения из ДБФ, записи в ДБФ без БДЕ для Делфи 2007. Спасибо!
Последнее редактирование модератором:
IDE CompilerPlugin 1.0 BETA for Delphi 2009

If you are a component developer you certainly know the problem of supporting multiple Delphi compiler versions. Everytime you have to start either the command line compiler or the IDE of the other Delphi versions to verify that your changes didn't break the compilation. Some time ago I wrote a little IDE plugin that allows me to switch the IDE compiler and replace it (temporary) by a command line compiler. This tool was never released. But with the release of Delphi 2009 I thought it would be a nice addon to allow you to compile your Unicode Delphi 2009 code with the ANSI Delphi 2007 compiler.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
(This is a BETA version, use at your own risk)
DDevExtensions 1.9 for Delphi/C++Builder 2009 Freeware

Some Features:
* Adds a dialog to set the versioninfo for multiple projects in a projectgroup
* Adds a backup system that creates backups of unsaved files when you compile or execute a project.
* Adds an improved View Units, View Forms and Use Units dialog
* Adds an extended "Use Units" dialog for the Delphi personalities showing all files that the compiler can see
* Adds a progressbar to the compile dialog
* Adds keybinding for extended HOME and indent/unindent TAB/Shift-TAB
* Adds Explicit* property remover (Delphi 2006 and newer).
* Allows to delete .ddp files, empty Model and empty __history directories.
* Can disable the Source modified. Rebuild? dialog
* Brings back the old component palette to Delphi/C++Builder 2009
* Ctrl+Left/Right like in VisualStudio and other editors

Changes from 1.6 to 1.9
- Added: Support for Delphi 2009
- Added: Compiler-Dialog: AutoSave after successful compile (default: off)
- Added: OldPalette: AlphaSort option for the palette popup menu
- Added: OldPalette supports "Small Fonts" for the tab font
- Added: "Close all and terminate" by keeping the CTRL key pressed while closing the IDE (from DelphiSpeedUp)
- Added: Disable package cache option (from DelphiSpeedUp)
- Added: Shows waiting cursor while loading designtime package (from DelphiSpeedUp)
- Added: Option to enable the IDE's "User can cancel kibitzing" feature [CodeCompletion and HelpInsight can be aborted by ESC/mouse move]
- Added: The "Add to implementation" checkbox in the "Use Unit" Dialog can be switch by pressing the SHIFT-key
- Renabled: Editor Focus bugfix (bug still exists)
- Removed: Delphi 5-2007 support
- Removed: ComponentSelector (superseded by Delphi's ToolPalette search edit)
- Removed: CompilerEnhancements (superseded by the new project warning options)
- Removed: FormDesigner Alt key disables guide lines (superseded by Delphi 2009's implementation)

Download from http://andy.jgknet.de/blog/

В нем косяк - скачал, установил - вроде бы все ок. Но потом запустив 2009, как тока хочу откопмилить проект, зайти в меню "Project" - вылет с ошибкой, что-то типа число "" не является integer.

Вот скрин - Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
В нем косяк - скачал, установил - вроде бы все ок. Но потом запустив 2009, как тока хочу откопмилить проект, зайти в меню "Project" - вылет с ошибкой, что-то типа число "" не является integer.

Вот скрин - Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

This error should have been fixed in the latest build: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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