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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 3

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haliff сказал(а):
Доброго времени суток.
Не могли бы Вы дать ссылку на TMS Diagram Studio 3.2
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
haliff сказал(а):
К сожалению, ссылка битая. По этому и обратился.
Size: 1 mbName: tmsds32.zip
Views: 1048
Uploaded By: Anonymous
The uploader has deleted this file!

Samgin сказал(а):
сколько постов надо для открытия *** hidden content ***
Это надпись появляется при цитировании поста где скрыта ссылка. Найдите пост который цитируют и увидете ссылку и кол-во нужных постов.
TRegistration Delphi v1.3.1.157 FullSourse
A Delphi component for use in Win32 (9x/ME/2K/XP) software.
Main aim is simplicity, it`s not for a hardcore program protection. On the contrary, it`s for convinience. To display the user`s name in dialogs, etc.
You put it on the form and have a component that handles the registered/unregistered state of you application and includes a form for the user.
You can select (and specify exactly) where do you want to keep your settings an .ini file or the registry, has a couple of events also (you can replace the registration number calculating algorithm in no time with an event) and properties too. Also localization is supported trough Delphi`s Translator Manager.

The other part of the component is the Registration Tool (that comes with full source code also), with which you can handle and manage the registration database.
The system is designed for manual use:
- Registering a user takes maximum around a minute work or less (there is an "Add e-mail in clipboard" option also)
- Multiple projects can be managed
- You can handle max. 1 million registered users (999999 registrators maximum)
- English & Hungarian interface
Anyone that have NexusDB ?


NexusDB is an ultra-fast, client/server database engine designed for the Delphi and C++Builder developer.

NexusDB is nimble enough to be fully embedded into your desktop applications and powerful enough to be your primary database server.

NexusDB implements the international standard ISO/IEC 9075 - SQL:2003, including most of the Core SQL functionality as well as many of the additional features defined in the standard. In addition, NexusDB augments SQL:2003 with extensions to expose vendor-specific functionality.

NexusDB has been designed to maximize speed, minimize maintenance and preserve data integrity. As a true client/server database, NexusDB is a unique component suite. This design decision has many benefits over typical file-based databases: better data integrity, better performance and better scalability.

NexusDB is a royalty-free Client/Server and Embedded database system with features that rival other heavily licensed products. With NexusDB, you can keep your costs down and your competitive advantage up!


* High-speed extendible database core architecture
* SQL:2003 core compliance syntax and features
* SQL triggers
* SQL stored procedures/functions
* SQL views
* Referential Integrity, including self-referencing
* Full locale/unicode support
* Nested transactions
* Non-blocking "Snapshot" read-only transactions
* Fulltext indexing
* Global/Session-local/Context-local In Memory tables
* Flexible Delphi component architecture
* Strong Password-protected table encryption
* Embedded tables (multiple database tables in one physical file)
* Variable-length record storage engine reduces storage need
* Embedded mode allows you to compile the engine directly into your single-user program
* The full version includes NexusDB Memory Manager for use in your own projects
* Supports D5, D6, D7, D2005, Delphi/C++Builder 2006, C++Builder6, Delphi/ C++Builder 2007, CodeGear Rad Studio 2007

On the Web

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Люди может кто вспомнит - нужна компонента которая бы читала файл на HTTP сервере и в соответствиии с этим файлом обновляла бы клиенсткое ПО.

Eng: May be some remember - component, that read version file from HTTP server and read from this HTTP server updates for client, and finanaly update client to lastest version.

Просьба ссылку на самый такой наворочененный компонент (сырцы обязательтельны)....

2 khumend
TMS Web Update подойдёт?
Automatically check for updated files and applications on the Internet or Intranet Can check for updated files over http and ftp protocols or simply file based for Intranet applications Can replace running executables itself or DLLs
Подробнее: Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Входит в TMS Component Pack, который есть выше в этом топе на этой странице -
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
а что на нормальный файлообменик слабо положить, или религия не позволяет.
Ну зачем же так грубо. Всё же человек добро сделал:)
А зеркало, вот пожалуйста...

TXLSFile library v.4.0. and XLSExport components Source
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Спасибо за все, это не отработало меня компонент FIBPLUS для Delphi 2009 Не это составляет, Ошибка в fibdatabase.pas, кто-нибудь мог послать это.

Thank you for everything, it has not worked me the component of FIBplus for Delphi 2009 Not it compiles, Error in fibDatabase.pas, somebody could send it.
Спасибо за все, это не отработало меня компонент FIBPLUS для Delphi 2009 Не это составляет, Ошибка в fibdatabase.pas, кто-нибудь мог послать это.
Thank you for everything, it has not worked me the component of FIBplus for Delphi 2009 Not it compiles, Error in fibDatabase.pas, somebody could send it.
Hello. This version (which public this) on build old version Delphi and without pas files. Wait new version. Спасибо за использование русского языка, но лучше пишите на английском языке. (Thanks for Russian use, but write in English is better.)

SerialShield SDK is a new, royalty-free copy protection and licensing solution for professional software publishers who wants to obtain total control of software licensing for their applications.

Use all-in-one protection to protect your .NET and Win32 project, create license key easily for your projects without use different solution and save money. It is used to add evaluation capabilities to your applications and handles all aspects of ensuring your application is within its evaluation period and properly registered on a specific machine.

SerialShield SDK can be used on .NET languages tools (C#, VB.NET, Delphi.NET) and Win32 tools like Microsoft Visual Basic, VBA Access, VBA Word, VBA Excel, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland Delphi and C++ Builder as well as other languages.

  • Antidebugging, Antitracing and AntiMonitors to prevent application analysis
  • AES Rijndael Secure encryption technology to protect the Serial Key
  • MachineID Control to prevent against unautorised copy installation
  • Detects backdating or demo reinstallation to gain additional usage
  • Online Activation(optional) to allow the final user to obtain unlock key via email
  • Serial ID generator to identify each copy and lock the key with this Serial ID
  • Support .NET and Win32 application - All-in-one
  • Support Win9x, Win2000, WinXP, Win2003 Server
  • Easy to use with ergonomic interface
  • AutoUpdate via software directly to stay always up-to-date
  • Work under Windows restricted user account
  • Create evaluation copies of your software by days, uses or run counts
  • Rent / lease software to your customers
  • Send customers a demonstration of your software to evaluate before purchasing
  • Distribute your software on the Internet, media support CD/DVD-Rom
  • Affordable price compared to others .NET protection

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