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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 4

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ATFileNotification v.1.1.4 D5-D2009, CB5-C2009
ATFileNotification is improved version of fisFileNotification component (which was originally written by FIS House). It allows to watch for files/directories changes and to fire an event when change occurs. Improvements are:
  • Component made Unicode compatible;
  • FileName property added: you can watch for changes in a single file;
  • Attempt to make component thread-safe (need feedback about it).

ATViewer v.2.8.4 D5-D2009, CB5-C2009
ATViewer is a Delphi/C++Builder component which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view - so it's useful to implement "View file" feature in your Delphi/BCB application. The implemented view modes and corresponding file types are:
  • Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, of unlimited size. Plain file dump is shown. Used ATBinHex component: only visible part of file is loaded into memory. Modes are suitable for large files or files of unknown type.
    RTF, UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts. File is shown using RichEdit control.
  • Image: all general graphics formats: BMP JPG GIF PNG TGA TIFF... plus all formats supported by IrfanView/XnView external viewers. File is shown using ATImageBox component.
  • Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP3 etc. File is shown using Windows Media Player ActiveX control.
  • Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML, XML, DOC, XLS etc. File is shown using Internet Explorer ActiveX control.
    Plugins: all file types supported by Total Commander Lister (WLX) plugins.

MapDown VCL LITE v.1.0.1 D6-D2010
With MapDown VCL you can allow to your Delphi application captures and assembles maps from Google Maps.
This is a small version of MapDown VCL with some limits:
  • The suite include only 3 component (TMapDownloader, TMapProviders, TMapProject)
  • Download map only from Google Maps (only street and satellite);
  • Max zoomvalue is set to 12;
  • TMapDownloader can use only 5 threads;
  • TMapCombiner is NOT include so you can download the map tiles but to create a single file map;
  • TMapExporter is NOT include so you cannot export georeference maps.
With professional version of MapDown VCL you can use also Yahoor Maps, Microsoft Live Maps and OpenStreetMap providers. Besides you will able to create a single big map file and georeference maps for most important maps application like OziExplorer* Gps Tuner 5.x, GPSdash and CompeGPS.
If you want see all features of MapDown VCL you can download MapDown, shareware application created with MapDown VCL.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
ModelMaker 10.20 Pascal Edition for Delphi 4-2010

Огромное спасибо -- очень полезная вещь.

Надеюсь что будет работоспособным после окончания триала (а то предыдущая версия что здесь выкладывалась деинсталировала себя после второго запуска :( после истечения триального времени )
EMS Data Export Version 4.1
Language: Czech, English, French, German, PortugueseBR, Russian, Turkce
Delphi 7 - Delphi 2009

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

This is version whereas the latest version with full source was already shared on this forum by xmss

Here is the old link which is still active

DDevExtensions v.2.0 D2009-D2010, CB2009-CB2010
DDevExtensions extends the Delphi/C++Builder IDE by adding some new productivity features.
  • Adds an improved View Units, View Forms and Use Units dialog.
  • Adds an extended "Use Units" dialog for the Delphi personalities showing all files that the compiler can see.
  • Keybinding for extended HOME and indent/unindent TAB/Shift-TAB.
    Ctrl+Left/Right like in VisualStudio.
  • Adds a dialog to set the versioninfo for multiple projects in a projectgroup.
  • Can disable the Source modified. Rebuild? dialog.
  • Brings back the old component palette.
  • Allows to disable the package cache.
  • Adds a progressbar to the compile dialog.
  • Adds Explicit* property remover to keep DFM files compatible to older Delphi versions.
  • Allows to delete .ddp files, empty Model and empty __history directories.
  • Adds a backup system that creates backups of unsaved files when you compile or execute a project.
  • Adds the option to automatically save after a successful compile.
  • Adds the ability to close the IDE even if the IDE’s termination code raised an exception.
  • Adds the ability to kill the IDE after saving all files by using Ctrl+Close-Button.
  • Enables Delphi 2009’s ability to cancel the Kibitz-Compiler by pressing ESC or moving the mouse.
  • Many more...
IpWorks v8 for delphi Build 3230 Full + license

I know that is a little old, but it's full with the license. Execute Crack.exe first to get the license, then the installer. This will install full source.

IpWorks v8 for delphi Build 3230 Full + license
PNG components D2009, D2010 Source

PNG components для D2009 (доступен у Embarcadero только зарегистрированным пользователям). Также портировал этот компонент для D2010. IMHO, этот компонент удобнее встроенного в IDE.

EhLib 4.5.62 D5-D2010 Source

thx Ana from Board4All

Путём проб и ошибок, а так же поиском на сайте техподдержки DevExpess обнаружил сразу две проблемы мешающие поставить DevExpess v46 на Delphi 2010.
1. Если вы использовали предыдущий инсталл v45 от Feandy, то там был баг с bpl-ками шедулера, которые приходилось ручками копировать в папку "C:\Windows\System32\", так вот теперь их надо ручками оттуда удалить.
2. Delphi 2010 может подглючивать при очень длинных путях, поэтому, как вариант, могу порекомендовать устанавливать комопненты DevExpress не в "C:\Program Files\Developer Express Inc", а, например, в "C:\DevExpress".
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