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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 4

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Компонент работает с DSPACK. Нашол у себя в архиве :)
Очень много полезных функций по работе с видео устройствами.
Не на яндексе не на гуле нету описания а вспомнить где скачал немогу :).
Если кто знает присхождене, описание, примеры компонента кинте лик.

и еше просто для ознакомления
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links? Происхождение компонентов неизвесно.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Последнее редактирование модератором:
EZTwain Pro v3.08.16
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
EZTwain is designed to provide robust scanning and image-input through TWAIN, with a minimum effort by the programmer. Adding basic TWAIN support can be done with one function call, but even the most complex TWAIN project will be simplified and shortened by using EZTwain Pro. Our Code Wizard will have you scanning in minutes, our rich feature set won't limit you. In use around the world since 1997; hundreds of well-tested functions; An extensive User Guide with examples and a comprehensive index. Logging and diagnostic features second to none; No unit royalties. EZTwain can be called from almost any programming language - the toolkit includes bindings for: Access (VBA), Borland C++, C#, Clarion, dBASE, Delphi, LotusScript, Perl, PowerBasic, PowerScript, VB, VB.NET, MSVC/C++ and VFP. Writes BMP, PNG, GIF and JPG. Writes multi-page TIFF, DCX and PDF. Image display and printing, filtering and post-processing; Blank page detection; Barcode recognition option.
Dotnet4Delphi v.

Dotnet4Delphi v.
DotNet4Delphi is an open source initiative by A-Dato. The goal of this project is to bring the .Net framework to Delphi Win32 applications.

DN4D enbables you to write Delphi code using the .Net syntax and to recompile this code 1-to-1 using Delphi Prism.

Many objects from these namespaces have been implemented:
- System (for example: Object, DateTime, String)
- System.Collections (for example: ArrayList, Dictionary, SortedList)
- System.Collections.Generics (for example: List)
- System.Globalization (for example: CultureInfo, DateTimeFormat, NumberFormat)
- System.IO
- System.Windows.Forms (for example: MessageBox, Control)
- System.Reflection
- System.Resources (ResourceManager, ResourceLoader, ResourceReader)
- System.Runtime.Serialization
- System.Drawing (Graphics, Brush, Bitmap, Font)

PicShow Components 4.10

PicShow Components 4.10
Is Free Components
TPicShow is an image slider control with 172 transitional effects in pure Delphi code. The major characteristics of TPicShow are:
- Image transition can be controlled programmatically
- Image can be stretched or centered in the client area of the control
- Control can show a background image as centered, stretched, or tiled
- Transition process can use a separate thread
- New transitional effects can be easily implemented and added.

TDBPicShow is the data-aware version of TPicShow with the ability to load bitmap, jpeg, metafile, and png (Delphi 2009 and later) images from a blob field.

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