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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 4

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Thank to Jim34

CCR Exif Library
Presenting you a good library for Delphi that supports IDEs from Delphi 2006 to RAD 2009:
What it is: a small class library to edit, create and delete Exif metadata in JPEG files, i.e. the sort of metadata that most digital cameras write.

Features: 100% pure Delphi code — doesn’t use (say) LibExif or LibTiff, GDI+, or even Windows.pas; reads/writes both small- and big-endian data; surfaces both standard Exif and Windows Explorer tags; choice of two main classes, TExifData for freeform editing and TExifDataPatcher for when the integrity of the existing file structure (and in particular, its MakerNote data) must be maintained.

Limitations: does little to help reading malformed Exif metadata, and does not in itself attempt to parse MakerNote internals. With respect to the latter though, plumbing is provided for when you have the necessary information about the particular MakerNote format you are interested in — check out the provided Panasonic MakerNote Viewer demo for how to put such information into effect.

AutoCorrect Components
What does the code do exactly?

Implements for TCustomEdit and TCustomCombo descendents a large sub-set of the AutoCorrect functionality had by ‘proper’ word processors. Specifically, the following is implemented:
User-defined ‘replace text as you type’ entries, including formatted ones if the active control is a rich edit.
TWo INitial CApitals correction, with an exception list that is automatically added to when the user immediately undoes a correction.
Conversion of ’straight’ quotes into ‘curly’ (‘smart’) quotes.
Conversion of hyphens to dashes: two hyphens in a row (–) turn into an em-dash, a hyphen with a space either side ( – ) becomes an en-dash with a space either side.
Conversion of 1/2 to ½, 1/4 to ¼, and 3/4 to ¾.
Auto-indentation for rich edit controls — in other words, allows the user to set the active paragraph’s left- and first-indent properties by tabbing and backspacing.

How does it work?

In essence, the code works by trapping the KeyPress method (OnKeyPress event) of the active control, testing for a trigger key that will lead to correction testing proper kicking in. The initial trapping, however, is ‘manual’ in the sense that the TAutoCorrectEngine component does not actively ‘seek out’ key press events — it needs to be told about them.

What’s the quickest way to see it in action?

Download the code from here (EDN registration required — it’s free and relatively easy to do though), open up the ‘AutoCorrect demo and design-time package’ project group, and run the last project listed (AutoCorrectDemo.dpr). Since the TAutoCorrectEngine component is created at runtime for the demo, no installation is required.

How do I use the code myself?

Firstly, compile and install the design-time package, dclCCRAutoCorrect.dpk. This should lead to five new components being added to the component palette: TAutoCorrectEngine, TComboBoxWithAutoCorrect, TEditWithAutoCorrect, TMemoWithAutoCorrect and TRichEditWithAutoCorrect. This done, add a TAutoCorrectEngine component to your form, and add some custom ‘replace-as-you-type’ entries to it by double clicking on it or by going to its CustomEntries property in the object inspector. Following that, drop one or more TxxxWithAutoCorrect controls onto the form, and assign their AutoCorrectEngine property to the TAutoCorrectEngine component. That’s it! To actually compile an application that uses one or more of the components, remember to make sure CCR.AutoCorrect.dcu and CCR.AutoCorrect.Consts.dcu end up somewhere in your library paths — the easiest way to do this is to add the component’s directory as a library path itself. In Delphi 2007, you do this by going to Tools|Options, Environment Options -> Delphi Options -> Library – Win32, and clicking on the ellipsis button for ‘Library path’.

But I don’t want to use your custom descendants of TEdit, TRichEdit, etc.!

No problem — you’ll just have to do a bit of manual work, calling as appropriate the KeyDownOccurred, KeyPressOccurred and UndoOccurred methods of the TAutoCorrectEngine component. The last of these is best done by defining an undo action (i.e., a TAction with Ctrl+Z as its shortcut), UndoOccurred being called immediately after the undo operation is performed. As for the other two, you can either handle the OnKeyXXX events of the controls themselves or (if you set KeyPreview to True) the parent form — in the second case, pass ActiveControl as the first parameter to KeyXXXOccurred. See the main demo for an example of all this — the process is simpler than it may sound.

This components is free, but for download you must have an account on Embarcadero CodeCentral
Ищу VCL компоненты для красивой визуализации данных.
В частности необходимы индикаторы цифровые и аналоговые, бегущая строка, регуляторы, имитация сигнальных лампочек и др.

Жутко древний набор компонентов - Varian LED Studio.
Тем не менее в наличии всё, что интересует.
Следы фирмы-разработчика теряются после 2002 года.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Жутко древний набор компонентов - Varian LED Studio.
Тем не менее в наличии всё, что интересует.
Следы фирмы-разработчика теряются после 2002 года.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

с 2002 это TMS Instrumentation Workshop смотрите сами !,
Цытата с WatsNew.txt (первая строка с конца)
"TMS Instrumentation Workshop v1.1 release Februari 21, 2002"
Последнее редактирование модератором:
asm64d, огромное спасибо!
Если есть, можно еще патчи к VisioForge Video Capture SDK и Video Edit SDK

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Please write on normal English - I do not understand
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