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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 4

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elpik сказал(а):
Внутри только dcu, исходников нет все папки названы "trial" - в чем отличие от тех триалок которые можно скачать с офф сайта?
Чёрным же по белому написано Cracked
Отличается тем, что это Cracked dcu, а именно у вас не будет появлятся предупреждение о том, что вы используете trial.
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Thanks for Raize CodeSite. I am uploading something ATM so I will post it.

Добавлено через 6 минут

I cracked only for Delphi 2010. i can do other Delphi also if you need and C++ probably. But this is it for now.

NOTE - When Delphi loads packages at startup it will say "Alpha Controls 7.03 Registered".
This is a bug because I was studying 7.02 and 7.03 so it stayed by accident. It is a 7.05 version with all it's bugfixes. I will fix it to say 7.05 or higher.

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I use this in all delphi versions that I use...and Is the best for me... :beer:

Raize Component Palette Menu expert
By Raize Software. Are you tired of scrolling through the pages of the Delphi & C++Builder component palettes looking for the right page? If so, then download and try out the Raize Component Palette Menu expert, which when installed adds a new menu to the Delphi IDE that provides instant access to any page on the component palette.

In the new version, Component Palette Tabs are grouped by user-defined categories.

Winsoft Components for Delphi 2010 COMPLETE.


Components are for DELPHI 2010 ONLY.
If you need some component below for different version of Delphi or C++, PM me and I'll null it for you.

Adonis Component Suite 4.9

WinInet Component Suite 1.8

Communication Protocol Suite 1.6

DAO Database Collection 4.4

Burn Component Suite 2.1

SimpleMAPI Component Suite 1.6

Office Component Suite 1.7

DirectX Joystick Component 1.2

Joystick Component 1.8

IO Port Component 3.5

MemPort Component 1.7

AWE Library 1.7

Have fun.
EhLIb 5.2.84 D5..Delphi XE

EhLib 5.2 contains components and classes for Borland Delphi 4-9, 2005, 2006, Borland C++ Builder 4-6, CodeGear Delphi 2007, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 and Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, intended to increase capacity of the client part of database application in part of interaction with applications user.



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SmartEffects 3.21 and SmartFlash 3.22 LATEST for Delphi 2010 and 2011.

If you have 2.20 you DON'T HAVE TO UPDATE! This is only for 2011 support.

SmartEffects 3.21

SmartFlash 3.22

UPDATE 1: SmartFlash 3.22 Universal Patcher

I quickly coded a Universal Patcher which means you can patch ANY instance of SmartFlash. Delphi or C++. As said, I coded it quickly but I tested on all .BPL files and it works. If you have any problems please report. NOTE - your Anti-Virus might see this patch as "Hacktool". At least that is how my Kaspersky sees it. There is NO malware in this patch, it is just a false positive because of nature of the program. It changes stuff. But if you are still scared... well don't use it then.

UPDATE 2: SmartEffects 3.21 Universal Patcher

Same as above. I quickly coded a Universal Patcher which means you can patch ANY instance of SmartEffects. Delphi or C++. As said, I coded it quickly but I tested on all .BPL files and it works. If you have any problems please report. NOTE - your Anti-Virus might see this patch as "Hacktool". At least that is how my Kaspersky sees it. There is NO malware in this patch, it is just a false positive because of nature of the program. It changes stuff. But if you are still scared... well don't use it then.

Enjoy. Tomorrow new stuff ;)
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Cindy v3.31 released!
Cindy executables demo v3.31 released also!


- Corrected installation for Delphi personal versions.
- Added TcyModalContainer component
- Added AfterScroll/AfterScrollPause events in TcyDBGrid and TcyDBAdvGrid components.

Download Package:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Download Demos:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Components screenshots:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
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