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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 5

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
NativeXml 3.24 is

Compatible with: Delphi 5 - Delphi XE, FreePascal

Latest changes:
Version 3.24 (24feb2011)
+ Added function TCustomXml.InsertDocType to hide the complexity of
inserting a TsdDocType manually
! fixed small leak in class TsdDocType
+ Added Test15 to diagnose TCustomXml.InsertDocType
! fixed major bug where parser does not use ansi + 65001 codepage but really utf8, so
the writer also uses utf8 (and added Test14 to check)
* Added speed comparison between old TNativeXml and new TNativeXml: new
TNativeXml is ca 3 times faster than old.
+ TNativeXmlObjectStorage: Added storage of TCollectionItem and removed some
"with" statements and replaced some raise statements by DoDebugOut
* Tested successfully with D5, D7 and DXE

IP*Works! v8 Components for Delphi


  • IP*Works! [Core Framework] - A comprehensive suite of components for Internet communications including more than 40 individual components covering every major Internet Protocol.
  • IP*Works! S/MIME - Components for email and file confidentiality, authentication, and non-repudiation through encryption and digital signatures. Implements the S/MIME standard for digital security.
  • IP*Works! SSL - Secure communication channels through SSL security and digital certificates. Complete with digital certificate management components.
  • IP*Works! SNMP - A comprehensive toolkit for building Secure SNMP-based agent and manager applications including advanced SNMPv3 security features, trap handling, and ASN-1 MIB compilation.
А чем Вам не нравится от раптора? Он хоть не жлобится своими релизами. Полностью рабочие компоненты! Правда их нужно доустанавливать в ручную, но это занимает не больше минуты.

Опишите пожалуйста, что именно вы доустанавливаете и как.

Присоединяюсь к вопросу. Ничего не имею против релизов раптора ибо ничего не доустанавливал после инсталяции.
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