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Shellbrowser Component Suite v7.3 Full Source

V7.3 Released on 14 Apr 2011
• New Feature: TJamFileList and TJamShellList now include a context menu for the column headers that allows turning on or off certain columns.
• New Feature: TJamDriveList has the new properties “WarnLevelPercent” and “ErrorLevelPercent”. They can be used to change the color of the small bar chart which shows the free space in yellow or red, dependant on the percentage of free space. The default values are 8 and 2 percent. Set these properies to 0 if you do not want the color to be changed.
• New Feature: The property “IconsBasedOnFileExtension” has been added to TJamShellList and TJamFileList. If set to True, icons will be queried from the system based on the file extension only. This is usually faster compared to using the full path. The most noticeable difference is for executable files, which will no longer show the included icon but a standard icon.
• New Feature: The method AutoAdjustColumnWidths() has been added to TJamShellList and TJamFileList. If called, it adjusts the column width to an optimal value, just like the shortcut Ctrl + Num+ does in every ListView.
• New Feature: The menu item “Paste Shortcut” has been added to the background context menu of the TJamShellList, just like it exists in the Windows Explorer. The chosen view type and sort column are now marked in the background context menu of TJamShellList.
• New Feature: The new property TJamFileList.AllowDropToBackground lets you decide if files can be added to the list using drag and drop. The default value is True.
• Improvement: The controls TJamShellCombo and TJamFolderCombo are now derived from TComboBoxEx instead of TComboBox. Since TComboBoxEx supports images and indents, we were able to remove our code for custom-drawing the items. The Windows XP Explorer also uses the Windows ComboBoxEx control for its address bar, that means our TJamShellCombo now looks more like the original Explorer control.
• Improvement: The type of the property BackgroundImage in TJamShellList and TJamFileList has been changed from TBitmap to TPicture. That way other file types beside BMP are supported, e.g. JPG and PNG.
• Improvement: We are now using Windows Vista style drag and drop cursors on Windows Vista and later.
• Improvement: The event TJamSystemShellView.OnChanged has been added. It is triggered after a full refresh of the list or when the state of an item (e.g. selection) in the list has changed.
• New Feature: The standard Windows 7 libraries have been added to the set of special folders in TJamShellFolder.
• Improvement: The new class procedure TShellBrowser.SetThumbnailProvider() allows setting a callback function that is called for non-available thumbnails. This allows to support thumbnails for file formats for which Windows does not have a thumbnail provider installed.
• Improvement: The CreateDir() method of TJamShellList and TJamShellTree now also works in a Windows 7 library.
• Improvement: The inherited event OnCanResize is now published for all controls in Delphi 2010 and higher.
• Improvement: The TJamBrowserForFolder dialog now uses the Vista style browse dialog on Windows Vista and higher and Delphi 2009 and higher.
• Improvement: We are now using Windows API functions to deal with PItemIdLists instead of our own pointer arithmetic.
• Improvement: The horizontal and vertical alignment of the thumbnails has been improved.
• Improvement: Some sample projects have been improved.
• Improvement: If TJamShellTree.FileSystemOnly is set to True, ZIP files are not listed any more as folders.
• Improvement: Added new event OnInvalidPath to TJamSelectionList which is triggered whenever an invalid path is added to the list.
• Bugfix: Adding an UNC path of non-reachable servers to the TJamDriveList no longer causes a delay (blocking) of the application.
• Bugfix: The “Return” key now executes the default action for all files if multiple files are selected.
• Bugfix: In the TJamFileList the first drawn item was not initialized correctly in some cases, this resulted in missing column details for the item.
• Bugfix: An Access Violation could occur when setting TJamShellList.ViewStyle to the value vsReport if ShowExtraLargeIcons was True.
• Bugfix: TJamSystemShellView.ItemCount could be 0 in the OnPopulated event.
• Bugfix: When the property TJamSystemShellView.Filter is set, then “My Computer” is no longer displayed entirely empty.
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