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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 5

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Winsoft Component Collection for Delphi 2010 XE

+ many more

К сожалению, первая ссылка не работает (файл удален).
try this:
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Архив ShellBrowser грузиться нормально
но в распаковке пустая часть Linezer0.part3.rar
Wireless Communication Library

Приветствую, господа!

Рад сообщить о выходе новой версии Wireless Communication Library

Что нового

  • Bug with Pairing using wclAuthenticator and Blackberry has been fixed;
  • Bug with running Server and Client on Toshiba at the same PC has been fixed;
  • New function IsInRange has been added in wclBluetoothDevice;
  • Bug with reading wclBluetoothDevice Name and Address in MBCS version (GetAddressA() and GetNameA()) has been fixed.

Остальное, как обычно:

1. Только для некоммерческого использования. Подразумевается использование без извлечения прибыли: фривара, для себя любимого и т. п.
2. Коммерческая лицензия доступна с большими скидками. Обращайтесь на Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?, будем рады.
3. Как получить. Стучите нам на Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Если от нас долго (более 3-х часов) нет ответа, то либо у нас ночь и я сплю либо ваше или наше письмо было уничтожено спам-фильтром. По сему можно кинуть в нас еще раз на Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Внимание: даже если получаете Developer Commercial - она НЕ МОЖЕТ быть использована в коммерчиских целях.

Ну вот как-то так.
Econtrol FormDesigner v2.30 for Delphi

EControl Form Designer Pro is a professional form designer that takes much after its Delphi counterpart and enables users to easily integrate fully-functional design environments into their applications.

EControl Form Designer Pro is based on the same concepts as Delphi's form designer and it has similar to Delphi interface elements.

Using EControl Form Designer Pro you may easily create and integrate design environment in your applications. It uses all registered property editors, component editors and other design objects. You may use all abilities of existed design objects which are essential part of any VCL library.

It is possible to create design environment in any interface type: MDI, SDI, BDS style, etc.
Library consist of 16 components which helps in creating professional designer IDE.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Quick PDF Library v7.25

Quick PDF Library is a powerful royalty-free PDF developer SDK - including over 500 functions for use with Delphi, C, C#, C++, ASP, VB6, VB.NET, VBScript, PHP, PowerBASIC, and more, using either the ActiveX, DLL, LIB or Delphi editions of the library. Quick PDF Library's comprehensive set of PDF API functions makes working with PDF files on all levels quick and easy. From basic manipulation of document properties to creating your own PDF viewer and PDF editor — it has all you need.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

TeeChart Pro 2011.03.30407 Only for Delphi XE Cracked

TeeChart Pro VCL / CLX is a leading graphics and graphical tool that was developed through an interactive process in accordance with customer requirements and innovations since 1997. TeeChart Pro offers hundreds of graphic styles in 2D and 3D, 40 mathematical and statistical functions for you to choose from, along with an unlimited number of axes and 22 Palette components.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

Devart UniDAC v3.6.0.16 for Delphi 2010 CB 2010 & Codegear RAD Studio 2007/2009

Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Free Pascal. The UniDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner cross-database applications. UniDAC is a complete replacement for standard database connectivity solutions and presents an efficient native alternative to the Borland Database Engine and dbExpress for access to Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider).

...for Delphi 2010 CB 2010
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

...for DelphiXE CBXE

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

...for Codegear.RAD.Studio.2007
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

...for Codegear.RAD.Studio.2009
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
ShellBrowser Components Jam Software Ver 7.3 Source Code Delphi 7-EX

The ShellBrowser component set gives a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality.

Enhance Your Delphi Application with Explorer Controls
The TJamShellList, TJamShellTree and TJamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer. The non-visible TShellBrowser component provides an easy interface to the Windows Shell API. All >> components support the properties page, correct icons, OLE drag-and-drop , the Explorer context menu and merge with your Delphi popup menus.

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

The VCLZip Delphi component allows you to add ZIP and UNZIP capabilites to your application. This component is different from most other "ZIP" development libraries in that it is written in 100% Delphi Object Pascal code and is full featured. There are no DLL's to tote around. This component links right into your application's executable. It is very easy to use. Just SOME of the features include:

Create zip files fully compatable with PKZip
Completely native Delphi VCL (NO DLLS)
Create Disk Spanning and Blocked zip files
Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009 compatible
C++ Builder 4, 5 6, 2007, and 2009 compatible
Zip directly from streams to zip files
Unzip directly to streams from zip files
Stream to Stream zipping and unzipping
Unzip directly to memory buffers
Zip directoy from memory buffers
Create and read Zip and File Comments
Create Self Extracting Zip Files (16 bit and 32 bit distributable
Windows sfx stubs included (source included for these too) or use your own stubs)
Complete support for encrypted files (encrypts as it zips)
Save Relative Path information
Unzip using Relative Paths (even if zip file wasn't created with relative path info)
Use enhanced wildcards
Exclude List (tell VCLZip which files not to include (use wildcards too))
NoCompress (STORE) List (tell VCLZip which files to just store (use wildcards too)
Set your own temp directory
Plenty of events
Long filenames, even the 16 bit VCLZip/VCLUnZip
Includes comprehensive Zip Utility with source as demo
Includes a small stream zipping demo
Includes a context sensitive help file
Use Unicode filenames, archive names, and pathnames (except for Delphi/BCB 4 and5) .
No Royalties!
AES Strong Encryption
Zip64 capabilities, properties, methods and events:
Uncompressed, Compressed, and Archive file sizes can be up to 2^63-1 bytes in length.
You can compress up to 2147483647 files into an archive. This is compatible with PKZip's Zip64 format.
If a file does not extend beyond any of the original limitations (filesizes of 4 gig or 65535 files) then no Zip64 format information is included in the archive.
property isZip64 - tells you when you are working with a zip file that is using Zip64 format.
Faster processing due to linking to Zlib 1.2.3 object files for compression and decompression routines.
Blocked Zip Files (spanned zip archives split onto hard drive)
Compatible with PKZip and WinZip split archives file naming format.
For backwards compatability you can tell VCLZip to use the old VCLZip filenaming format by using the BlockMode property.

This package contains a Unicode support library along with some additional files to use
WideStrings/Unicode strings within your application. You need Delphi 4 or higher to compile it.

What you get is:

- More than 100 low level and intermediate level functions for:
+ null terminated strings: StrLenW, StrECopyW, StrLICompW etc.
+ WideStrings: WideStringOfChar, WideComposeHangul, WideTitleCase etc.
+ Unicode character test routines: UnicodeIsAlpha, UnicodeIsOpenPunctuation, UnicodeIsRTL etc.
+ conversion: WideStringToUTF8 and vice versa
+ KeyUnicode: conversion of a given ANSI character to Unicode based on the currently active keyboard layout
+ and many more...
- TWideStrings and TWideStringList classes, which work like their ANSI counterparts, but with Unicode.
- A Unicode Tuned Boyer-Moore search engine (UTBM), for fast linear text searches taking surrogates into account. Special options: case sensitivity, ignore non-spacing, space compression, whole words only.
- A comfortable Unicode Regular Expression search engine (URE), implementing most of the Perl 8 RE implementation. This includes:
+ base operators like: . + * ? () {m, n} (unlimited nesting of subexpressions)
+ literals and constants: c, \x..., \U....
+ character classes: [...], [^...], \pN1, N2, ...Nn, \PN1, PN2, ...PNn (examples for these classes are: combining, non-spacing, numdigit, separator, currency symbol). They can be combined with literals and constants like:<br>[abc\U10A\p1,3,4]
+ POSIX classes: :alnum:, :digit:, :upper: etc.
+ the same special options apply here as to the UTBM search engine
- Both search engines are based on the same core class to allow for variable search actions.

There is currently no demo project included but the Unicode edit control which is soon to be released will contain one which makes heavy use of the Unicode library.

This library will be part of the JEDI VCL collection (see also Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?) called JCL. According to the rules which apply to this collection the Unicode library is published under the GPL or a similar licence (the final decision is still notmet, as far as I know).

Have fun and

Ciao, Mike
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

TPerlRegEx is a Delphi VCL wrapper around the open source PCRE library, which implements Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions.

This version of TPerlRegEx is compatible with the TPerlRegEx class in the RegularExpressionsCore unit in Delphi XE. In fact, the unit in Delphi XE is derived from the version of TPerlRegEx that you are using now.

The supplied pcrelib.dll contains PCRE 7.9, compiled with Unicode support. The supplied OBJ files contain PCRE 7.9, compiled with Unicode support. By default, the OBJ files are used. You can use the DLL if you have multiple applications using TPerlRegEx and you don't want to waste space by linking the OBJ files to be linked into each of those applications.

For more information about PCRE, please visit Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

For more information about regular expressions in general, please visit Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

You can download the latest version of TPerlRegEx at Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

TPerlRegEx is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 1.1.

This new version of TPerlRegEx descends from TObject. There are no packages to install into Delphi and nothing appears on the component palette. Simply add PerlRegEx to the uses clause of any units you want to use it in. There's no need to add the pcre unit to the uses clause. This unit is used internally by TPerlRegEx.

********** FastCode Libraries **********

.. What is does ..

The following library will replace the current RTL
code used by your application(s) with faster and
optimized for the latest processors.

Currently the following functions are supported:



Non - RTL Functions:


(and more to come ...)
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