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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок) 5

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У меня проблем не возникло, только есть видимые косяки в коде. В частности хинты выходят за пределы экрана и т.д.
Уважаемые кодеры-форумчане!
У кого нибудь есть нормальный компонент работающий с архивами 7z версии 9.2 и Delphi 2010 и выше?
Сейчас пользуюсь ziptv но он косячит - не распаковывает архивы(((, работает с dll 7z только старой версии
Содержание Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 Partner DVD:

---RAD Studio XE2 submissions:
-RAD Studio Exclusive
GenHelpPro (ID #28386)
-RAD Studio Open Source
CnPack IDE Wizards 0.9.9 RC3 (ID #28385)
JEDI Code Library 2.3 (ID #28416)
JEDI Visual Component Library 3.45 (ID #28421)
-RAD Studio Shareware
Resource Builder (ID #28441)
-RAD Studio Trial
AnyDAC for Delphi Win32 and Win64 (ID #28432)
Dew Lab Studio 2012 (ID #28411)
TeeChart Standard for FireMonkey Demo (ID #28439)
TMS Advanced Toolbars & Menus (ID #28377)
TMS Async32 (ID #28370)
TMS Grid Pack (ID #28369)
TMS GUIMotions (ID #28378)
TMS Instrumentation Workshop (ID #28371)
TMS Security System (ID #28374)
TMS Smooth Controls pack (ID #28372)
TMS TAdvMemo (ID #28375)
Visual Build Professional (ID #28349)
-RAD Studio IDE Only
VCL Scheduling Agent (ID #28442)

---Delphi XE2 submissions:
-Delphi Binaries
CodeHealer source code analysis and verification tool for Delphi (ID #23768)
JSDialog Pack (ID #28419)
ModelMaker Code Explorer Trial for Delphi XE2 (ID #28384)
ProDelphi - Profiler for 32bit Delphi - apps (ID #28357)
ProDelphi64 - Profiler for 64bit - Delphi apps (ID #28358)
RegexBuddy 3.5.3 (ID #28367)
RegexMagic 1.2.3 (ID #28366)
Sisulizer (ID #28422)
-Delphi Components
CadoDraw Vector Graphics UI Engine (ID #28355)
Chant Developer Workbench 2011 (ID #28404)
CrossTalk (ID #28425)
Data Access Components for MySQL (MyDAC) with 64-bit Support (ID #28392)
dbExpress driver for InterBase and Firebird with 64-bit Support (ID #28400)
dbExpress driver for MySQL with 64-bit Support (ID #28398)
dbExpress driver for Oracle with 64-bit Support (ID #28397)
dbExpress driver for PostgreSQL with 64-bit Support (ID #28401)
dbExpress driver for SQL Server with 64-bit Support (ID #28399)
dbExpress driver for SQLite with 64-bit Support (ID #28402)
Delphi Relax (REst LAyer eXtension) (ID #28433)
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) with 64-bit Support (ID #28394)
LMD-Tools 2011 SE for Delphi XE2 (ID #28428)
LMDVCL Complete 2011 for Delphi XE2 (ID #28429)
Magenta Systems TMagRas RAS Component (ID #27889)
Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with 64-bit Support (ID #28391)
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) with 64-bit Support (ID #28395)
ReportBuilder Trial for Delphi XE2 (ID #28431)
SQL Server Data Access Components (SDAC) with 64-bit Support (ID #28393)
TDESCrypt component (ID #27890)
TRichView editor for Delphi XE2 (VCL) (ID #28410)
TUsers Security Component v2.0 (ID #28424)
Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) with 64-bit Support (ID #28396)
-Delphi Database
dbexpca400 (ID #28436)
TurboDB 6 for VCL (ID #28356)
-Delphi Documentation
Blaise Pascal Magazine Library (ID #28412)
-Delphi Help File
GenHelpPro Help Authoring Tool (ID #28388)
HelpScribble 7.8.1 (ID #28417)
-Delphi OpenTools
XE2 Plus Pack (ID #28418)
-Delphi Source Code
DD Service Application Framework (ID #28354)
ICS - Internet Component Suite (ID #28347)
Magenta Systems Check Disk and Format Disk component (ID #27892)
Magenta Systems Code Signing Trust and Certificate Check (ID #27898)
Magenta Systems File Transfer Components (ID #27894)
Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components (ID #27893)
Magenta Systems Internet Protocol Helper Component (ID #27896)
Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component (ID #27895)
Magenta Systems Mail Queue Component (ID #28363)
Magenta Systems WMI and SMART Component (ID #27897)
MidWare multi-tier framework (ID #28348)
Windows XPE Enhanced Write Filter header conversion (ID #27891)
ZaphodsMap v1.042 X-Platform Configuration System for Delphi XE2 (ID #28390)

---C++Builder XE2 submissions:
-C++Builder Components
Chant Developer Workbench 2011 (ID #28403)
LMD-Tools 2011 SE for C++Builder XE2 (ID #28427)
-C++Builder Help File
GenHelpPro Help Authoring Tool (ID #28387)
-C++Builder Source Code
LMDVCL Complete 2011 for C++Builder XE2 (ID #28430)
OWLNext (Object Windows Library) (ID #28415)
Devexpress 2011 vol1.6 У меня проблем не возникло, только есть видимые косяки в коде. В частности хинты выходят за пределы экрана и т.д.

Нашел отличие от v57. Оно заключается разной обработке TcxPageControl (pages и tabs).
Вообщем, сразу приложение не захотело компилироваться без ошибок. Но, 30 мин на разборку и все ОК. Фух.
Исправление (моё :) ) косяка с хинтами для DevExpress v2011 VOL***

procedure TcxBaseHintWindow.ActivateHint(ARect: TRect; const AHint: string);
if not IsMonitorValid(ARect.TopLeft) then Exit;
if FStandardHint then
FActivating := True;
Caption := AHint;
{!!!} SetBounds(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, cxRectWidth(ARect), cxRectHeight(ARect));
SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, Width, Height,
FHintAreaBounds := cxEmptyRect;
FLastActive := GetTickCount;
FActivating := False;
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