1. szSQLWaitTimeout new database parameter, by default it is equal False (public variable SQLWaitTimeout = 0 by default)
2. bugfix: TSDTable does not use default index to order records, when DefaultIndex = True (TSDTable does not request index info, when DefaultIndex=False and UpdateMode=upWhereAll and IndexName property is empty)
3. bugfix: live query generates an invalid insert statement, when the query has similar fields, like 'ID' and 'ID_MAIN' (Delphi6+)
4. bugfix: OnUpdateRecord handler, which returns UpdateAction=uaSkip, is called repeatedly for the same inserted records
5. bugfix: only the 1-st character of string parameter is stored, when sub-select is executed after Prepare call (OLEDB&MSSQL)
6. bugfix: "Invalid input parameter values..." error, when a prepared query is executed with NULL(empty) parameter value, which is bound to NOT NULL column (OLEDB&MSSQL)
7. bugfix: hourglass cursor is not changed to default, when TSDUpdateSQL Editor is opened firstly
8. bugfix: hourglass cursor is not changed after Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; SDDatabase1.Connected := True; Screen.Cursor := crDefault, when SQLWaitTimeout > 0