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Я ищу ElevateDB. мы надеемся, версия 1,07. Может ли кто-нибудь помочь?

I am looking for ElevateDB. hopefully version 1.07. Can anyone help?
TMS Component pack v4.6.0.4 : update Feb 9, 2008

Update : TAdvTaskDialog v1.2.8.0
- Improved : display of disabled task button
Update : TAdvTabSet v1.5.5.1
- Fixed : issue with DisplToRealTabIndex
Update : T(DB)Planner v2.5.6.3
- Fixed : issue with completion display for spRight sidebar
- Fixed : issue with item times when setting Planner.Display.DisplayText
Update : THTMLTreeView v1.1.1.3
- Fixed painting issue with images & checkbox
Update : TTreeList v1.0.0.5
- Fixed image drawing issue with XP themes
Update : TWebUpdate v2.0.5.0
- New : event OnBeforeDownload triggered before getting "What's new" file.
Update : TAdvToolBar v3.0.9.0
- New : method ArrangeToolBars added in TAdvDockPanel
Update : TAdvProgressBar v1.1.2.5
- Fixed : possible div by zero in calculation
Update : TAdvStringGrid v4.0.1.0
- New : Navigation.MoveScrollOnly property added to always only perform scrolling and no selection change
when pressing Up/Down/Next/Prior/Home/End
- Fixed : issue with GetParentRow() with collapsed nodes
- Fixed : issue with searchpanel & filtered grid
- Fixed : issue with tab key & rare combination of readonly & merged cells
- Improved : search footer FindNext/FindPrevious scroll in view on found cells
Update : TDBAdvGrid v2.1.6.3
- Fixed : issue with disjunct row select & db indicator move

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?
Последнее редактирование модератором:

Hello Aliba, these link show me a 10.06 version, with contain a bug, and my application work in area with these bug... a need a 10.07 version, these bug is fixed in these version.

Fellipe H.
can somebody crack that ExceleTel TeleTools 3.7 Enterprise ?
please ?

Use the most recent Serial-Keygen for the Enterprise-Edition :
Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

It is working fine with the TeleTools package ("00016864.EXE") for D5,D6,D7,and the BCB's which is currently available for download.

Oh, yes, not to forget the PW to open the KG archive: it is "dumpz".
[Request] IntraWeb 9.0 for D2006

Request IntraWeb 9.0 from atozed.com Hearing good things about it.
Found an old version at Fixdown but it only has DCU and no way to install.
Thanks in advance :)
Не знает ли кто компонент для построения подобного рода графиков для звуковых файлов? Название или исходники.

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