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Компоненты к Delphi (каталог ссылок)

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Очень нужен FastCube, или RadarCube, или PivotCube, или ещё какой-нибудь куб для отображения диаграм как в Access PivotChart. Поделитесь, пожалуйста...

При запуске установленного приложения - выскакает окно EurekaLog об ошибки
"Error reading _1.P: Property P does not exist."
в модуле rtl100.bpl
При выходе выскакивает другая ошибка
Access violation at address 0087D1EC in module 'delphiforphp.exe'

Похоже что-то недокрякано



Thx to feandy!
P.S. Mirrors are prohibited by author!!!
Последнее редактирование модератором:
CodeGear Delphi for PHP v2.1.0.1062

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

r638 | jleon | 2008-07-16 11:37:31 +0200 | 1 line

+Added resources for code formatter self testing
r637 | jleon | 2008-07-16 11:30:45 +0200 | 10 lines

+Added more primitives for self testing system
+Added more tests
+Added more information when there is an error executing apache from the IDE
+Added more types of logs for self testing, Multiline and File Comparison
+Fixed bug pasting into an HTML surface
+Fixed bug in Code Insight showing private members of a class
+Fixed bug in Code Insight showing virtual properties from classes not inheriting from Object
+Fixed bug executing Apache server in machines with specific configuration
+Improved dropping of components in templated forms
+Fixed bug selecting HTML elements from the OI
CodeGear Delphi for PHP v2.1.0.1062

Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

r638 | jleon | 2008-07-16 11:37:31 +0200 | 1 line

+Added resources for code formatter self testing
r637 | jleon | 2008-07-16 11:30:45 +0200 | 10 lines

+Added more primitives for self testing system
+Added more tests
+Added more information when there is an error executing apache from the IDE
+Added more types of logs for self testing, Multiline and File Comparison
+Fixed bug pasting into an HTML surface
+Fixed bug in Code Insight showing private members of a class
+Fixed bug in Code Insight showing virtual properties from classes not inheriting from Object
+Fixed bug executing Apache server in machines with specific configuration
+Improved dropping of components in templated forms
+Fixed bug selecting HTML elements from the OI

Thank you.

But this seem trial version !

Is there crack for this !?
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Помогите найти xlsreadwriteII 4, т.к. нужна поддержка 2007го Екселя.

Нашел регистрационное письмо для lsreadwriteII 4 и других (этой же фирмы), но логина нет.
Authorization Required
Сильно сложно обойти такое?
ццц.axolot.com /components/ regxlsii40/ xlsrwii4_ d2007 _reg.exe
(ццц-на www, убрать пробелы)
Hi 2 all!

I'm looking for "Bind to EXE library for Delphi/C++ Builder" or something similar.
here is home page Как увидеть ссылки? | How to see hidden links?

And right here is the description: :D


Bind to EXE library enables your application to bind/extract a collection of files to/from an executable file at runtime. Thus, with this library, you can make an "executable file factory", which can produce different executable files with different resource files embedded in it. Screen saver builder, upx, aspack, Pano2exe, WinZip's SFX, etc. all fall into such "executable file factory" and can be implemented by Bind to EXE library with a few lines of codes.
Закрыто для дальнейших ответов.