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Lord Ficus

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Всего 7 альбомов текстур, итак по порядку:

Seamless Textures 1 - General Purpose Surfaces

Includes a varied assortment of textures you can use in just about any application.

Includes bricks, roofing, grass, woods, rusted and aged surfaces, etc. - and all seamlessly tileable. Also Included are matching bump maps for each texture

Seamless Textures 2 - Rustic Exterior Surfaces

A super library of rustic outdoor textures for use in just about any application

310 seamless and tileable textures, all created from photos shot in remote, rural area. Includes plenty of aged doors, windows, concretes, rust, woods and much more. Also includes 310 matching bump maps. Resolution: 3 sizes each -- Large avg. 1280x1024.

Seamless Textures 3 - Ultimate Interior Surfaces

[/COLOR]302 seamless and tileable textures, all created by hand or from photos. Includes a broad selection of carpeting, floor tiles, wallpaper, marbles, parquet floors, etc. Also includes 302 matching bump maps. Resolution: 4 sizes -- Largest (XL) avg. 3500x2500. Special bonus: Interior Color Guide.[/B]

Seamless Textures 4 - Classic Stonework

Castles, walls, floors, bridges, etc. Textures you can't find anywhere else!

348 seamless textures and bump maps, created from photos of historic stonework on buildings in Europe and North America. Use these to build the castle of your dreams, for architectural renderings, game graphics, or any other application requiring stonework. You can't find these textures anywhere else!


Seamless Textures 6 - Classic Architectural Ornament

Add the dramatic elements of classic
architecture to your graphics work.

This unique library of 325 textures offers you old-world architectural elements like those found on the world's greatest classic structures. Created by award-winning artist Eni Oken, known worldwide for her stunning texture creations. Features arches, wall backgrounds and patterns, windows, doors, frames and tiles. Bonuses include a tutorial by Eni Oken and photographs for inspiration and reference


Seamless Textures 10 - Rooftop Materials

Virtually all categories of roofing textures essential to many applications, including architectural visualizations and game development

Includes hard-to-find Clay Tile, Asphalt, Shingle, Slate, Metal and other useful roofing textures - and all seamlessly tileable. Also Included are matching bump maps for each texture


Virtual Trees & Foliage Alpha Maps

This fantastic library provides 202 tree and foliage textures, all provided in alpha map texture form with defined transparency. Includes two royalty free Viewpoint Digital tree 3D models


Последнее редактирование модератором:
Virtual Trees & Foliage Alpha Maps
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22380773/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part1.rar.html
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22383636/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part2.rar.html
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22386236/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part3.rar.html
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22386573/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part4.rar.html

пишет bad rapideshare link ((((((((
azzy77 сказал(а):
Virtual Trees & Foliage Alpha Maps
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22380773/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part1.rar.html
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22383636/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part2.rar.html
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22386236/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part3.rar.html
_http://rapidshare.de/files/22386573/MarlinStudiosVirtualTrees_Foliage_monsterteam.info _.part4.rar.html

пишет bad rapideshare link ((((((((

Определенно файлы отсутствуют на сервере :(
Все понял! проверьте линки! в них НЕ ДОЛЖНО БЫТЬ ПРОБЕЛОВ!!!
Точнее не должно быть пробела между info и нижним подчеркиванием.
А первое сразу убирал, ну не совсем же олень:)
Спасибо все получилось.
MARLIN STUDIOS - Seamless Textures 8 - Absolute Metal Surfaces


The Numbers
- 341 textures in high-quality JPG format, all seamlessly tileable
- 57 color swatch textures from the Periodic Table
- 284 matching bump maps (975 total)
- 10 clip maps included, with transparency defined
- 12 Logical texture categories
- 3 sizes per texture: Large (1600x1200), Medium, (66& of Large) and Small (33% of Large)
- 3 sizes per bump map: Large , Medium, and Small

More info: _http://www.marlinstudios.com/products/st8/st8.htm

Извиняюсь за тупой вопрос. Я сам не 3дешник. Друг архитектор, вот думаю для него списать.
Скажите, там эти текстуры в виде материалов, или просто джипеги?
Т.е. можно ли их прицепить к 3д максу как библиотеку, или нужно будет материалы самому создавать?
...похоже ветка умерла

...текстуры нікого не интересуют

...а меня да

и даже очень
Последнее редактирование модератором:

Замки, стены, полы, мосты и многое, многое другое. Текстуры, которые вы больше нигде не найдете!
348 текстур и рельефных поверхностей, созданных на основе фотографий исторических монументальных каменных сооружений Европы и Северной Америки. Используйте их для того, чтобы создать замок вашей мечты, для рендеринга зданий и архитектурных сооружений, графики в играх!

Размер: 606.4MB

Marlin Studios. Seamless Textures 5 - Downtown Surfaces & Signs


Самая полная библиотека городских текстур!
Библиотека содержит 390 городских текстур и 105 знаков, что позволит вам создать детальную сцену улицы или полный городской ландшафт. Представлены текстуры как современных зданий, так зданий старой постройки. Включены клип-карты с альфа-каналами.

Размер: 394МБ
