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Common Eye Diseases and their Management


Name: Common Eye Diseases and their Management, 3rd ed.
Author: N.R. Galloway,W.M.K. Amoaku, P.H. Galloway and A.C. Browning
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XVIII
Pages: 224
Illustrations: 146 illus., 102 in colour
ISBN: 1-85233-985-3
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 6.21 Mb

Written for: Ophthalmologists-in-training, optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, general practitioners, residents.

Since the last edition was published, the teaching of Ophthalmology at primary care level has become more rather than less important. The specialty has developed more subspecialties, and the referring doctor has to have a good knowledge of these in order to make appropriate referrals. An increased emphasis on screening has made it necessary for the primary care doctor to have a basic knowledge of eye diseases. This applies particularly to glaucoma and diabetic eye disease. The management of eye conditions in the elderly is also an important and increasing primary care problem.

Essential for medical students and general practitioners as well as optometrists and nurses, the book is problem-orientated and deals with the science of Ophthalmology at a basic level. This third edition includes more and better colour illustrations and the text is kept simple but explanatory. The authors’ aim is to avoid technical terms where they can be replaced by plain English.

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Computational Cell Biology


Name: Computational Cell Biology
Author: Christopher P. Fall
Publisher: Springer
Series: Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
Year: 2004 (Corr. 3rd printing)
Volume: XX
Pages: 468
Illustrations: 210
ISBN: 0-387-95369-8
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 5.77 Mb

Written for: senior undergradute 1st year gradute students.

This textbook provides an introduction to dynamic modeling in cell biology, emphasizing computational approaches based on realistic molecular mechanisms. It is designed to introduce cell biology and neuroscience students to computational modeling, and applied mathematics students, theoretical biologists, and engineers to many of the problems in dynamical cell biology. This volume was conceived of and begun by Professor Joel Keizer based on his many years of teaching and research together with his colleagues. The project was expanded and finished by his students and friends after his untimely death in 1999. Carefully selected examples are used to motivate the concepts and techniques of computational cell biology, through a progression of increasingly more complex and demanding cases. Illustrative exercises are included with every chapter, and mathematical and computational appendices are provided for reference. This textbook will be useful for advanced undergraduate and graduate theoretical biologists, and for mathematics students and life scientists who wish to learn about modeling in cell biology. Royalties from this book will be donated to the Joel E. Keizer memorial endowment for collaborative interdisciplinary research in the life sciences.

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Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems


Name: Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems. Volume I
Author: Francisco Facchinei, Jong-Shi Pang
Publisher: Springer
Series: Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Year: 2003
Volume: XXXII
Pages: 728
Illustrations: 5
ISBN: 0-387-95580-1
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 3.27 Mb

Written for: Researchers, graduate students.

This comprehensive book presents a rigorous and state-of-the-art treatment of variational inequalities and complementarity problems in finite dimensions. This class of mathematical programming problems provides a powerful framework for the unified analysis and development of efficient solution algorithms for a wide range of equilibrium problems in economics, engineering, finance, and applied sciences. New research material and recent results, not otherwise easily accessible, are presented in a self-contained and consistent manner. The book is published in two volumes, with the first volume concentrating on the basic theory and the second on iterative algorithms. Both volumes contain abundant exercises and feature extensive bibliographies. Written with a wide range of readers in mind, including graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, optimization, and operations research as well as computational economists and engineers, this book will be an enduring reference on the subject and provide the foundation for its sustained growth.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems


Name: Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems. Volume II
Author: Francisco Facchinei, Jong-Shi Pang
Publisher: Springer
Series: Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Year: 2003
Volume: XXXII
Pages: 704
Illustrations: 12
ISBN: 0-387-95581-X
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 3.25 Mb

Written for: Researchers, graduate students.

This comprehensive book presents a rigorous and state-of-the-art treatment of variational inequalities and complementarity problems in finite dimensions. This class of mathematical programming problems provides a powerful framework for the unified analysis and development of efficient solution algorithms for a wide range of equilibrium problems in economics, engineering, finance, and applied sciences. New research material and recent results, not otherwise easily accessible, are presented in a self-contained and consistent manner. The book is published in two volumes, with the first volume concentrating on the basic theory and the second on iterative algorithms. Both volumes contain abundant exercises and feature extensive bibliographies. Written with a wide range of readers in mind, including graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, optimization, and operations research as well as computational economists and engineers, this book will be an enduring reference on the subject and provide the foundation for its sustained growth.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design


Name: Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design: A Hands on Approach
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2006
Volume: XIII
Pages: 342
ISBN: 0-387-28593-8
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 3.14 Mb

Written for: Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as scientists and professionals in computer science and engineering with an interest in these areas.

Switching theory and logic design provide mathematical foundations and tools for digital system design that is an essential part in the research and development in almost all areas of modern technology. The vast complexity of modern digital systems implies that they can only be handled by computer aided design tools that are built on sophisticated mathematical models. Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design is aimed at providing an accessible introduction to these mathematical techniques that underlie the design tools and that are necessary for understanding their capabilities and limitations.

As is typical to many disciplines a high level of abstraction enables a unified treatment of many methodologies and techniques as well as provides a deep understanding of the subject in general. The drawback is that without a hands-on touch on the details it is difficult to develop an intuitive understanding of the techniques. We try to combine these views by providing hands-on examples on the techniques while binding these to the more general theory that is developed in parallel. For instance, the use of vector spaces and group theory unifies the spectral (Fourier-like) interpretation of polynomial, and graphic (decision diagrams) representations of logic functions, as well as provides new methods for optimization of logic functions.

Consequently, Fundamentals of Switching Theory and Logic Design discusses the fundamentals of switching theory and logic design from a slightly alternative point of view and also presents links between switching theory and related areas of signal processing and system theory. It also covers the core topics recommended in IEEE/ACM curricula for teaching and study in this area. Further, it contains several elective sections discussing topics for further research work in this area.

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General Relativity


Name: General Relativity
Author: I. B. Khriplovich
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Volume: X
Pages: 160
Illustrations: 10
ISBN: 0-387-25643-1
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 0.76 Mb

Written for: Graduate students and researchers in General Relativity, Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics, and Plasma Physics.

This book offers an alternative to other textbooks on the subject, providing a more specific discussion of numerous general relativistic effects for readers who have knowledge of classical mechanics and electrodynamics, including special relativity. Coverage includes in particular gravitational lensing, signal retardation in the gravitational field of the Sun, the Reissner-Nordström solution, selected spin effects, the resonance transformation of an electromagnetic wave into a gravitational one, and the entropy and temperature of black holes. The book includes numerous problems at various levels of difficulty, making it ideal also for independent study by a broad readership of advanced students and researchers.

I.B. Khriplovich is Chief Researcher, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, and Chair of Theoretical Physics at Novosibirsk University. Dr. Khriplovich is a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He has been awarded the Dirac Medal ``For the advancement of theoretical physics'' by University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, and the Pomeranchuk Prize ``For outstanding contribution to the understanding the properties of the standard model, especially for illuminating work on weak and strong interactions of quarks'' by the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia.

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Robert H. Crabtree The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals


Hardcover: 560 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 4 edition (May 5, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0471662569

Organometallic compounds, with their metal-carbon bonds (e.g., WMe6), lie at the interface between classical organic and inorganic chemistry in dealing with the interaction between inorganic metal species and organic molecules.

...provides an introduction to the principles and general properties of organometallic compounds...supplies practical information about reaction mechanisms...

http://rapidshare.de/files/34055029/Grabtree_R.H._The_organometallic_chemistry_of_the_transition_metals__4ed__Wiley__2005__552s_.pdf.html ~7 Mb
Не попадалась ли кому-нибудь на глаза Г.Е.Пикус Основы теории полупроводниковых приборов или ее более современный аналог ?(но не хуже по содержанию)
Инженерные расчеты в MathCAD. Учебный курс

Инженерные расчеты в MathCAD. Учебный курс

Е. Макаров
Инженерные расчеты в MathCAD. Учебный курс

Формат: DjVu
Язык: Русский

Издательство: Питер, 2003 г.
Мягкая обложка, 448 стр.
ISBN 5-94723-530-7
Тираж: 4000 экз.
Формат: 70x100/16

От издателя

Эта книга посвящена практическим аспектам применения популярного математического пакета в инженерных и научных расчетах. Автор — опытный преподаватель, давно и активно использующий Mathcad в своей работе, — делится с читателями накопленными хитростями и тонкостями. Краткая вводная часть поможет познакомиться с основными возможностями Mathcad и быстро перейти непосредственно к расчетам. Особое внимание уделено программированию в Mathcad. Приведены примеры решения инженерных задач, включая расчеты по сопротивлению материалов, электротехнике, математической статистике, динамики и прочности конструкций.

Книга рассчитана как на начинающих осваивать Mathcad, так на опытных пользователей, применяющих этот пакет в своей каждодневной работе. Она будет полезна студентам, обучающимся по различным инженерным специальностям, а также уже практикующим инженерам.

Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials


Name: Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials
Author: George M. Phillips
Publisher: Springer
Series: CMS Books in Mathematics
Year: 2003
Volume: XIV
Pages: 312
Illustrations: 22
ISBN: 0-387-00215-4
Language: English
Filetype: Adobe PDF
Filesize: 1.98 Mb

Written for: Advanced undergraduates Graduate Studentsn/a n/a

This book covers the main topics concerned with interpolation and approximation by polynomials. This subject can be traced back to the precalculus era but has enjoyed most of its growth and development since the end of the nineteenth century and is still a lively and flourishing part of mathematics. In addition to coverage of univariate interpolation and approximation, the text includes material on multivariate interpolation and multivariate numerical integration, a generalization of the Bernstein polynomials that has not previously appeared in book form, and a greater coverage of Peano kernel theory than is found in most textbooks. There are many worked examples and each section ends with a number of carefully selected problems that extend the student's understanding of the text. George Phillips has lectured and researched in mathematics at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. His most recent book, Two Millenia of Mathematics: From Archimedes to Gauss (Springer 2000), received enthusiastic reviews in the USA, Britain and Canada. He is well known for his clarity of writing and his many contributions as a researcher in approximation theory.

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Механизмы внутриклеточной сигнализации


Крутецкая З.И., Лебедев О.Е., Курилова Л.С.
СПб.: Изд-во С. Петерб. Ун-та, 2003.
208 с, ил. 45
Формат: djvu (OCR)

От издателя
В монографии впервые в отечественной литературе обобщены современные литературные и собственные данные о структурно-функциональной организации известных в настоящее время клеточных сигнальных систем и составляющих их функциональных элементов.
Рассматриваются аденилатциклазная, фосфоинозитидная, гуанилатциклазная и тирозинкиназная системы внутриклеточной сигнализации, а также участие в передаче сигнала арахидоновой кислоты, продуктов ее окисления и других жирных кислот.
Особое внимание уделено механизмам формирования Са2+ сигналов в клетках. Детально рассмотрены механизмы мобилизации Са2+ из внутриклеточных депо и входа Са2+ в клетки из наружной среды.
Книга предназначена для физиологов, биофизиков, биохимиков, занимающихся проблемами внутриклеточной сигнализации, а также специалистов смежных биологических и медицинских дисциплин.

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Физика квантовой информации
The Physics of Quantum Information


Д. Боумейстер, А. Экерт, А. Цайлингер
Издательство: Постмаркет, 2002 г.
Твердый переплет, 376 стр.
ISBN 5-901095-10-3
Тираж: 2000 экз.
Формат: djvu

От издателя
Материал книги отражает новейшие достижения на новом, чрезвычайно актуальном направлении исследований, возникшем на стыке передовых областей науки - квантовой механики, оптики, лазерной физики, теории информации и программирования, дискретной математики.

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