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The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis vol.3
by Daniel Lednicer (Author), Lester A. Mitscher (Author)


Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 1 edition (November 29, 1984)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471092509
ISBN-13: 978-0471092506

Book Description
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 6 covers the literature on the synthesis of medicinal agents from 1994 to 1998. This well-received series meets the needs of practitioners in the field who seek a quick overview of the synthetic routes that have been used to access specific classes of therapeutic agents.
While most books on medicinal chemistry are organized on the basis of therapeutic or biochemical classes, materials in this series are arranged and discussed in terms of chemical structure. Thus, the preparation and detailed organic chemistry of the classes are presented in a unified way. Only drugs that have been granted a U.S. Adopted Name are included in this series.

Synthetic organic, pharmaceutical, medicinal, and heterocyclic chemists will find this series an invaluable resource for their research in the synthetic chemistry of drug development

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The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis vol.4
by Daniel Lednicer (Author), Lester A. Mitscher (Author)


Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 1 edition (June 11, 1990)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471855480
ISBN-13: 978-0471855484

Book Description
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 6 covers the literature on the synthesis of medicinal agents from 1994 to 1998. This well-received series meets the needs of practitioners in the field who seek a quick overview of the synthetic routes that have been used to access specific classes of therapeutic agents.
While most books on medicinal chemistry are organized on the basis of therapeutic or biochemical classes, materials in this series are arranged and discussed in terms of chemical structure. Thus, the preparation and detailed organic chemistry of the classes are presented in a unified way. Only drugs that have been granted a U.S. Adopted Name are included in this series.

Synthetic organic, pharmaceutical, medicinal, and heterocyclic chemists will find this series an invaluable resource for their research in the synthetic chemistry of drug development.

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Новые интеллектуальные материалы и конструкции. Свойства и применение
Серия: Мир материалов и технологий


К. Уорден
Издательство: Техносфера, 2006 г.
Твердый переплет, 224 стр.
ISBN 5-94836-065-2, 981-02-4776-1
Тираж: 2000 экз.
Формат: djvu

От издателя
Основное свойство "интеллектуальных" материалов и изделий состоит в способности реагировать на изменение внешних условий и условий эксплуатации. Они могут также ремонтировать себя или изменять свои функциональные характеристики.

В книге описаны системы волоконно-оптических датчиков, которые могут измерять деформацию, температуру и механическое напряжение. Обсуждаются способы реагирования интеллектуальных конструкций на возникающие резонансные колебания. Описаны сплавы, обладающие эффектом памяти формы, а также пьезокерамики, широко используемые в качестве датчиков в рассматриваемых структурах. Даны примеры применения магнитострикционных материалов в качестве активных приводов, реагирующих на изменение внешних условий. Описаны жидкостные интеллектуальные системы, способные изменить свое движение под действием электрического сигнала и вызывать появление реальных сил и смещений. Рассмотрены биоимплантанты и живые организмы, изучение которых облегчает разработку принципов работы новых интеллектуальных структур.

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Решебник Сборника задач по теоретической механике Мещерского

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И.В. Мещерский Сборник задач по теоретической механике
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Я скачиваю книги, часто это сканы в формате ПДФ, которые потом пережимаю в djvu, если не поленюсь буду здесь выкладывать. Кроме того оптимизировал несколько ПДФ файлов до приемлемого размера. Сравнивал, вроде качество практически не потеряно. Тоже пожалуй что-нибудь выложу. Если это кому вообще нужно
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Block Copolymers I (Advances in Polymer Science)
by V. Abetz (Contributor), N. Hadjichristidis (Contributor), H. Iatrou (Contributor), M. Pitsikalis (Contributor), P.F.W. Simon (Contributor), Volker Abetz (Editor)


Hardcover: 238 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 21, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540265805
ISBN-13: 978-3540265801

[6995 Kb]
Block Copolymers II (Advances in Polymer Science)
by M.L. Arnal (Contributor), V. Balsamso (Contributor), C. Coenjarts (Contributor), J.-F. Gohy (Contributor), M.A. Hillmyer (Contributor), M. Li (Contributor), A.J. Mьller (Contributor), C.K. Ober (Contributor), Volker Abetz (Editor)


Hardcover: 252 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 21, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540269029
ISBN-13: 978-3540269021

[4939 Kb]
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers
by Eugene A. Avallone (Author), Theodore Baumeister (Author)


Hardcover: 1792 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 10 edition (June 1, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0070049971
ISBN-13: 978-0070049970

Book Description
Newly revised and expanded Marks! TRY TO STUMP IT! Get your hands on the NEW MARKS and you'll solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily--guaranteed! 2,080 pages of mechanical engineering facts, figures, standards and practices; 3,000 illustrations and 900 tables clarify every important mathematical and engineering principle; collective knowledge of 168 experts helps you answer any analytical, design and application question you'll ever have; Most up-to-date engineering data available in a single source on networks, software, bar coding, electronic distance measurement, LSI and FLSI chips, optical design and more!

[21271 kB]
Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions: Based on the lectures of Professor V.I. Arnold
(The Kluwer International Series in Engineering & Computer Science)

by V.B. Alekseev (Author), Francesca Aicardi (Translator)


Hardcover: 269 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 31, 1899)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402021860
ISBN-13: 978-1402021862

Book Description
Do formulas exist for the solution to algebraical equations in one variable of any degree like the formulas for quadratic equations? The main aim of this book is to give new geometrical proof of Abel's theorem, as proposed by Professor V.I. Arnold. The theorem states that for general algebraical equations of a degree higher than 4, there are no formulas representing roots of these equations in terms of coefficients with only arithmetic operations and radicals. A secondary, and more important aim of this book, is to acquaint the reader with two very important branches of modern mathematics: group theory and theory of functions of a complex variable. This book also has the added bonus of an extensive appendix devoted to the differential Galois theory, written by Professor A.G. Khovanskii. As this text has been written assuming no specialist prior knowledge and is composed of definitions, examples, problems and solutions, it is suitable for self-study or teaching students of mathematics, from high school to graduate.

[4795 Kb]
Surface and Nanomolecular Catalysis
by Ryan Richards (Editor)


Hardcover: 552 pages
Publisher: CRC (May 25, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1574444816
ISBN-13: 978-1574444810

Book Description
Highlighting new instrumentation and experimental techniques-including high-throughput experimentation and combinatorial approaches-that are being employed to observe chemical reactions and molecular properties at the nanoscale, leading scientists from a diverse range of fields reveal new insights into the surface chemistry of catalysts and the reaction mechanisms that actually occur during catalysis. From fundamental concepts to future directions, Surface and Nanomolecular Catalysis offers a well-rounded compilation of noteworthy developments which will continue to expand and transform our understanding of catalysis, particularly in the context of clean energy and environmental applications such as fuel cells.


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Реакции: Vac
Handbook of Industrial Drying, Third Edition
by Arun S. Mujumdar (Editor)


Hardcover: 1281 pages
Publisher: CRC; 3 edition (November 8, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1574446681
ISBN-13: 978-1574446685

The Image Processing Handbook, Fifth Edition
by John C. Russ (Author)


Hardcover: 818 pages
Publisher: CRC; 5 edition (December 19, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0849372542
ISBN-13: 978-0849372544

Book Description
Image processing is used in a wide variety of applications to improve the visual appearance of images and to prepare images for measurement. Covering techniques for both tasks, this best-selling handbook presents an extensive collection of image processing tools to help readers understand methods used in packaged software and learn to program additions for applications. With over 600 new and revised illustrations, this edition expands discussions on deconvolution, extended dynamic range images, and multichannel imaging with new material on principal components analysis. It also includes a new chapter on human vision and discusses the latest technologies for image capture and printing.

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