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New Age / Relaxation [2]

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Mark O'Leary - Shamanic Voices (2007)

Mark O'Leary - Shamanic Voices (2007)


01 - rainmaker
02 - vardlokker
03 - natturer
04 - skjold
05 - faoi draoicht
06 - white moon
07 - fire ritual
08 - fifth world
09 - oracle
10 - altar of stone
11 - seidr
12 - dancing with the wolf
13 - oracle

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Hubert Bognermayer - Reincarnation & Karma (2006)

В российском издании серии "Эзотерическая музыка" издавались лучшие диски серии проекта Esovision. Данный диск - один из лучших во всей серии, в том числе и для применения в практике медитации.

Hubert Bognermayer - Reincarnation & Karma (2006)


01 - Karmic Energies
02 - Realm Of The Unborn
03 - Creatures Of Light
04 - Primary Source
05 - Initiation
06 - Petitionary Prayer

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Patrick Boland - Invitation (2009)

Patrick Boland - Invitation (2009)


1. All There Is Is This
2. You Are What You're Looking For
3. Awareness Is Ever There
4. Be A Lamp Unto Yourself
5. Only the Sound
6. The 'I Am' That You Are
7. A Hole In A Flute
8. Don't Disturb Your Mind
9. The Fragrance Of A Rose
10. We Dance 'Round In A Ring
11. We Are The Ocean And The Wave
12. The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within
13. You Can't Get There From Here

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Tina Turner & Dechen Shak Dagsay - Beyond Buddhist and Christian Prayers (2009)

Tina Turner, Dechen Shak Dagsay & Regula Curti
Beyond Buddhist and Christian Prayers (2009)


1. Beyond
2. Connecting Hearts
3. Sound of Mystic Law
4. Interlude One
5. Holy Praise
6. Heavenly Joy
7. Healing Power
8. Embracing Wisdom
9. Compassionate Love
10. Interlude Two
11. Purity of Mind
12. Dance with the Divine
13. Power of Forgiveness
14. Interlude Three
15. Devotion

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Wolpert & Wingfield - Stress Free (2009)

Идеальный диск для расслабления и снятия стресса. Нежные спокойные мелодии окутывают атмосферой покоя и безмятежности. Рекомендуется для прослушивания перед сном

Wolpert & Wingfield - Stress Free (2009)


01 - Free Your Mind
02 - basking in the sun
03 - getaway
04 - Dreaming In Azure
05 - infinite peace
06 - The Isle Of Bliss
07 - stress free

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